Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Training/Local training

Local training on Open Science for arts, design and music at partner institutions.

HES-SO, Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (ECAL, EDHEA, HEAD)

Date Title Convenor Target audience
November 15-16, 2022 Training to Research ECAL & Head-Genève MA students
November 22, 2022 from 12:45 to 13:30 Formation Open Access et ArODES Yoo-Mi Steffen ECAL Staff
March 8, 2023 from 12:45 to 13:30 Formation Open Access et ArODES Yoo-Mi Steffen ECAL Staff
March 21-23, 2023 Training to Research ECAL & Head-Genève MA students

HKB, Hochschule der Künste Bern

Date Title Convenor Target audience
April 17-21, 2023 Forschungstoolbox: Open Science for the Arts Luise Baumgartner and Robert Lzicar Students
Spring, 2023 Teaching in module “Copyright & Copyleft” Students



Programme of the local training at SUPSI (in Italian). Training at SUPSI has been provided in Italian. Recording and slides are available.

Date Title Convenor-s Format Target audience Recording Slides OSF Zenodo
March 15, 2023 Webinar: Copyright and Open Education Resources

[Original title: Il diritto d'autore nell'insegnamento e l'Open Access]

Suzanna Marazza, USI-CCDigitalLaw Webinar Academic staff Recording not edited
April 17, 2023 9:00-12:00 Introduction to copyright and open access, with a focus on social

[Original title: Introduzione al copyright e all'open access con un focus sui social media. Incontro dedicato agli studenti di comunicazione visiva]

Suzanna Marazza, USI-CCDigitalLaw Workshop in presence and recorded Students of visual communication Slides and audio on peertube
May 10, 2023 09.00–11.00 CET, SUPSI Mendrisio Open Access and institutional communication

[Original title: Open Access e comunicazione istituzionale]

Iolanda Pensa Workshop in presence with examples provided by the participants. Recorded Staff working in institutional communication Recording not edited (second part)
Oct 9, 2023 Open: How to Open Your Content and How to Re-Use Open Content Iolanda Pensa Workshop Students of the master of interaction design
[2]DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/EJP84 [3]
May 24, 2024 The Wikimedia projects: Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata

[Original title: I progetti Wikimedia: Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons e Wikidata]

Luca Martinelli (Wikimedia Italia)

organised by Roberta Martinis (SUPSI), Giovanni Profeta (SUPSI, IDe)

Workshop Students: Bachelor in Architecture, Interaction Design and Visual Communication

Edit training at SUPSI.

ZHDK, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Date Title Convenor Target audience
February 2023 Research in Times of Open Science on Open Science and current challenges for the science system Dr. Raffaela Kunz (Junior Fellow, Collegium Helveticum) Researchers
October 2023 OA-Week. Project presentations and round table discussion with the project members of Project Call #1 Researchers
November 2023 Two-hour "interne Weiterbildung" on "Research Data Management in the Arts" Researchers

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

Date Title Convenor
March 3, 2023 Open Science Day (in partnership with HSLU)
November 2023 Schweizer Bibliothekskongress 2023
Offenheit und Verantwortung zwischen Urheberrecht und Open Access: Gesprächsrund zu Effekten der URG-Revision von 2020 für das audio-visuelle Sammlungs- und Kulturgut in Schweizerischen Bibliotheken
Sandra Sykora, Cécile Villas, Pablo Mülller, Andreas Von Gunten, Tabea Lurk

HLSU, Lucerne School of Art and Design

Date Title Convenor
March 3, 2023 Open Science Day (in partnership with FHNW)
May 25, 2023 Hands-on-Workshop Open Access Simone Rosenkranz (Open Access HSLU) Rachel Mader (Head of Competence Center Art, Design & Public Spheres) and Suzanna Marazza (Legal Expert Ccdigitallaw, Supsi)
November 3, 2023 Panel discussion Offenheit und Verantwortung zwischen Urheberrecht und Open Access, Schweizer Bibliothekskongress organised and moderated by Tabea Lurk with Sandra Sykora, Cécile Villas, Pablo Mülller, Andreas Von Gunten
November 23, 2023 Workshop Multimedia Publishing in Practice Research Lucie Kolb (FHNW), Tabea Lurk (FHNW), Pablo Müller (Geschäftsstelle Forschung, HSLU DFK), Elke Rentemeister (HSLU DFK), Christina Zimmermann (HSLU DFK)