Oxford Food Symposium wikithon on Women and Food

This all-day Wikithon on Women and Food is hosted by the British Library for participants from the Oxford Food Symposium, with the aim of improving coverage and quality of pages about women and food: historic cookbook authors, nutritionists, food campaigners etc. Space at the British Library is limited, and priority given to Oxford Food Symposium members, but online support is always welcome!

Venue: British Library, Monday July 6th 2015. 10am-5pm.

Note that participants will need

  • a British Library reading card (they can get one at 9.30 if they do not have one already)
  • a laptop



(This is an incomplete list)

  • Andrew Dalby
  • Darra Goldstein
  • Ursula Heinzelmann
  • Bee Wilson
  • Sybil Kapoor
  • Malcolm Thick
  • Jane Levi
  • Marion Maule
  • Bel Castro
  • David Palfrey

Possible topics


See also


Subsequent Events
