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PetScan és una potent eina de consulta. Es prepara una consulta al formulari d'enviament de PetScan. A més, consulteu la justificació darrere d'aquesta eina.


PetScan pot generar llistes de pàgines de Viquipèdia (i projectes relacionats) o elements de Wikidata que coincideixen amb determinats criteris, com ara totes les pàgines d'una categoria determinada o tots els elements amb una propietat determinada. PetScan també pot combinar algunes llistes temporals (aquí anomenades "fonts") de diverses maneres per crear-ne una de nova. Les fonts inclouen:

Pàgines de Wiki(m/p)edia

Aquestes es defineixen a les pestanyes Categories, Propietats de la pàgina i Plantilles i enllaços. Podeu demanar pàgines en arbres de categories, amb plantilles específiques, o enllaços des de/a pàgines específiques; limiteu els vostres resultats a determinats espais de noms, edicions de bot/humanes, edicions recents/creació de pàgines, etc. Aquestes tres pestanyes representen l'antiga funcionalitat de CatScan2. El resultat de la vostra consulta es guarda posteriorment a la "font de la categoria".

Altres fonts

En aquesta pestanya, podeu afegir més fonts, com ara consultes Wikidata SPARQL (WDQS) o llistes PagePile. També podeu definir com combinar diverses fonts; per defecte, el subconjunt (és a dir, només les pàgines que es troben a totes les fonts) es retorna al resultat final. També podeu especificar a quina wiki voleu que indiqui la vostra llista, p. si combineu els resultats de Viquipèdia i Wikidata.


En aquesta pestanya, podeu anotar o "filtrar" més els vostres resultats, per exemple, retornar només elements de Wikidata que no tinguin declaracions. L'ús de qualsevol d'aquests filtres convertirà la vostra llista a Wikidata.


Aquí podeu especificar opcions per a la vostra llista, p. ex. el format (pàgina web, wiki, PagePile, etc.). També podeu filtrar més els resultats, p. ex. amb expressions regulars als títols de les pàgines/etiquetes d'elements. També podeu substituir la llista de resultats per una llista classificada de temes que falten ("enllaços vermells").

Definint la vostra consulta

Els camps que es poden establir al formulari de consulta són els següents:

Camp Significat Per defecte Nota
Llengua Seleccioneu el codi d'idioma del projecte, p. ex. "en" per l'anglès o "ca" pel català. Seleccioneu "commons" per a Wikimedia Commons "en"
Projecte Projecte Wikimedia a cercar (viquipèdia, viccionari, wikiversity, etc.) "wikipedia" NOTE: If you choose "Commons," be sure to go to the "Page properties" tab and check the "File" namespace to get useful results.
Profunditat Profunditat dels arbres de categories a cercar. 0 significa no utilitzar subcategories. "0"
Categories Llista de categories, una per línia sense la part "category:". Buit Si afegiu '|' i un número, s'establirà la profunditat d'aquest arbre de categories, substituint el que s'ha escollit al camp Profunditat.
Categories negatives Llista de categories com l'anterior. Només s'acceptaran articles que no estiguin inclosos en aquestes categories. Buit
Combinació Com s'han d'utilitzar les categories anteriors:
  • Llista de categories: Llista les subcategories
  • Intersecció: Totes les pàgines que es troben a tots els arbres de categories
  • Unió: Totes les pàgines que es troben almenys en un arbre de categories
  • Diferència: Totes les pàgines només en un dels arbres de categories
  • Com a mínim (N): Totes les pàgines que es troben en com a mínim N arbres de categoria

Les opcions disponibles actualment són "Subconjunt" o "Unió".

Espais de nom Els espais de nom a utilitzar com a pàgines potencials Articles
Redireccions Qualsevol
Plantilles Utilitzeu només pàgines que
  • Caixa 1: conté totes les plantilles proporcionades
  • Caixa 2: conté una de les plantilles proporcionades
  • Caixa 3: no conté cap de les plantilles proporcionades

Introduïu una plantilla per línia, sense el prefix "plantilla:". Cada quadre es pot qualificar seleccionant "Utilitza la pàgina de discussió"

Buit Aquesta opció només sembla compatible amb les plantilles definides a l'espai de nom "plantilla:". No es pot utilitzar amb plantilles definides a l'espai de noms "Usuari:". No es pot utilitzar als espais de noms "Creator:" o "Institution:" que s'utilitzen a Wikimedia Commons
Enllaçat des de:
Darrera edició Mostra pàgines l'última edició de les quals l'ha fet o no un bot, un usuari anònim, o està marcada Ambdues, ambdues, ambdues
Últim canvi Data o període de temps de l'últim canvi en la pàgina en el format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (és permès més curt) "Només les pàgines creades durant la finestra de temps anterior" us permet cercar el primer canvi
Mida Mida o rang de mida del fitxer en bytes Buit Permet la selecció d'articles els fitxers dels quals són superiors a un límit i/o inferiors a un altre límit
Enllaços Nombre o rang d'enllaços interns en la pàgina Buit Permet la selecció d'articles amb molts o pocs enllaços
Enllaços vermells
Categories superiors Funció que encara no està disponible.
Ordenació Característica que encara no està disponible, que establiria criteris d'ordenació per a la sortida.
Llista manual Permet proporcionar una llista de noms de pàgines (prefixats amb un espai de noms) o elements de Wikidata del projecte especificat La part complicada és especificar els projectes, els codis correctes són:
  • Viquipèdia en anglès: enwiki
  • Viquifont alemany: dewikisource o dewikisourcewiki
  • Viccionari grec: elwiktionarywiki
  • Viquinotícies en anglès: enwikinews
  • Wikidata: wikidatawiki
Wikidata Obtenir Wikidata, si està disponible.
Format Format de sortida dels resultats de la cerca:
HTML: pàgines web
CSV: valors entre cometes, separats per comes
TSV: valors separats per tabulacions
WIKI: com a Wikitable
PHP: com a fitxer PHP
XML: com a fitxer XML
Executa Premeu això per executar l'enviament que heu definit.


PetScan ID (PSID)

As of 2016-04-04, every query that gets run in PetScan is recorded (anonymously!) and assigned a unique, stable, numeric identifier called PSID. You can use the PSID to

  • run this PetScan query as an input in tools that support PSID (such as WD-FIST)
  • fill in a "short URL": will run the query with PSID, with all its settings
  • expand programmatically on a previous query, by "overwriting" parameters: will run the same query as before, but the output format will be wiki (instead of default HTML, or whatever was chosen originally).


  • Only the query will be stored, not its results!
  • Large queries (e.g. with many manual items) will not be stored. In that case, no PSID will be shown.
  • Results with an empty checkbox have possible matches within the Wikidata set.
  • the interwiki link petscan: can be used to generate shortcuts for permanent queries, eg. [[petscan:PSID]]
  • queries recorded are not deduplicated, so a new PSID will be generated each time unless an existing PSID is called without modification.

Create Wikidata items for Wikipedia articles that don't have one yet (Creator functionality)

  • Set up a query that returns a list of Wikipedia (or other, non-Wikidata project) pages, or paste a list into "Other sources/Manual list"
  • Under the "Page properties" tab, you should select "Redirects=No" This is done automatically now; you can change it back if you really want redirects in your list!
  • Under the "Wikidata" tab, select "Only pages without item" for the "Wikidata" option
  • Run query
  • Your results will have additional elements next to the "results" header (unless you are not logged into WiDaR, in which case you will see an appropriate link instead)
  • All pages for which there is no exact match in any label or alias on Wikidata are checked by default.
  • You can check/uncheck boxes manually now, if required.
  • You can add default statements into the statements box, which will be added to all your new items. So, if you only create items for people, add P31:Q5. You can add multiple statements this way (one per line). Do note that the case of P/Q needs to be in upper case – otherwise it will fail quietly.
  • You can add default descriptions to new items, such as Dde:"some description" for a German description.
  • Click the green "Start QS" button. This will open a new page.
  • You can click "Run" to run a batch in your browser, or "Run in background" to run them from a Wikimedia server. See Help:QuickStatements for more information.

Add/remove statements for Wikidata items

It is possible to add or remove statements for Wikidata items with PetScan. For this it is crucial that you choose "Wikidata" in "Other sources -> Use Wiki". Then you will see the command box next to the number and can continue as described in the previous section.


(V2 only) If you open PetScan from another tool to let the user create a query, you can pass the referrer_url and referrer_name (defaults to referrer_url) parameters. referrer_url should have a {PSID} string which will be replaced with the PSID the user sees. Once a query was run, a box at the top of the page will prompt the user to return to the original tool, using the PSID-modified referrer_url.


Articles d'un WikiProject

A request on the Talk page of this Manual: Find all mainspace articles within "WikiProject UK geography". Starting with a default PetScan submission form, just add "WikiProject UK geography" to the first box of the Templates row, and, just below, select "Use talk pages instead". Here is the query filled out. Hit "Do it!" at bottom. When run on 16 August 2015, the query required 1.5 seconds to run, and yielded a list of 21,408 articles. The list appears BELOW the submission form (which remains on your screen), so you have to scroll down to see the results.

Editors working on disambiguation seek to enlist members of a content area WikiProject, specifically WikiProject Canada, to help. A PetScan report is designed to find all articles having ambiguous links that are within the given WikiProject. Criteria applied:

  1. Articles having ambiguous links are within "Category:All articles with links needing disambiguation", so paste "All articles with links needing disambiguation" into the PetScan Categories field.
  2. Depth is set arbitrarily to 9, meaning that articles as far as 9 subcategories down from the "needing disambiguation" parent category will be found. (Searching to that depth is not necessary in this case but doesn't hurt.)
  3. Articles within WikiProject Canada have "Template:WikiProject Canada" on their talk pages, so paste "WikiProject Canada" into PetScan's "Has any of these templates" field, and just below select "Use talk pages instead" as a qualifier.
  4. Only regular articles, not disambiguation pages, are wanted, and disambiguation pages are distinguished by having template:disambiguation, so paste "Disambiguation" into PetScan's "Has none of these templates" field, and make sure "Use talk pages instead" is not selected.
  • These criteria are implemented by this PetScan submission form, filled out. To submit the query, select "Do it!" at the bottom.
  • When submitted on 16 August 2015, the query took 31 seconds to run, and results were a list of 255 articles. The results show BELOW the PetScan submission form, which remains in place, so you may see no change on your screen. You have to know to scroll down to find the results! That request was run with default Output format "HTML".
  • To obtain the results in a Wikitable, in order to share them at a subpage of the WikiProject, the request could be revised to select Format "WIKI". This time the results, in wikitable markup, replace the PetScan submission form on your screen.
  • To make a more useful list for disambiguators, set up so that DabSolver will open up on any item clicked, a several step process can be followed. Here the results were saved to Tab-Separated format instead, then brought into Excel, then a column was composed which concatenated simple text strings with the results, then that resulting column was copy-pasted. The results were pasted over to the English language Wikipedia page w:Wikipedia:Canadian Wikipedians' notice board/ArticlesNeedingDisambiguation2015-08-17 and were posted also within a scrolling window in discussion at the WikiProject Canada talk page. --Doncram (talk) 19:50, 24 August 2015 (UTC) link adjusted. DexDor (talk) 06:58, 29 March 2016 (UTC)

Detecció de pàgines que tenen una combinació anòmala d'espai de nom i categoria/-es

PetScan can be used to find pages that are in a category (or combination of categories) that is not appropriate for pages in a particular namespace - e.g. Wikipedia administration pages that are in a category that should only contain encyclopedic articles. This can then be fixed (e.g. by moving an article to the correct namespace or by editing a discussion to insert a missing ":" where a category is being referred to). The first step in this process is to identify (using PetScan) categories that cause incorrect categorization (e.g. Wikipedia administration categories that are in article categories).

Troba contribucions fotogràfiques no categoritzades a Commons en un idioma determinat

(Based on Grants:Learning patterns/Treasures or landmines: detecting uncategorized, language-specific uploads in Commons. See the motivation and full explanation there! Thank you to wikimedia user User:Spiritia and other contributors/commenters there for contributing this! )

Run a query using PetScan with the following settings:

Language = commons
Project = wikimedia
Depth = 1
Categories = Uncategorized files
Combination = ☑ Subset
Namespaces = ☑ File
Templates : Has all of these templates = <your language code> 
Format:  ☑ Extended data for files     ☑ File usage data

The English language code is "en"; the Romanian language code is "ro". To find uncategorized photos uploaded by users using Romanian language, a version of the query (with html output, and without autorun) is:

As of 15 March 2016, after hitting "run" the query requires about 105 seconds to finish, and yields 1748 uncategorized photos.


  1. The "Language =" field is not used to select the desired language; the desired language code is set in the "Template" field instead.
  2. The language code is case-sensitive in the query! So for example use "ro" not "RO".
  3. To generate the results there, Format: ☑ Wiki was chosen, instead of the default output of Html.

Enjoy! Thanks again to User:Spiritia especially!

Elements sense declaracions

The option "Has no statements" can be used to find:

Steps to import the template, some with PetScan.

  • Indicate the project on the 'Categories' tab. E.g. de for Language and wikipedia in Project to use the German language edition of Wikipedia.
  • In Other sources enter your SPARQL query
  • Make sure to select From categories from the Use wiki options
  • Press Do it

This could be useful to get the pageviews of a specific set of pages, based on a SPARQL query. You can save this to a Pagepile (check the Output tab), then enter that Pagepile ID in Massviews Analysis (select 'Page Pile' from the Source dropdown).

Get a list of Wikidata items with exclusions based on a SPARQL query

Let's say you got a list of people with Wikidata ID's (QIDs) that you want to add an occupation (P106) of 'jewellery designer' (Q2519376) to, maybe with a tool like QuickStatements. However, you don't want to add this occupation to items that already have that occupation. Here's how to do that with PetScan:

  • Have your list of QIDs in a text file, with each QID on a new line
  • In the tab 'Other sources', paste this text into the field called 'Manual list'
  • In the form 'Wiki' enter the string wikidatawiki
  • In the field 'SPARQL' enter your SPARQL query. In this example, this query will give all humans with an occupation of 'jewellery designer':
  • select ?item where { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P106 wd:Q2519376. }
  • Finally, you want to make an exclusion, so in the field 'Combination' add the string manual NOT sparql to get all the QIDs from the 'manual list', but without the items from the SPARQL query.
  • Hit 'Do it!'

Add your example here...

Bug reports, feature requests, code base

See also