Philip Greenspun illustration project/Payment

Philip Greenspun
illustration project

How it works
Get involved
Mailing list

For illustrators

Image guidelines

Make a request

Round 1

Request list

  • Most illustration requests will attract a payment of US$40.
  • Some simpler requests will be for US$15 and these will be specifically aimed at attracting new editors.
  • If some requests go unfulfilled, or for very complex requests, there may be a payment of US$80.

When the request list is publicised the payment amount will be listed along with the request. In all cases payment is subject to the image being approved by the Review group (and ultimately, the project coordinator) via the image acceptance guidelines. Minor problems are expected to be negotiated between the illustrator and the Review group before final approval.

Illustrators will always have the option of refusing payment, in which case the money will return to the pool to fund more illustrations.



No individual illustrator will receive more than US$600 per US financial year. (This avoids needing to collect social security numbers from US citizens.)

Payment will be made via Paypal. This means illustrators will need a Paypal account, if they don't have one yet.

Once illustrations have commenced, the project coordinator will record those illustrations (and thus authors) that have been selected for payment. Payments will be made twice a month, on the 15th and 31st of the month (or closest business day if those fall on a weekend or holiday).