Photography Competition of Assamese Wikipedia, 2021/Awards

HomeScope and GoalsRulesPrizesParticipantsJudges and CoordinatorsResults


  • 1st - INR 6,000/- Gift Voucher, a T-shirt, and certificate
  • 2nd -INR 5,000/- Gift Voucher, a T-shirt, and certificate
  • 3rd - INR 3,000/- Gift Voucher, a T-shirt, and certificate
  • 4th and 5th - INR 2,000/- Gift Voucher, a T-shirt, and certificate
  • 6th to 10th - INR 1,000/- Gift Voucher, a T-shirt, and certificate
  • Certificates for winners and winning entries will be displayed in front pages of Assamese wiki projects.