Priroda-Dossier writing contest 2021
English | Deutsch | Français | Italiano |
The competition is closed. Many thanks for the active participation.
Our goal is the complete representation of all Swiss protected area on OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Wikipedia (WP)! Writing contestFrom 15 October 2021 we are launching writing contest in four languages on the category of Protected areas of Switzerland. This virtual event will last until the end of November (Tuesday, 30 November). Every Monday we can meet virtually to compare our work, discuss questions, etc. The aim is:
This event is organized by the WMCH under the guidelines of Respectful behavior space policy. Missing articles and dataOnly on protected areas are hundreds of articles missing, as can easily be seen in the German-language list overview. Transferring these lists into the other languages would also be a good piece of hard work. The creation of Lists is possible and is evaluated like the creation of new articles. A good overview of all the areas in question is listed here.
participation terms
Everyone can take part. We welcome even the smallest improvements regarding protected areas in Switzerland within the following categories and in one of the four most spoken languages German, French, Italian or English. Any entry in any of these categories or its sub-categories is eligible to enter this competition:
The first access point is Wikipedia. However, contributions can also be made to Wikidata or Wikimedia Commons, which are intended to link the platforms together. If you are used to working with OpenStreetMap (or willing to learn to do so), your edits there also count.
Whatever you do, everything is worthwhile for us. Everything counts. Please add up the points of your work and enter your points in the personal table. At the end of this event, we will be pleased to offer some prizes to the best volunteers. Preparation of participationTo participate in this multilingual event, you must be logged in with Your account. This is also valid for all other Wikimedia projects except for OpenStreetMap (OSM). Please log in there additionally. Without an account we cannot track your contributions and you will not be able to count your points. Of course, you can also participate in this event without counting points. Please also register with OSM if you have not already done so. The instructions can be found at Here it is necessary to enter the hashtag #PrirodaProject for all edits (change set comments) so that they are included in the evaluation. If you have any questions about OSM, please check for help, for an introduction or contact Stefan Keller (stefan.keller ät
ScoringThe main focus is on writing content, but even small changes will improve our pages and your score. The following points catalogue gives you exact information about this. But it's also worth taking part if you don't have much experience with the projects yet. For this purpose, we have divided the table into "standard tasks" and " challenging tasks". It quickly becomes clear that you can get the most points for more ambitious work. Each person is responsible for his/her own score. Everyone can see the points of the other participants.
Link to the list of participants ResultsHere are the winnersCongratulation to all participants for their effort!
PricesOfficial pricesCompletion in the part of our article and data landscapes is a high value. We would like to give the work behind it a correspondingly high rating. In total, we are distributing more than CHF 1000. If there are two participants with the same number of points, both will receive the correspondingly higher prize and the next place will remain empty. We wish you exciting article work.