Punjabi Wikimedians/Punjabi Wikisource SDOC Pilot
This a pilot project for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons, run in 2019, which aims to practice the full Wikisource workflow, including uploading files to Wikimedia Commons in structured data format. It consists of
- Digitization of a small set of Punjabi books (in the Qissa genre)
- Upload of the digitized files to Wikimedia Commons, in structured data format
- Upload of the books' metadata (and author data) to Wikidata
- Indexing and transcribing the books on Wikisource
- Inclusion of the metadata of the books on Wikisource

Example structured data uploads of digitized publications that will be transcribed on Wikisource
- How to model such files in structured data?
- How to link them in Wikidata?
Outline of a good and efficient workflow, from digitization to upload to Commons, data entry in Wikidata, and integration and transcription on Wikisource
Documentation on how to upload files for Wikisource in structured data format on Wikimedia Commons.
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