Re-imagining UNLOCK/People involved

"Re-imagining UNLOCK – Building a new innovation format for the Movement"

The core process team


Re-Imagining UNLOCK was initiated by and is led by the team Innovation Engine by Wikimedia Deutschland (WMDE). The team is cooperating with the Wikimedia Community User Group Kenya, Wikimedia Community User Group Tanzania,Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda, Wikimedia Argentina and Wikimedia Serbia for the implementation of the process. The core process team is:

You can contact us directly at

Stakeholder involvement


Re-Imagining UNLOCK is a pan-Movement endeavor. Therefore, we rely heavily on the involvement of stakeholders. For this reason we have created a stakeholder map documenting relevant actors, to the best of our knowledge. Stakeholders are people already invested in recommendation no. 9 “Innovate in Free Knowledge” of the Movement Strategy 2030, or people who are interested in innovating in the context of the global Wikimedia Movement.

Map of stakeholders and actors involved in Innovation in Free Knowledge in the Wikimedia Movement, version 1 2023, created by Wikimedia Deutschland
Map of stakeholders and actors involved in Innovation in Free Knowledge in the Wikimedia Movement, version 1 2023, created by Wikimedia Deutschland

This stakeholder map is a living document. It will grow throughout the process as we continue to engage closely with Movement members. To identify the initial stakeholders, we referred back to connections we have already built throughout the years, scoured Meta-Wiki, the Movement Strategy Forum, and talked to peers.

These are the different categories of stakeholders we have identified:

  • Wikimedia Chapters (purple): This is one of the largest categories, covering all chapters worldwide thinking about and working on specific projects around innovation.
  • Regional user groups (pink): The second-largest category covers regional user groups, spanning from the Philippine Wikimedia Community to Wikimedia Côte d'Ivoire and the Igbo Wikimedia User Group.
  • Thematic user groups (red): This category covers groups such as Wikispore, AfroCROWD User Group and the Art+Feminism User Group.
  • Wikimedia Foundation (green): The Wikimedia Foundation, along with its strong software development department, has been pulling many resources into many new programs and projects over the years, ranging from work that explores oral citations to the need for an wikiproject incubator supporting new innovations.
  • Groups that work with, but also beyond Wikimedia projects (blue): Lastly, not all work on Wikimedia projects is done solely within the Wikimedia Movement, but branches out across and beyond the borders of our movement. Whose Knowledge? for instance centers the knowledges of marginalized communities online, including in Wikimedia projects. Wiki In Africa supports the aims and development of the Wikimedia Movement across the geographical space of Africa.
You feel that you are missing on this map? We would love to connect, feel free to reach out to us at!