
Non-Commercial Partnership of promotion of distribution of encyclopedic knowledge Wikimedia RU is a legally independent Russian Non-Governmental organization. Wikimedia RU is the part of the international Wikimedia Movement, all the participant of which share mission of collection, creation, management and dissemination of freely-accessible knowledge. Therefore, most activities of Wikimedia RU are related to the Wikipedia Internet Encyclopedia, the Wikipedia Movement's most important achievement up to date.

Wikimedia RU logo

Official report in Russin, at site of Russian Ministry of Justice

Report on used funds


  • Spendings of money received from Russian organizations and Russian citizens
    • Wikipedia 2015 & Free Knowledge prizes: 261 000 RUB
    • WLM 2015: 40 000 RUB
    • WLE 2014: 50 000 RUB
    • Wikimania 2015 participation: 186 000 RUB
    • CEE Meeting participation: 13 000 RUB
    • Wikimedia Conference participation: 2 000 RUB
    • Auditing: 123 000 RUB
    • Banking: 25 000 RUB
    • Office rent: 393 000 RUB
    • Know Moscow w/Wikipedia competition: 130 000 RUB
    • Genera spendings related to activities: 101 000 RUB
    • Salary and payments to related state foundations: 948 000 RUB
    • Taxes: 235 000 RUB
  • Spendings of money received from commercial activities[1]
    • Wikiconference 2015 conference: 130 000 RUB
    • Scientific-practical conference "Wikipedia and information society": 241 000 RUB
    • WLM 2015 creative competition: 170 000 RUB
    • 15 years to Bashkir Wikipedia creative competition: 14 000 RUB

  1. According to the law, it includes money received from sponsors of the conferences