Requests for comment/WY-pt rules infringements, abuse by the sysop
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I don't know what to do anymore, so I'm asking a opinion. The Wikivoyage - pt ceased to be a community with collaborative construction, to become a fiefdom where all our editions have to go through an approval of a nonexistent rules king. The user pt:User:Texugo, the only active sysop has created rules that do not exist, has not follow the rules, and has abused the administrative tools. The edition there became exhausting, discouraging and annoying, the opposite of what would be an environment for the production of free knowledge.
- Lets start
- Inventing rules
- Image policy: [1] As you can see, this rule has never existed in the Lusophone community [2]. And this is not a clear consensus in the community [3], and he is forcing this rule to others volunteers [4], [5], [6], [7]... he imported a rule of another community without telling Lusophone community.
- Nonsense "rule": [8], [9], [10] Even today he could not build the "rule", or write that, however, he claims that somewhere in the style guide, this rule exists, I lost time of my life looking for it, and not found voy:pt:Wikivoyage:Manual de estilo. And even if it existed, it would be a recommendation and should not be followed to the point of demotivating the volunteers, as he has done.
- Map rule:[11] There is no rule prohibiting the use of maps less bad, but he removes maps that have better quality, the excuse is that he follows a rule about maps, the only thing that exists is about maps: Who to draw a map, this is not a rule, is a help to draw a map...
- Non remove stupidity:[12] there are hundreds of articles with empty sections, completely useless, and he insists on leaving that, and could be placed when someone would write about them, or leave hidden until someone decide writing, there are no rules about that too...
- Removing valid information about safe:[13], He claims that this rule exists here (as you can see [14]): voy:pt:Wikivoyage:Modelo de artigo de cidade grande#Segurança, but as you can see here, this rule never existed in the pt community. Again, he imported a rule of another community without telling Lusophone community.
- Edition wars
- We have a list of articles that he starts a edition war:
- voy:pt:Oslo
- voy:pt:Nazaré
- voy:pt:Haifa
- voy:pt:Wikivoyage:Regras para imagens
I don't know what to do anymore, so I'm asking a opinion. The Wikivoyage - pt ceased to be a community with collaborative construction, to become a fiefdom where all our editions have to go through an approval of a nonexistent rules king. The user pt:User:Texugo, the only active sysop has created rules that do not exist, has not follow the rules, and has abused the administrative tools. The edition there became exhausting, discouraging and annoying, the opposite of what would be an environment for the production of free knowledge.
- Response: Please do not be fooled. Rodrigo has been a very rude, insulting, and uncooperative user on wv:pt:, banned multiple times in the past from wp:pt:, with previous complaints about him here on meta for rudeness and aggression. His complaints are not representative of other contributors. I have long been a well-respected, courteous, and collaborative contributor and an administrator on both en: and pt:, having curated this content responsibly since 2006. However, Rodrigo has apparently given himself the mission of defaming me as an administrator to get what he wants, which appears to be the elimination of most or all our guidelines and policies. Despite having once been an administrator there himself, he routinely denies the existence or legitimacy of existing policies and practices and/or blatently refuses to follow them. I have done nothing untoward, and his complaints are truly without foundation. His behavior has been essentially that of a troll, and with only one other admin who is inexperienced and rarely around, I have been doing my best to control the damage. Please see my comments below. Texugo (talk) 12:56, 30 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
- Lets start
- Inventing rules
- Image policy: [15] As you can see, this rule has never existed in the Lusophone community [16]. And this is not a clear consensus in the community [17], and he is forcing this rule to others volunteers [18], [19], [20], [21]... he imported a rule of another community without telling Lusophone community.
- Response: From the beginning pt: has followed en: image policy, and various other policies from en: currently in various states of completion with regards to translation and updating. This particular rule has always existed and been enforced on pt: (and en:) in practice since its inception, and is already thoroughly implemented throughout the body of content we have on pt:, being free of montages, images with borders, etc. On en: the rule was also followed from the beginning but unwritten until 2009, when it was added without discussion as an established practice. On pt:, it has continued to be followed but was unfortunately never written down. My addition to the policy page was merely a clarification of something that had already long been fully implemented across all our articles and did not introduce anything new in terms of content or practice. The bottom line is that, written policy or not, montages and the like have at no point in the past been accepted on pt:, so allowing them all of a sudden represents a change that needs to be discussed and agreed upon first. Rodrigo was told of this and asked to start a discussion about introducing montages, which he did. We have at maximum four users who ever participate in this type of discussion, and the discussion was long, involved Rodrigo making unfounded accusations of sock-puppetry, and resulted in an even split between the four people, with many of the objections unaddressed. Now he is bringing this to you in an attempt to sidestep the process of consensus for change and introduce what he wants based on a technicality. It simply won't do to introduce such sitewide changes based on a technicality of omission. Texugo (talk) 12:56, 30 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
- Nonsense "rule": [22], [23], [24] Even today he could not build the "rule", or write that, however, he claims that somewhere in the style guide, this rule exists, I lost time of my life looking for it, and not found voy:pt:Wikivoyage:Manual de estilo. And even if it existed, it would be a recommendation and should not be followed to the point of demotivating the volunteers, as he has done.
- Response: There are clearly pre-existing formatting guidelines, as I have already shown him:
- Section header policy shows clearly how section headers should be formatted.
- Listing policy show clearly how item listings are to be formatted.
- My edits here were purely janitorial, based on existing policy and practice. Both of the above policies have been pointed out to Rodrigo, but he demands to be allowed to format articles however he wishes, calling the manual of style a "useless pile of crap" ("porcaria inútil") and my work to make articles comply with it a "disservice to the community". The "demotivated volunteer" to which he refers here is just himself, as if he were the proof of his own accusation, and as an ex-sysop he should know better than to insist on random edits which conflict with the manual of style. I cannot, in fact, think of many main namespace edits of his which did not in one way or another conflict with our policies, which to me suggests he may simply be trolling me for these types of edit wars. Texugo (talk) 12:56, 30 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
- Response: There are clearly pre-existing formatting guidelines, as I have already shown him:
- Map rule:[25] There is no rule prohibiting the use of maps less bad, but he removes maps that have better quality, the excuse is that he follows a rule about maps, the only thing that exists is about maps: Who to draw a map, this is not a rule, is a help to draw a map...
- Response: How to draw a map shows how to make a Wikivoyage-style map, that being the preferred style. There are many Wikivoyage-style maps already made by the international Wikivoyage community, shared across the various language versions, and Rodrigo has decided that they are somehow terrible and should be replaced with plain, unlabelled, non-Wikivoyage-style maps. As such, his editions were reverted and discussion was had, which did not result in any action. Texugo (talk) 12:56, 30 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
- Non remove stupidity:[26] there are hundreds of articles with empty sections, completely useless, and he insists on leaving that, and could be placed when someone would write about them, or leave hidden until someone decide writing, there are no rules about that too...
- Response: There are rules, actually. According to our article models, these sections are obligatory. Wikivoyage in every language has always used standard models for its articles, and empty sections are left so that people know they are there and need filling in, and so they don't start inventing new sections and section headers which do not follow the model. No discussion has ever been started to change this, thus my edit was purely janitorial. I believe this has also been pointed out to Rodrigo. Texugo (talk) 12:56, 30 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
- Removing valid information about safe:[27], He claims that this rule exists here (as you can see [28]): voy:pt:Wikivoyage:Modelo de artigo de cidade grande#Segurança, but as you can see here, this rule never existed in the pt community. Again, he imported a rule of another community without telling Lusophone community.
- Response: I completed a translation of general policy that has long been adopted on pt: and which has already been implemented across the entire body of content on pt:. If Rodrigo wishes to start duplicating common national information into every city article, that would represent a change that ought to be discussed first. Practice (and common sense) has always been that emergency numbers, languages, currrency, cultural information, and other info common to a whole region or country gets described in the region or country article, rather than duplicated hundreds or thousands of times in every city article. No discussion has been started to start doing things a different way, and no argument has been presented that we need, for example, a note in every US article saying the emergency number is 911. This edit was also janitorial, and I did not introduce any new practice when I completed the translation of the model descriptors, I merely described, in good faith, how the situation has always been handled, for the orientation of new users.Texugo (talk) 12:56, 30 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
- Edition wars
- We have a list of articles that he starts a edition war:
- voy:pt:Oslo
- voy:pt:Nazaré
- voy:pt:Haifa
- voy:pt:Wikivoyage:Regras para imagens
- Response: You might notice in every case that it is Rodrigo doing all the reverting on the other end. In the first three cases his version was removing Manual of Style fixes that I had implemented. (The 4th is as referenced above.) As the only functionally active admin, my choice is either to revert or let his incorrect versions stand indefinitely, allowing him to do the same on other pages as well. As an ex-administrator, Rodrigo should have more respect for the manual of style and other policies of the site, and when legitimate style corrections are made, he should not be there reverting them.
- Almost every post this user has made since January has been either in hostile protest of or in intentional breach of one policy or another, and in the latter case, reversion is the only tool I have at my disposal, since urging him to follow our policies and guidelines only results in angry attacks on me personally. If anyone has a suggestion for a better way to single-handedly deal with a persistently rude user who does not wish to follow the manual of style or other policies, please let me know. Texugo (talk) 12:56, 30 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I'm active. Just studying a bit. Gusta (talk) 01:17, 1 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]