Research:Global South User Survey 2014/Questions/da

This page is a translated version of the page Research:Global South User Survey 2014/Questions and the translation is 43% complete.

Landing page

Thank you for participating in the 2014 Global South User Survey!
Please share your thoughts with us: it should only take you about 15 minutes. We look forward to learning more about our users from countries in the global south. Your feedback on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects will be valuable to us: it will help us to understand the specific needs of local user communities in the global south, provide data that supports product development, and assist in guiding the process of the upcoming strategic planning.
Some legal stuff ...
By answering these questions, you permit us to record your responses and agree to donate them to the public domain. This allows us to freely share your answers with others for the purpose of open analysis, research, and study. We won't publicly share your name, address, phone number, or email except as required by law. (Our commitment assumes that you incorporate your personal information only in response to questions that explicitly ask for it.)
Endnu engang tak for dit feedback!


  • What is your country of residence?
    • Argentina
    • Bangladesh
    • Brasilien
    • Egypten
    • Indien
    • Indonesien
    • Jordan
    • Mexico
    • Philippines
    • Saudi-Arabien
    • Tyrkiet
    • Vietnam
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • Hvilken aldersgruppe hører du ind under?
    • 10–15
    • 16–20
    • 21–25
    • 26–30
    • 31–35
    • 36–40
    • 41–45
    • 46–50
    • 51–55
    • 56–60
    • 61–65
    • 66–70
    • Mere end 70 år
    • Intet svar
  • What was the last level of education you have completed?
    • No schooling completed
    • Nursery school to 8th grade
    • Some high school, no diploma
    • High school graduate, diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED)
    • Some college credit, no degree
    • Trade/technical/vocational training
    • Bachelor’s degree
    • Master’s degree
    • Professional degree
    • Doctorate degree
  • Hvilke sprog kan du læse og skrive flydende?
    • Arabisk
    • Bengali
    • Engelsk
    • Fransk
    • Gujarati
    • Hindi
    • Indonesian
    • Kannada
    • Malayalam
    • Marathi
    • Nepali
    • Odia
    • Portugisisk
    • Punjabi
    • Spansk
    • Tagalog
    • Tamil
    • Telugu
    • Tyrkisk
    • Vietnamesisk
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • What is your current work status?
    • Employed for wages
    • Self-employed
    • Out of work and looking for work
    • Out of work but not currently looking for work
    • Homemaker
    • Studerende
    • Stay-at-home parent/caregiver
    • Militæret
    • Pensioneret
    • Ude af stand til at arbejde
  • Hvilket køn er du?
    • Mand
    • Kvinde
    • Prefer not to say
    • Andet (specificer venligst):

Internet forbrug

  • How much time do you spend using the Internet?
    • Mindre end 1 time om måneden
    • Mindre end 1 time om ugen
    • Mindre end 1 time om dagen
    • 1–2 timer om dagen
    • 3–5 timer om dagen
    • Mere end 5 timer om dagen
  • From where do you access the Internet most frequently?
    • Mobile phone
    • Skole
    • Arbejdsplads
    • Hjemme
    • Public places (Internet cafe, library, etc)
    • A friend's place
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • Which devices do you usually use to access the Internet?
    • Desktop
    • Laptop
    • Tablet
    • Smartphone
    • Feature phone (non-smart phone)
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • What are the main purposes you use the Internet for?
    • e-mail
    • Nyheder
    • Sociale netværk
    • Blogging
    • Search
    • Chat
    • Spil
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • Hvilke websider besøger du oftest?
    • Facebook
    • Youtube
    • Google
    • Yahoo
    • Blog sider
    • Wikipedia
    • Twitter
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • Which accounts do you most frequently use?
    • Facebook
    • Youtube
    • Google
    • MSN
    • Yahoo
    • Blog sider
    • Wikipedia
    • Twitter
    • Email accounts
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • In which languages do you most frequently read content on the Internet?
    • Arabisk
    • Bengali
    • Engelsk
    • Fransk
    • Gujarati
    • Hindi
    • Indonesian
    • Kannada
    • Malayalam
    • Marathi
    • Nepali
    • Odia
    • Portuguese
    • Punjabi
    • Spansk
    • Tagalog
    • Tamil
    • Telugu
    • Tyrkisk
    • Vietnamese
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • What are the major challenges you have concerning the Internet? (Connectivity, content, cost, etc)
  • What information or content do you wish you could find more of on the Internet (e.g., more content in specific language, more content in specific topics)?


  • What are your main reading sources?
    • Bøger
    • e-bøger
    • Blogs
    • Non-blog Websites
    • e-magazines
    • Magazines
    • Aviser
    • Jeg læser ikke så ofte
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • On average, how many hours per week do you spend reading in total?
    • Mindre end 1 time
    • 1–3 timer
    • 3–5 timer
    • 5–10 timer
    • 10–20 timer
    • Mere end 20 timer
  • Which language Wikipedias do you most frequently read?
    • Arabisk
    • Bengali
    • Engelsk
    • Fransk
    • Gujarati
    • Hindi
    • Indonesian
    • Kannada
    • Malayalam
    • Marathi
    • Nepali
    • Odia
    • Portuguese
    • Punjabi
    • Spansk
    • Tagalog
    • Tamil
    • Telugu
    • Tyrkisk
    • Vietnamese
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • If applicable, which of the Wikimedia Foundation's other free knowledge sites do you read?
    • Wikisource
    • Wikiquote
    • Wikibooks
    • Wiktionary
    • Wikinews
    • Wikiversity
    • Commons
    • Wikispecies
    • Wikivoyage
    • Aldrig hørt om nogen af disse
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • Have you ever used Wikipedia in an offline format?
    • Ja jeg brugt det før
    • Yes, but I don't need it
    • No, but I've heard of it
    • No, I've never heard of it
    • I have access to it, but I don't use it
  • Which offline format have you used?
    • Okawix
    • En offline Wikipedia app
    • One Laptop Per Child's (OLPC) Wikipedia app
    • XOWA
    • I have it pre-installed on my computer
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • How do you evaluate the following aspects of Wikipedia?
    • Readability
    • Coverage of topics
    • Depth of information
    • Reliability or trustworthiness of information
    • Design (site interface)
    • Wikipedia policies – help pages
    • Overall
  • Do you use any other online encyclopedias? If so, please add a link to its main page.
  • How would you describe Wikipedia in your own words?
  • How do you currently use Wikipedia/Wikimedia? (select all that apply)
    • Searching for information for my school assignments
    • Searching for information for my work
    • Fact checking to resolve disagreements
    • Reading about topics of my personal curiosity
    • Other (please describe how else you use Wikipedia/Wikimedia
  • How often do you use Wikipedia/Wikimedia?
    • Mindre end en gang om måneden
    • 1-3 gange om måneden
    • 4-5 gange om måneden (ca. en gang om ugen)
    • 2-3 gange om ugen
    • 4-5 gange om ugen
    • 6-7 gange om ugen (ca. en gang om dagen)
    • Mere end en gang om dagen
  • If you could improve one thing about Wikipedia – such as its policies or its content coverage – what would it be?


  • What best describes your type of contributions to Wikipedia?
    • Jeg skriver ny artikler.
    • I add content to existing articles.
    • I fix formatting, spelling and grammar, or make other minor edits to articles.
    • Jeg oversætter.
    • I contribute photos and multimedia content to Wikimedia Commons.
    • I patrol for vandalism, copyright violations, or other problems with articles.
    • I answer readers’ questions and complaints.
    • I resolve disputes among volunteers (e.g. mediation, arbitration).
    • I organize or help to organize events, workshops, meetups, or the annual Wikimania conferences.
    • I do public outreach or advocacy outside the Wikimedia community.
    • I do technical work such as maintaining bots or tools.
    • I participate in chapter work.
    • I participate in discussions about articles.
    • I develop or maintain policies, guidelines and similar community processes.
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • If applicable, which of the Wikimedia Foundation's other free knowledge sites do you contribute to?
    • Wikisource
    • Wikiquote
    • Wikibooks
    • Wiktionary
    • Wikinews
    • Wikiversity
    • Commons
    • Wikispecies
    • Wikivoyage
    • Wikidata
    • Ingen af de ovenstående
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • Hvor meget tid bruger du på at redigere Wikimedia sider?
    • Mindre end en time om måneden
    • 1–3 timer om måneden
    • 1–3 timer om ugen
    • 1–2 timer om dagen
    • 3–4 timer om dagen
    • Mere end 4 timer om dagen
  • How do users on your home wiki mostly interact with each other?
    • Landsbybrønden
    • Article talk pages
    • User talk pages
    • Projekt sider
    • Mailing lists
    • Social media (Facebook, google groups, etc)
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • Which of the following apply to your language and the technology you use?
    • No operating system support for my language
    • No keyboard support for my language
    • No browser support for my language
    • I have no problems when it comes to technology support for my language
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • What things might help you contribute more?
    • Someone coaches me on how to edit
    • Receiving answers to my questions on talk pages
    • Receiving help regarding Wikipedia policies, and community norms
    • Improved editing interface
    • Other Wikimedians welcoming my contributions
    • Receiving appreciation for my contributions
    • Confidence that my contributions will not be removed
    • Knowledge that others benefit from my contributions
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • Do you use well-written articles from other languages to translate an initial version in your own language?
    • Ofte
    • Nogle gange
    • Sjældent
    • Aldrig
  • Can you outline your experience in editing Wikipedia in languages other than English? (e.g. if you're typing in Turkish, what are the typical challenges you face?)
  • What kind of tools (e.g. spell-checkers, auto-complete tools) would you like to have?
  • What kind of movement support would you like to receive?
    • Creating a Wikimedia user group/chapter in my area
    • Grants to cover my Wikipedia expenses
    • Grants to help me experiment with new ideas
    • Scholarship to attend Wikipedia related events
    • Running a Wikipedia education program at my school
    • Creating a partnership with my local museum/library
    • None, I have no need of movement resources
    • Andet (specificer venligst):
  • What first motivated you to edit Wikipedia?
    • I noticed an error and wanted to fix it
    • I noticed that an article about a topic was missing, so I created it
    • I wanted to learn a new skill
    • I wanted to contribute to free knowledge on the Internet
    • I wanted to contribute contents in my language
    • A friend or colleague got me interested
    • I attended a lecture or workshop about editing Wikipedia
    • I started editing as part of a class assignment in school/university
    • Andet (specificer venligst):


  • Have you heard about the Wikipedia Education Program?
    • Yes, I've heard of it and I have had participated
    • Yes, I've heard of it but have had the chance to participate
    • Yes, I have heard of it, and I think Wikipedia should not be used in education
    • No, I have not heard of it, but it sounds like a good idea
    • No, I have not heard of it, and I think Wikipedia should not be used in education
  • Are mobile data charges an obstacle for you to access Wikipedia?
    • Ja
    • No, I have a data plan that gives me free access
    • No, my data plan allows me to access only Wikipedia for free, but I pay to access other sites
  • What is your data plan?
    • Ubegrænset adgang
    • Limited data plan (What is the monthly data limit?)
  • Please take the 2014 Global South User Survey by [clicking here]. Share your experiences and improve Wikipedia
  • You can pause the survey at any time and finish it later, but this may be the only time you'll see this message