Research infrastructures for social sciences and humanities/Europe

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Research infrastructures for social sciences and humanities in Europe

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
EOSC European Open Science Cloud d:Q29051497
SSHOC Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud d:Q116968240
DARIAH ERIC d:Q49103279
CLARIN ERIC d:Q2986825
CESSDA ERIC Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives d:Q19372318
ESS ERIC European Social Survey d:Q1376959
SHARE ERIC Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe d:Q122873030
GGP Generations & Gender Programme d:Q100151449


Europeana Q234110 Discover Europe’s digital cultural heritage. Search, save and share art, books, films and music from thousands of cultural institutions
E-RIHS European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science d:Q123413608 (project implementation phase)
ARCHLAB (archives)
DIGILAB (virtual facilities)
FIXLAB (fixed facilities)
MOLAB (mobile facilities)
SSH Open Marketplace - Social Sciences & Humanities Open Marketplace
Cultural Gems to map cultural and creative places in Europe
Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor A tool to assess and benchmark European cities vis-à-vis their peers, using both quantitative and qualitative data
ERIC European Research Infrastructure Consortium d:Q15808872
SSH Cloud
European Film Gateway d:Q10491427 Your single access point to films, images and texts from selected collections of 40 film archives across Europe
EUscreen online access to videos, stills, texts and audio from European broadcasters and audiovisual archive
European collaborative cloud for cultural heritage
Archives Portal Europe a single access to find, browse and discover information on archives about Europe held by thousands of cultural heritage institutions from more than 30 countries
ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure d:Q2623454


  • Research Infrastructures in the Digital Humanities, European Science Foundation, 2011
  • European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
  • Mapping of the European Research Infrastructure Landscape (MERIL)
  • Bulger, Monica, et al. Reinventing research? Information practices in the humanities. Research Information Network, UK, April 2011.
  • Blue Ribbon Task Force: Sustainable Economics for a Digital Planet: Ensuring Long-Term Access to Digital Information. Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access, National Science Foundation (NSF), Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Library of Congress, Electronic Records Archives Program of the National Archives and Records Administration, Council on Library and Information Resources, US, Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), UK, February 2010.
  • The New Renaissance, Report of the ‘Comité des Sages’, Reflection group on bringing Europe’s Cultural Heritage online. European Commission, 2011.
  • Klijn, Edwin, and Yola de Lusenet. Tracking the Reel World: A survey of audiovisual collections in Europe. European Commission on Preservation and Access, January 2008.
  • Schüller, Dietrich. Audiovisual research collections and their preservation. European Commission on Preservation and Access, March 2008.
  • HERA Survey of Infrastructural Research Facilities and Practices for the Humanities in Europe (2006).
  • Strategic Workshop on Research Communities and Research Infrastructures in the Humanities (Strasbourg 2010) organised by the ESF Standing Committee for the Humanities