Research talk:Are the bots really fighting/Work log/2017-03-04

Saturday, March 4, 2017


I got a little work in today so I wanted to record it here. I created a repository to capture the work here:

Specifically, I'm loading an old dataset of reverts into the database. Here's the table creation script:

CREATE TABLE staging.enwiki_reverted_20140820 (
	rev_id                INT UNSIGNED,
	rev_timestamp         VARBINARY(14),
	rev_user              INT UNSIGNED,
	rev_user_text         VARBINARY(255),
	rev_page              INT UNSIGNED,
	rev_sha1              VARBINARY(32),
	rev_minor_edit        TINYINT,
	rev_deleted           TINYINT,
	rev_parent_id         INT UNSIGNED,
	archived              TINYINT,
	reverting_id          INT UNSIGNED,
	reverting_timestamp   VARBINARY(14),
	reverting_user        INT UNSIGNED,
	reverting_user_text   VARBINARY(255),
	reverting_page        INT UNSIGNED,
	reverting_sha1        VARBINARY(32),
	reverting_minor_edit  TINYINT,
	reverting_deleted     TINYINT,
	reverting_parent_id   INT UNSIGNED,
	reverting_archived    TINYINT,
	rev_revert_offset     INT UNSIGNED,
	revisions_reverted    INT UNSIGNED,
	reverted_to_rev_id    INT UNSIGNED

Here's how I plan to get a dataset of bot-on-bot reverts:

SELECT * FROM staging.enwiki_reverted_20140820
INNER JOIN enwiki.user_groups AS reverted_bot ON
        rev_user = reverted_bot.ug_user AND
        reverted_bot.ug_group = "bot"
INNER JOIN enwiki.user_groups AS reverting_bot ON 
        reverting_user = reverting_bot.ug_user AND
        reverting_bot.ug_group = "bot"
WHERE rev_user != reverting_user;

Oh! But first, I'll need an index:

CREATE INDEX user_to_user_ix ON enwiki_reverted_20140820 (rev_user, reverting_user);

In Tsvetkova's study, they limited their analysis to the revision before the reverting edit. We can use the rev_revert_offset and revisions_reverted fields to find that those specific edits. So I modified the query above to add an offset of 1.

SELECT * FROM staging.enwiki_reverted_20140820
INNER JOIN enwiki.user_groups AS reverted_bot ON
        rev_user = reverted_bot.ug_user AND
        reverted_bot.ug_group = "bot"
INNER JOIN enwiki.user_groups AS reverting_bot ON 
        reverting_user = reverting_bot.ug_user AND
        reverting_bot.ug_group = "bot"
        rev_user != reverting_user AND
        rev_revert_offset = 1;

I'm waiting for the index to build now, so I'm going to go AFK for a while and will extract the bot-on-bot reverts later. --EpochFail (talk) 20:48, 4 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

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