Research talk:The Co-op pilot study/Work log/2015-04-11
Latest comment: 9 years ago by EpochFail in topic Saturday, April 11, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015
editOK. So it looks like Soni raised some concerns that my query wasn't matching the real user list.
> SELECT user_registration FROM user -> WHERE user_name IN -> ("BrillLyle", "Christopher2625649908", "David Tornheim", "Komchi", -> "Negative24", "Quinto Simmaco", "Rotideypoc41352"); +-------------------+ | user_registration | +-------------------+ | 20130426183842 | | 20150211074359 | | 20080715021343 | | 20141019043349 | | 20140425230847 | | 20150228091223 | | 20090313034539 | +-------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.12 sec)
It looks like all of these users registered before the Co-op started, so I think that excluding them from analysis makes sense. It's good to note that a substantial proportion of old learners somehow found the co-op though.
Next up, I'd like to get a record of all of the invites that HostBot sent to newcomers.
> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM revision WHERE rev_user_text = "HostBot" AND rev_comment LIKE "%you are invited to the Co-op!%"; +----------+ | COUNT(*) | +----------+ | 907 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.30 sec)
It looks like we should get 907 records. --EpochFail (talk) 16:45, 11 April 2015 (UTC)
OK. Here's my query to generate the table.
SQL query
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE staging.coop_invite_post
rev_timestamp AS invite_posted
FROM revision
INNER JOIN page ON rev_page = page_id
INNER JOIN user ON REPLACE(page_title, "_", " ") = user_name
WHERE rev_user_text = "HostBot" AND
rev_comment LIKE "%you are invited to the Co-op!%";
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE staging.coop_invite_post2
SELECT * FROM staging.coop_invite_post;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS staging.coop_invite (
user_id INT,
invite_posted VARBINARY(14),
edits_before INT,
main_edits_before INT,
PRIMARY KEY(user_id)
TRUNCATE TABLE staging.coop_invite;
INSERT INTO staging.coop_invite
COUNT(rev_id) AS edits_before,
SUM(page_namespace = 0) AS main_edits_before
FROM staging.coop_invite_post
LEFT JOIN revision ON
user_id = rev_user AND
rev_timestamp < invite_posted
LEFT JOIN page ON rev_page = page_id
GROUP BY user_id)
COUNT(ar_rev_id) AS edits_before,
SUM(ar_namespace = 0) AS main_edits_before
FROM staging.coop_invite_post2
LEFT JOIN archive ON
ar_user = user_id AND
ar_timestamp < invite_posted
GROUP BY user_id)
) AS edit_counts
GROUP BY user_id;
SELECT COUNT(*), NOW() FROM staging.coop_invite;
Now to plot some of this. --EpochFail (talk) 18:28, 11 April 2015 (UTC)
edit- It looks like a lot of editors are receiving co-op invites within an hour of registration because they are matching the 10 edit threshold.
- If you're going to create a co-op profile, you'll probably do it within 24 hours of receiving an invite, but you might also wait a week.