version | type | "integer" |
required | true |
description | "Version number" |
action | type | "string" |
required | true |
enum | "gettingstarted-specialpage-impression" |
"gettingstarted-specialpage-click" |
"redirect-page-impression" |
"redirect-invite-impression" |
"redirect-invite-click" |
"page-impression" |
description | "The actions involved in accepting a task via either the Special:GettingStarted page or a series of modal overlays presented on a user's returnto destination after signup.
gettingstarted-specialpage-impression occurs immediately upon a visit the Special:GettingStarted page, either manually or by being sent there post-signup in the control group
gettingstarted-specialpage-click means a click on an article task (gettingstarted-* task) while on the special page. It can occur on the post-signup welcome page (control) or on a manual visit to the Special:GettingStarted page.
redirect-page-impression - Logged on ready by the returnTo module (i.e. when someone has gettingStartedReturn in the URL probably since they were in the test group on signup), regardless of whether a CTA will be shown.
redirect-invite-impression - Logged immediately after a CTA is shown.
redirect-invite-click - Logged when the user clicks on 'Edit this page', 'Find pages that need easy fixes', or either of the dismiss links (× and 'No thanks'). The dismiss link logging has no funnel.
page-impression - Logged on a view (wgAction 'view') of a page that is considered a task for the current user (either GettingStarted or 'redirect'), including the first view of the toolbar and subsequent views." |
source | type | "string" |
enum | "gettingstarted-specialpage-click" |
"redirect-invite-click" |
description | "Logs the source of a page-impression event, based on the query string.
This can be omitted entirely; however if it is set, it must be one of the above; other values will not be included in the database." |
funnel | type | "string" |
enum | "gettingstarted-copyedit" |
"gettingstarted-clarify" |
"gettingstarted-addlinks" |
"redirect" |
description | "The possible tasks are explained below. Also note that if a funnel is set on a 'redirect-invite-click', that indicates the user clicked on something *other* than a dismiss link.
gettingstarted-copyedit - Shared between test bucket ([Find pages that need easy fixes] CTA) and control bucket (one of three funnels on Special:GettingStarted)
gettingstarted-clarify - only used for control
gettingstarted-addlinks - only used for control
redirect - Used for when the user edits the current page ([Edit this page] from CTA); only test bucket" |
bucket | type | "string" |
required | true |
enum | |
description | "Identifies the experimental bucket a user is randomly assigned to.
test - user is returned to page at signup and possibly shown a CTA
control - user shown Special:GettingStarted" |
pageId | type | "integer" |
description | "ID of the target article the user is invited to edit, or currently attempting to edit (including click on 'Edit this page' button), if available." |
pageNS | type | "integer" |
description | "Namespace of the page (associated with all events, even if pageId is unavailable)." |
revId | type | "integer" |
description | "Current revision of the target article the user is invited to edit, or currently attempting to edit (including click on 'Edit this page' button), if available.
Available for same actions as pageId" |
userId | type | "integer" |
description | "User ID (events from anonymous users are not logged)" |
required | true |
isEditable | type | "boolean" |
description | "True if the target article the user is invited to edit (or attempting to edit for redirect-invite-click for 'Edit this page') is editable based on user privileges.
This is based on quickUserCan/wgIsProbablyEditable, so it may provide a false positive in some edge cases (such as cascading protection), but should never provide false negatives." |