funnelToken | type | "string" |
required | true |
description | "A unique token sent with each event. The token is generated once on each page." |
mobileMode | type | "string" |
required | true |
enum | |
event | type | "string" |
required | true |
enum | "pageLoaded" |
"languageButtonImpression" |
"languageButtonTap" |
"languageListLoaded" |
"exitModal" |
"startLanguageSearch" |
description | "`pageLoaded` - the language button is ready to be used.
`languageButtonImpression` - the user sees the language button.
`languageButtonTap` - the user taps on the language button.
`languageListLoaded` - a list of languages is shown to the user.
`exitModal` - the user dismisses the modal or taps on a language.
`startLanguageSearch` - the user enters the first char in the language search input." |
beaconCapable | type | "boolean" |
description | "Whether the user agent supports `sendBeacon`. (Browsers without 'sendBeacon' support may not send the 'exitModal' event.) Sent for `pageLoaded` event to kick off funnel." |
languageButtonVersion | type | "string" |
description | "The version of the language button. Sent with the `languageButtonTap` event. Currently the value can be `bottom-of-article` or `sticky-footer`." |
languageButtonTappedBucket | type | "string" |
enum | "0 taps" |
"1-4 taps" |
"5-20 taps" |
"20+ taps" |
"unknown" |
description | "How many times the user has tapped the language button prior to tapping it this time, obtained as localStorage.getItem('mobile-language-button-tap-count'). Sent with the `languageButtonTap` event. The value may be `unknown` if the device doesn't support localStorage." |
primaryLanguageOfUser | type | "string" |
description | "The primary language on the user's device. Sent with the `languageButtonTap` event." |
languageOverlayVersion | type | "string" |
description | "The version of the language overlay. Sent with the `languageListLoaded` event." |
exitModal | type | "string" |
enum | "dismissed" |
"tapped-on-result" |
description | "The method by which the modal is exited. `dismissed` - the close button of the modal is tapped, `tapped-on-result` - a language is tapped." |
languageTapped | type | "string" |
description | "The language code of the language tapped. Sent when the `exitModal` property's value is `tapped-on-result`." |
positionOfLanguageTapped | type | "integer" |
description | "A 1-based index of the language which was tapped in the language list. Sent when the `exitModal` property's value is 'tapped-on-result'." |
searchInputHasQuery | type | "boolean" |
description | "Whether the language search input has a query at the time when the user taps on a language. Sent with the `exitModal` event." |
languageCount | type | "integer" |
description | "Sent with the `languageListLoaded` and `exitModal` events. When sent with the `languageListLoaded` event, this is the number of languages available to the user when the language list is shown. When sent with the `exitModal` event, this is the number of filtered languages when search was active, or total number of available languages when search was not active." |