This page is a translated version of the page SecurePoll and the translation is 35% complete.

SecurePoll es una herramienta usada en los proyectos Wikimedia para realizar elecciones. Desde 2009 ha sido la herramienta preferida para las elecciones importantes de la comunidad Wikimedia que eligen puestos influyentes que se relacionan con la gestión de la Fundación Wikimedia, incluso puestos en la Junta Directiva de la Fundación Wikimedia y el Comité de Distribución de Fondos

Screenshot of SecurePoll interface

Información de fondo

Overview of the MediaWiki extension SecurePoll and the voting methods it supports as of July 2023.

SecurePoll as software is a MediaWiki extension with technical documentation at SecurePoll.

There exists additional documentation on how to use the software for Board elections on Wikitech.

Using SecurePoll for Wikimedia elections

El personal de la Fundación Wikimedia supervisa el uso de SecurePoll para las elecciones relacionadas con la Fundación Wikimedia.

SecurePoll is currently not available for general use. It is not currently available for anyone to use on request.

If it were available for use on request, then any Wikimedia community group which was holding an election might use it for their election. For example, any Wikimedia movement affiliates might use SecurePoll as a trusted way to manage their own Wikimedia election such as their own board election.

Elections for which SecurePoll is used

The following elections have made use of SecurePoll in the past. Some of these are regularly held for legacy reasons.

Elección Comunidad Época del año Frecuencia Next scheduled election
Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Global julio–agosto Cada ~2 años August 2024
English Wikipedia Arbitration Committee elections English Wikipedia December Every year December 2024
Farsi Wikipedia Supervisory Board elections Farsi Wikipedia October Every year August 2024
Wikimedia Ukraine Board and Audit Committee elections Wikimedia Ukraine February Every year[note 1] ninguno
Movement Charter Drafting Committee Global October 2022 único ninguno
U4C Charter Global October 2023 único ninguno
Chinese Wikipedia admin elections Wikipedia en chino varios Twice yearly[note 2] July 2024
Movement Charter ratification vote Global varios Ad hoc Unknown date 6
  1. Wikimedia Ukraine requested the use of SecurePoll in 2021 as a temporary replacement for their traditional, in-person vote.
  2. This election was originally held as a trial in 2021. See phab:T295518 for more information. Since then, elections have been held on an ad-hoc basis.

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