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I saw on a Talk page that someone invited a friend to take part in Wikipedia. It seems that it might be helpful to add a link to the header or footer of each article ( Talk pages as well? ) allowing to send via e-mail the article with a suitable comment to a friend.

What do others think ?

Sounds cool to me and also seems easy to implement. Does anyone see any potential for abuse in such a system? Should there be a limit, say someone could only send three articles per day?


Yep, I like it, on first glance! Spam safeguards would be nice, yes. --Larry_Sanger

Let's move on to the implementation phase of the idea. right ?

Why not? Run it by the Wikipedia-L folks, just to get their input. (I don't think this is necessary, but it wouldn't be a bad idea.) --Larry_Sanger



Well,very spiffy but it may be used for unsafe reasons in emailing...etc hacking the bot and destroying the website...