SheSaid Campaign by Wikimedians of the UAE User Group


SheSaid is a global campaign that falls under Wiki Loves Women - an initiative organized by Wiki in Africa. The campaign focuses on increasing the visibility and representation of women on Wikiquote, contributing to making Wikiquote more diverse and inclusive.

The Wikimedians of UAE User Group is on a mission to amplify the voices of extraordinary women in the UAE and the MENA region through the #Shesaid UAE Campaign on Wikiquote.

We’re aiming to add 5,000 quotes by December 31st on Wikiquote, showcasing the power, wisdom, and achievements of these remarkable women. This isn’t just about numbers; it’s a challenge yet we keep rewriting the narrative and ensuring their stories inspire generations to come.

How to Participate

If you would like to become a part of the SheSaid campaign, and you are new to Wikimedia projects, follow the outlined steps:

  1. Create an account on Wikimedia projects
  2. Register on the registration form here
  3. Search for quotes said by notable women online, preferably women from the MENA region
  4. Watch this introduction on how to edit on Wikiquote.
  5. Add the quotes to Wikiquote and ensure that there is a short biography about the woman you are featuring. You can watch a tutorial video on how to edit quotes on Wikiquote.
  6. Remember to use the #SheSaid hashtag in the Edit Summary so that we can track it!
  7. Quotes should be sourced from reliable sources, i.e. news sites, books, newspapers, journals, etc.
  8. Add links and references of the source to your quotation.
  9. Publish your entry!
  10. Share your achievement on social media and tag us @wikimedians_uae!

Rules and Guidelines

To know whether the quote you chose belongs in Wikiquote or not, kindly read Wikiquotes policies and guidelines here. Reading these policies is crucial to ensuring that Wikiquote becomes a reliable resource. It is these guidelines that determine the quote’s “quotability” i.e. whether it appears on Wikiquote or not.

There are three ways you can contribute, each roles comes with some helpful tips.


Editor Role

As an editor, you are responsible for editing Wikiquote entries. This includes adding quotes, adding missing/new resources, and adding photos. It also includes quality-checking the quotes. This role is vital to ensuring that the entries published on Wikiquote have notable resources and a sufficient amount of high-quality quotes.

What you’ll be doing:

  • Finding & Sharing Powerful Quotes: Search for impactful quotes by prominent women in the MENA region using our database filled with impactful names of MENA women. Thanks to our research superstars!
  • Building Strong Entries: Add these quotes to existing Wikiquote entries or create entirely new ones for women who deserve recognition.
  • Fact-checking & Quality Matters: Make sure the quotes you add are accurate by including reliable sources like news articles, interviews, etc.
  • Adding photos (Optional): Found a high-quality photo of the woman on Wikimedia Commons? Adding to the page makes it even better!


  • Focus on Notable Women: The women you choose should be well-known in their field and have a significant impact on our society.
  • Accuracy is Key: Double-check your sources and make sure the quotes are phrased correctly.
  • You can add this “Shesaid UAE Editor” template in your user page!

Translator role

As a translator, your pivotal role involves bridging the gaps between languages and cultures. This responsibility gains even more significance within the context of our campaign, which focuses on centering women from the MENA region. Your task is to ensure that Arabic quotes are made accessible to English speakers, and vice versa. Additionally, you're entrusted with the crucial responsibility of accurately conveying the essence and nuances of each quote in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.

Are you bilingual? Do you speak Arabic and English? We need translation champions like you! Help us translate quotes between these languages, ensuring the original meaning and cultural nuances are perfectly captured. Your responsibility is to:

  • Bridge the Language Gap: Translate powerful quotes by inspiring MENA women so a wider audience can hear their voices.
  • Capture the Magic: Make sure the translations perfectly express the original meaning, including any cultural references or hidden gems within the quote.
  • Respectful Representation: Your translations will ensure the quotes accurately reflect the strength and achievement of these remarkable women.
  • You can add this “Shesaid UAE Translator” template in your user page!
  • Refer to our database to check out our list of women to choose from or feel free to get creative!

Researcher role

As Wikimedians, researchers hold a crucial position in orchestrating and laying the groundwork for any project seeking significant contributions across diverse Wikimedia platforms. Your role as a researcher entails compiling essential resources such as lists and databases. This responsibility is integral to ensuring that all preparatory tasks are meticulously executed, laying the groundwork for contributions that meet Wikimedia’s rules and guidelines.

  • Information Architects: As researchers, you’re the foundation of this campaign! You’ll compile essential notable MENA women names and resources to help other editors and translators!
  • Preparation Pros: This groundwork ensures all contributions meet Wikiquote’s guidelines.
  • Access: We will give you “Editor” Access to our database to add your contributions.



Communication means

  • Email address (
  • Social media accounts
  • Telegram channel

Monthly Results