This page is a translated version of the page She Did It/Participants and the translation is 40% complete.
She Did It UA
2019 m. spalio 4-11 d.
[Socialiniai tinklai: #She_Did_It]

She Did It konkursas pasibaigė

Konkursas She Did it baigėsi. Mes didžiuojamės galėdami pranešti, kad tai buvo fantastiškas konkursas, didžiulis jūsų visų įsipareigojimas! Kartu mes sukūrėme neįtikėtiną skaičių N straipsnių! Jūsų sunkus darbas padėjo mums užpildyti spragas ir viršijo aukščiausius lūkesčius! Tikimės, kad daugelis iš jūsų tęsite darbą ir taip kiekvieną dieną mažinsite atotrūkį. Ačiū už fantastišką dalyvavimą! --> Kaip užsiregistruoti

All you have to do join this contest is to add your username below with a link to your home language user page; then, when you create or improve pages in any languages, come back here and add a link to each page under your name, with the score you claim. To register, please follow the format of the Example below. Also, take a look at our scoring system below. Please add the hashtag #She_Did_It in your edit summary, to make it easy for us to find your contributions.


Tik jūs esate atsakingi už savo taškų suskaičiavimą. Štai kaip tai padaryti:

  • +0.5 point for each image added to a Wikipedia article in any language (including your own photos).
  • +1 point for each +1,000 bytes of added content to a Wikipedia article in any language.
  • +1 point for each corresponding Wikidata item that you create or improve.
  • +1 point for each new source you add to an existing Wikipedia article in any language.
  • +1 point for each new source you add to an existing Wikidata object.
  • +5 points if your article is one of the proposed ones from the organizing teams.
  • +5 points for each new translation of a Wikipedia article to any language.
  • +25 points for a Good Article in any language.
  • +50 points for a Featured Article in any language.
  • BONUS POINTS: If you convince an experienced editor (100+ edits) to join the Challenge - you will get +10 points when they have done their first contribution. Make sure to get your wiki friends involved!

Taškai yra kaupiami.

The organizers have the final say in the scoring of the contributions and will clarify the rules and points if needed. Please note that the aim is to improve Wikipedia with high-quality articles, so any content of low quality that has been added will lose points or even result in a ban from the contest, if the organizers so decide.

Please remember

The points are simply here to make this more fun. Even if you do not join the Challenge to win we would love to learn about your work after the event, so please highlight it here. Your contribution is valuable in itself and with each edit you help make Wikipedia better.

  • If you add 3,600 bytes of content to an existing article, you get 3 points.
  • If you translate an article into Turkish and it is 4,100 bytes long, you get 9 points: 5 points for starting a new article and 4 for its extension.
  • If you add 3,600 bytes of wikitext (templates, infoboxes, citations) to an existing article, you get 3 points.
  • If you are the main editor of a new Featured article with e.g. 153,000 bytes of content written by you… you get 153 points for the bytes, and 100 points (and our eternal gratitude :-) for reaching the Featured article status.

Nauji redaktoriai

If you are a new Wikipedia editor, first of all, welcome! We suggest that you take a look at Wikipedia:Translation and the en:Wikipedia:Introduction. That will make it easier to get going! When you start writing, the Manual of Style might be of help. These links go to Wikipedia in English, but all these pages are available in many languages. When you visit them, please have a look on the left-hand side (under "Languages") and see if they exist in your language as well. Every language version of Wikipedia is unique, with its own community and its own conventions, so it's good to have a look at the rules.

Contributing to Wikipedia is easier now than ever before and you don't really have to learn any code! Please have a look at Wikipedia:VisualEditor for more information.

Please note that this page is for participants writing in any language apart from the Ukrainian one. Participants who write in the Ukrainian language will be scored separately from the rest of the participants — see the page on UkWiki for more details.

The scoring system's design has been inspired by WikiGap Challenge

Informacija apie konkursą
Informacija apie konkursą
Straipsnių sąrašas
Dalyviai ir vertinimai
Jei turite kokių nors klausimų apie šį konkursą, parašykite juos pokalbių puslapyje.

Dalyvių sąrašas

LZVT KKVSK, 6 points (anglų)

  1. Nadia Parfan 1500 bytes, new article = 1+5=6 points //waiting for the review and will be updated

Rybka175, 22 points (rusų)

  1. ru:Радзимовская, Валентина Васильевна 12,000 bytes, new article, translation = 12+5+5=22 points
  1. Halyna Kouzmenko 10,000 bytes, new article, translation, 9 new sources = 10+5+5+9 = 29 points
  2. Maya Green 3,000 bytes, new article, 4 new sources = 4+5+4 = 13 points

Wikidata: 170 points

labels in bengalų kalba (Q9610), hindi (Q1568):  

  1. Ulana Suprun (Q21600039)
  2. Kateryna Zelenko (Q59282127)
  3. Mary Beck (Q6779026)
  4. Kateryna Zelenko (Q59282127)
  5. Olga Basarab (Q1100392)
  6. Turhan Sultan (Q621548)
  7. Nataliya Kobrynska (Q4225202)
  8. Pasha Angelina (Q1964769)
  9. Lyudmila Pavlichenko (Q145065)
  10. Olena Kulchytska (Q11801516)
  11. Sofia Rusova (Q12149413)
  12. Varvara Khanenko (Q12166860)
  13. Uliana Kravchenko (Q4475006)
  14. Marichka Padalko (Q4281613)
  15. Iryna Herashchenko (Q2690130)
  16. Iryna Suslova (Q18729514)
  17. Iryna Herashchenko (Q2690130)
  18. Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze (Q20067554)
  19. Khrystyna Alchevska (Q4063217)
  20. Svetlana Gerasimenko (Q12095007)
  21. Maryna Viazovska (Q23721911)
  22. Hélène Sparrow (Q17012619)
  23. Nadine Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa (Q12101508)
  24. Nadine Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa (Q12101508)
  25. Antonina Prikhot'ko (Q4379318)
  26. Eupraxia Mstislavna (Q4163672)
  27. Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko (Q1972559)
  28. Kateryna Yushchenko (Q16498)
  29. Solomiia Pavlychko (Q2034405)
  30. Vera Kistiakowsky (Q15074356)
  31. Vira Vovk (Q3847343)
  32. Marina Rodnina (Q21264368)
  33. Sofija Okunevska (Q12135505)
  34. Maria Pavlova (Q4341583)
  35. Liudmyla Starytska-Cherniakhivska (Q4439948)
  36. Lyubov Mala (Q4276661)
  37. Olga Skorokhodova (Q1396646)
  38. Natalia Yakovenko (Q4536789)
  39. Solomea Krushelnytska (Q267058)
  40. Maria Prymachenko (Q2639482)
  41. Olha Kobylianska (Q267137)
  42. Marko Vovchok (Q2421158)
  43. Kateryna Bilokur (Q4082561)
  44. Tetiana Yablonska (Q4535928)
  45. Mariana Sadovska (Q521717)
  46. Olena Teliha (Q2620289)
  47. Vera Kholodnaya (Q2622578)
  48. Maria Raevskaia-Ivanova (Q15088608)
  49. Aleksandra Ekster (Q242121)
  50. Natalena Koroleva (Q3504672)
  51. Maria Zankovetska (Q130376)
  52. Paraska Plytka-Horytsvit (Q12140927)
  53. Kira Muratova (Q435805)
  54. Kvitka Cisyk (Q1960944)
  55. Marya Zaturenska (Q545261)
  56. Valentina (Q4407601)
  57. Anna Sten (Q507996)
  58. Nina Bichuya (Q12087053)
  59. Ada Rohovtseva (Q1711461)
  60. Emma Andiyevska (Q291500)
  61. Maria Sokil (Q6761590)
  62. Sonia Delaunay (Q232972)
  63. Olena Pchilka (Q2447379)
  64. Sofiya Nalepinska-Boychuk (Q4312591)
  65. Marie Bashkirtseva (Q255253)
  66. Sonia Lewitska (Q12117354)
  67. Iryna Vilde (Q4203178)
  68. Iryna Zhylenko (Q2336326)
  69. Alla Zahaikevych (Q1981300)
  70. Svitlana Azarova (Q455606)
  71. Larisa Shepitko (Q138477)
  72. Ira Malaniuk (Q94208)
  73. Irène Némirovsky (Q168441)
  74. Roma Pryma-Bohachevsky (Q7361488)
  75. Zinaida Serebryakova (Q161858)
  76. Lesia Ukrainka (Q298033)
  77. Kateryna Monzul (Q1105468)
  78. Yana Klochkova (Q230947)
  79. Olha Kharlan (Q430937)
  80. Oksana Masters (Q2930380)
  81. Marija Muzyčiuk (Q439881)
  82. Anna Muzychuk (Q241258)
  83. Varya Akulova (Q5647065)
  84. Sasha Putrya (Q4384395)
  85. Liudmyla Barbir (Q16162070)

Wikpedia : 16 points

  1. ভিরা ভোভক 6,311 bytes, new article from proposed list, new translation = 6+5+5 = 16 points, 55 points (ukrainiečių)

  1. ru:Таня Муиньо 10,180 bytes, new article, translation, 1 source = 10+5+5+1=20 points
  2. wikidata: [1], Wikidata, 1pt
  3. wikidata: [2], Wikidata, 1pt
  4. wikidata: [3], Wikidata, 1pt
  5. wikidata: [4], Wikidata, 1pt
  6. ru:Layah 2,017 bytes, 2 sources = 4 points
  7. ru:Андраде, Мишель 4,063 bytes, 5 sources = 4+5=9 points
  8. ru:Козлова, Марьяна Олеговна 8,606 bytes, new article, translation = 8+5+5=18 points

Omotecho 31.5 points (japonų)

  1. jawp, Sofia Rusova w:ja:ソフィア・ルソワ 19,965 bytes = 19pt, proposed = 5 pt, translated new article = 5 pt, images added = 1.5 pt (0.5*3).
  2. wikidata: Sofia Rusova, labels in ja, 1pt*5= 5pts

З. ӘЙЛЕ, 65,5 points (baškirų)

1. ba:Монзуль Екатерина Владимировна 9300 bytes, translation = 9+5=14 points

wikidata [5] 1pt

2. ba:Кобринская Наталия Ивановна 2955 bytes, translation = 3+5=8 points

wikidata [6] 1pt

3. ba:Малая Любовь Трофимовна 10107 bytes, translation = 10+5=15 points

wikidata [7] 1pt

4. ba:Кульчицкая Елена Львовна 7412 bytes, translation = 7+5=12 points

wikidata [8] 1pt

5. ba:Роднина Марина Владимировна 6597, translation = 6,5+5=11,5 points

wikidata [9] 1pt

Хаят Йосопова1, 98 points (baškirų)

  1. ba:Турхан солтан 26 161 bytes, translation = 26+5=31 points
    wikidata [10] 1pt
  2. ba:Супрун Ульяна 17 278 bytes, translation = 17+5=22 points
    wikidata [11] 1pt
  3. ba:Басараб Ольга Михайловна 5 729 bytes, translation = 6+5=11 points
    wikidata [12] 1pt
  4. ba:Русова София Федоровна 25 347 bytes, translation = 25+5=30 points
    wikidata [13] 1pt

Visem, 11 points

  1. sah:Кононова Александра Николаевна 1228 bytes, new article = 1+5=6 points
  2. ba:Гусева Ирина Борисовна 655 bytes, new article = 5 points

J ansari (13 points) (hindi)

  1. hi:अबादी बानो बेगम 7,000 bytes, new article, 6 new sources = 7+6 = 13


Thanks to all those who participated in the challenge! Five most active participants, who will get rewarded will prizes, are Marajozkee, Хаят Йосопова1, З. ӘЙЛЕ,, and ProletariatetsBefrielseOrkester.