Stewards/Elections 2014/Directivas

This page is a translated version of the page Stewards/Elections 2014/Guidelines and the translation is 37% complete.

This page guides users interested in voting or being a candidate in the Steward Elections. Please read each relevant section below.


Before you vote, you must:

  • have an account on Meta (this wiki);
  • have a global account (or an account on Meta with user page linked to your main wiki, and a link to your meta account from your home wiki user page);
  • not primarily use the account for automated (bot) tasks;
  • have made at least 600 edits before 01 November 2013 (on one wiki, or edits on unified wikis can be combined);
  • have made at least 50 edits between 01 August 2013 and 31 January 2014 (on the same wiki as above, or edits on unified wikis can be combined).


Please see the steward election translation portal for details.

Suggestions als participants

  • You can ask the candidates questions on Stewards/Elections 2014/Questions. Please post no more than 2 relevant questions per candidate, and keep them as short as possible.
  • You can add a short (at most one or two lines) statement explaining your vote. Long conversations (responses to the votes of others) may be moved to the talk page, with a note added so other participants know where to look for it.
  • As some users have disabled CentralNotice, you may also inform other users who might be interested in participating in the voting.



Please read carefully all this text before nominating yourself. If you do not meet the following prerequisites you will be automatically disqualified.

Before applying for stewardship, you must:

  • agree to abide by the policies governing steward access, checkuser access, oversight access, and privacy;
  • have a global (SUL) account;
  • have a user account on this Meta wiki (attached to your unified account);
  • have an account on at least one public Wikimedia Foundation project where you have been active for at least six months;
  • hold or have held administrator rights on at least one public Wikimedia Foundation project for a period of at least three months.

Also, because steward work can lead to legal consequences and involvement (see the checkuser and oversight policies), you must:

  • be at least 18 years old, and at least the age of majority in your country, before the final day of voting;
  • provide your full name and proof of identity to the Wikimedia Foundation.

Stewards are preferably multilingual, because steward work often involves projects of varying languages, but this is not a requirement. They should also be available on a reasonably common basis. The stewards policy sets limitations; for example, stewards may not use their access on projects that they are active on to avoid conflicts of interest, and are encouraged to watch and help on the steward request pages. They can also join the IRC channel #wikimedia-stewardsconnectar on freenode to answer requests.

Inactive stewards will have their access removed.

Provesissètz una pròva de vòstra identitat