Stewards/Elections 2014/Statements/Meno25

The following discussion is closed: This election is closed and these pages are an archive of that event.

This candidate provided a proof of identity to the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please note that the full page with votes can be found at Stewards/Elections 2014/Votes/Meno25.
Meno25 talkcontribsSULutil (accounts) / stalktoyglobalcontribscrosswiki-nessconfirm eligibility
translate: translation help, statement, template, headings


  • Languages: ar-N, en-4, fr-1
  • Personal info: I would like to nominate myself for stewardship. I was elected as a steward in 2009 and I resigned in 2010 in good standing (without controversy) because I didn't have enough time to contribute back then. Now I have more free time. I have been elected for many positions of trust within Wikimedia wikis. I am a checkuser and admin on Arabic Wikipedia and admin on English Wikipedia. I am also a former bureaucrat and admin here on Meta and admin on Commons. (Again, I gave up those rights in good standing because I didn't have enough time back then.) I started contributing to Wikipedia in April 2006 and I have made about 250K manual edits and more than 900K bot edits using my two bot accounts (MenoBot and MenoBot II) for a combined total of more than 1.1 million edits. My work is spread over many projects: I have made more than 1000 edits on 12 wikis and more than 100 edits on 21 wikis. Since I am a native Arabic speaker, my contributions here on Meta are mainly about translating pages to Arabic. I believe that I will increase the cultural and linguistic diversity of stewards since there are currently no stewards from the Arab world or Africa. I am an OTRS volunteer since 2007 (replying to messages in queues info-ar and info-en). Since 2007, I have reported 125 bugs to Bugzilla. I also submitted about 150 commits to the old code repository hosted on (mainly maintaining Arabic localization. I haven't coded anything serious.) In 2008 I was given an account on the Toolserver that I used to operate my bots. In 2013, I switched to using Wikimedia Labs for operating my bots. I attended one Wikimania (Wikimania 2008) where I enjoyed meeting Jimbo and other Foundation officials like Brion Vibber, Tim Starling and Florence Devouard. Over the years, I also participated in many Wikimedia related events in Egypt, such as this 2009 college workshop in Alexandria University and the 2012 Cairo meetup. On 13 July 2012, I created the 4 millionth article on the English Wikipedia (Ezbet el-Borg). On 31 December 2012, I received a T-shirt as a gift from Wikimedia Foundation.

Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2014/Questions#Meno25

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