Stewards/Elections 2015/Statements/DidiWeidmann

The following discussion is closed: This election is closed and these pages are an archive of that event.
This candidate provided a proof of identity to the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please note that the full page with votes can be found at Stewards/Elections 2015/Votes/DidiWeidmann.
  • Languages: de-N, gsw-N, eo-N, fr-3, en-3, it-3, es-2, nl-1, rm-1, la-1, pt-1, hu-1, vo-1, ca-1, ro-1, sv-1, da-1, nn-1, no-1, nov-1, io-1, af-1, vec-1, oc-1, pdc-1
  • Personal info: (English)
    • My real name is Dietrich Michael Weidmann
    • My user account on Meta
    • My user account on my home Wiki
    • About my person: I was born in 1960 in Zurich, Switzerland, and I am linguist, translator and journalist. I was graduated in 1988 at the University of Zurich in general linguistics as lic. phil. My activities on Wikimedia projects: EO-Wikipedia: Administrator (since 2007) and burocrate (since 2014), about 125000 edits since 2006 on EO-Wikipedia (creation of more than 3000 articles), about 30000 edits on Commons (upload of more than 15000 pictures), about 15000 edits on German Wikipedia, active contributions to 156 different projects. Globally I did in all Wikimedia projects about 300'000 edits, i.e. I am among the 500 most active collaborators of Wikimedia. - I have special knowledge about international copy right law and did several research about questions of panoramic law for pictures in Switzerland to clear up and resolve a copyright conflict on Commons for about 2000 pictures taken inside of Swiss churches. I am actively fighting vandalism. With steward access I could due to my language knowledge help fighting vandalism in small Wiki projects (like for example Volapuk, Ido or Novial, where active administrators are missing).
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2015/Questions#DidiWeidmann