Stewards/Elections 2015/Statements/Linedwell

The following discussion is closed: This election is closed and these pages are an archive of that event.
This candidate provided a proof of identity to the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please note that the full page with votes can be found at Stewards/Elections 2015/Votes/Linedwell.
  • Languages: fr-N; en-2; it-2
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hi everyone. I started to contribute on Wikipedia at the end of 2007 and I signed in 2008. I am sysop on frwiki since 2011 and abusefilter since 2012. I'm also an OTRS volunteer and an SWMT member since 2013. I have checkuser rights on a group of wiki (currently not a Wikimedian one) since june 2014 and I think this experience could be beneficial as a steward in the crosswiki vandalism fight. In conclusion, I'm present on #wikimedia-stewards as often as possible. Thanks, Linedwell@frwiki (talk) 16:42, 19 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2015/Questions#Linedwell