
Steward statistics

Updated by MajavahBot at 18:01, 11 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

User Global block Global lock Global rename Global rights Rights (1) Af edits (2) SR edits (3) Total
Ajraddatz 2574 7893 441 372 1694 12 3639 16625
Albertoleoncio 2 83 171 4 5 0 52 317
AmandaNP 61101 29426 1 329 1336 19 2658 94870
AntiCompositeNumber 5675 5222 0 38 192 29 260 11416
Base 116 1023 92 155 373 5 872 2636
Bsadowski1 8359 98628 0 30 2513 38 949 110517
DerHexer 1268 15567 1628 233 2563 6 1025 22290
EPIC 18946 44162 401 168 3444 234 14066 81421
Elton 4786 9403 7 15 293 17 1924 16445
HakanIST 2560 16526 76 508 52 2 447 20171
Hasley 2942 12922 21 73 283 32 1638 17911
Hoo man 1245 2077 3 18 141 11 673 4168
JJMC89 6403 1790 569 267 110 0 298 9437
Johannnes89 453 2479 111 57 262 126 1914 5402
Jon Kolbert 340440 39043 9 134 670 62 1245 381603
MarcGarver 467 13822 3 23 523 1 901 15740
Martin Urbanec 29330 42984 2360 730 2620 122 3470 81616
Masti 5026 44742 1146 18 98 3 353 51386
Melos 734 4415 9 37 347 2 367 5911
Mykola7 599 3690 1354 129 434 0 1209 7415
RadiX 6915 35012 1028 158 1212 6 2174 46505
Sakretsu 2254 10928 287 53 75 0 701 14298
Schniggendiller 4821 14451 0 29 139 4 1127 20571
Sotiale 7627 39136 2705 348 2780 0 5642 58238
Stryn 2123 7283 2214 233 607 42 1715 14217
Tegel 21182 26506 6 8 2119 138 1298 51257
Vermont 118 1511 4 39 192 17 1146 3027
Wim b 2552 16243 23 13 149 0 1260 20240
Xaosflux 385 434 278 241 421 123 1561 3443
Yahya 312 870 1095 66 207 0 924 3474
علاء 4400 9068 1665 223 496 202 10671 26725

(1) If the user has advanced local meta permission (sysop, 'crat), then this column includes actions performed with these permissions.

(2) Includes global and local filters.

(3) SR edits include user edits on Steward Requests and noticeboard

(4) Hide/oversight actions and private Af not included.