Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2016/Community consultation/Knowledge/gl

This page is a translated version of the page Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2016/Community consultation/Knowledge and the translation is 23% complete.

Unha das grandes áreas temáticas nas que a Fundación Wikimedia se centrará no noso próximo plan anual é o "coñecimento". O coñocimento é o que compartimos co mundo. Nos esforzamos por lograr unha alta calidade, diversidade na nosa cobertura e accesibilidade para todos.

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Unha cuestión crítica respecto do coñecemento

Nosos voluntarios utilizan diversas fontes e información para crear un traballo integral e de calidade. Sen embargo, hai importantes inovacións recentes na forma en que se crean, comparten e reciben os coñecimentos. Os recentes avances técnicos tamén permiten a xeración e sindicación automática de contenidos.

Cal cre vostede que é a mellor maneira de que a Fundación Wikimedia se adapte ás necesidades de coñecimento cambiantes dos lectores (cortos fragmentos, formatos diversos, idiomas, etc.) e axude a facilitar a calidade do contido?

Aproximacións estratéxicas potenciais para apoiar coñecemento

Below are several approaches the Wikimedia Foundation might take towards supporting knowledge. Please read through these six options and let us know by approach "number" up to two or three of the six approaches you would most support. We also invite you to share your idea.

Approach One

  • Provide easy-to-use tools and incentives to contribute multimedia content and short-form text to benefit mobile and quick lookup users.

Approach Two

  • Expand content faster through enabling community-led content partnership programs such as GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums).

Approach Three

  • Increase content quality and timeliness by technologically enhancing our editors’ ability to create, monitor, and process content.

Approach Four

  • Measure and reduce systemic gender and other bias in our overall content by project.

Approach Five

  • Increase coverage in key languages through translation tools and human process.

Approach Six

  • Explore ways to scale machine-generated, machine-verified and machine-assisted content.

Suggest an approach

  • Do you have another idea we should prioritize to help us support knowledge? Let us know!
  Thank you for contributing your thoughts to this consultation!