Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Cycle 2/Wikimedia Indonesia Strategy Salon July 11th, 2017


Group photo after dinner

What group or community is this source coming from?

name of group A group of experts invited to dinner by Wikimedia Indonesia
Location "Lara Djonggrang" restaurant in Jakarta
Location type in-person discussion
# of participants in this discussion 16



The summary is a group of summary sentences and associated keywords that describe the relevant topic(s). Below is an example.

Fill in the table, using these 2 keys.

Theme key
  1. Healthy, inclusive communities
  2. The augmented age
  3. A truly global movement
  4. The most trusted source of knowledge
  5. Engaging in the knowledge ecosystem

Questions key
  1. What impact would we have on the world if we follow this theme?
  2. How important is this theme relative to the other 4 themes? Why?
  3. Focus requires tradeoffs. If we increase our effort in this area in the next 15 years, is there anything we’re doing today that we would need to stop doing?
  4. What else is important to add to this theme to make it stronger?
  5. Who else will be working in this area and how might we partner with them?

Line Theme Question Summary Statement Keywords
1 E 1 We could achieve democratisation in knowledge and education by targeting population with low Internet connection. Democratisation of knowledge
2 E 3 We should not leave out local knowledge, especially ones passed down orally. Importance of local knowledge
3 E 3 We should not only focus on written text but also other sources of knowledge such as audio or video. Diversification of sources of knowledge
4 E 5 We can work as intermediaries, who can translate and popularise research done by research bodies or universities. Popularisation of research findings
5 E 5 Universities' position to Wikipedia is still ambiguous. We need to gain their trust for a stronger collaboration in the knowledge ecosystem. Collaboration with universities
6 E 4 We should also take into account the demand from the people. More and more is showing the interest in educational resources that teaches people useful skills. Teaching of useful skills

Indonesia Strategy Salon with Knowledge Experts


This affiliate-led strategy salon dinner took place in Lara Djonggrang restaurant in Jakarta, Indonesia on July 11th, 2017 from 18:30 until 21.00. We invited experts working in the field of technology and knowledge production and dissemination in Indonesia as well as some of our current and previous partners. From the 17 experts invited, 12 confirmed attendance while finally 10 people showed up including 2 people who were invited by other participants. The meeting was voice-recorded and facilitated by Idaman Andarmosoko, one of Wikimedia Indonesia members. The minutes of meeting was noted by Gracia Astriningsih.

Biyanto Rebin as Wikimedia Indonesia Chair formally opened the event followed by a short presentation by Ivonne Kristiani, as the Deputy Chair, on the Movement Strategy process from cycle 1 to 2 and the resulting five themes. The discussion that ensued afterwards focused on theme 5 : "Engaging the knowledge ecosystem (Participating in the knowledge network)".



Expert participants:

1. Onno W. Purbo, technology expert, advocate for Open BTS and affordable Internet, working as consultant for the Ministry of Communications and Informatics
2. Hani Siti Hasanah, from The Lontar Foundation, an independent non-profit organization aiming to promote Indonesian literature and culture through the translation of Indonesian literary works.
3. Fajri Siregar, Executive Director of Centre for Innovation, Policy, and Governance, research-based advisory group workingl in the area of science, technology, innovation and governance.
4. Vira Riyandari Ramelan, Communications Manager of Knowledge Sector Initiave Indonesia, a joint program between the governments of Indonesia and Australia working on better quality public policies based on research, analysis and evidence.
5. Diah Setiawaty, Strategic Partnership Officer of Data Science Indonesia, aiming to champion data-driven technology as well as to engage both technical and non-technical audience to practice the culture.
6. Hilun Vilayl Napis, young researcher from Communication Research Centre, University of Indonesia.
7. Lucyanna Mangoendipoero Pandjaitan , CEO of IndonesiaX, an Indonesian platform for massive open online course .
8. Agnes Nauli, young researcher in neuroscience and PhD candidate from Radboud University Nijmegen.
9. Bowo, Indonesian Community Radio Network.
10. Gildas Deograt Lumy, from Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs.

Attendees from Wikimedia Indonesia:

11. Biyanto Rebin, Chair.
12. Ivonne Kristiani, Deputy Chair.
13. Rachmat Wahidi, Deputy Treasurer.
14. Hilman Fathoni, Creative Commons Indonesia.
15. Facilitator: Idaman Andarmosoko.
16. Note taker: Gracia Astriningsih.

Detailed notes

  • Most of people in Indonesia used Internet mainly for consumption and rarely for content production - Writing culture is not predominant in Indonesia. This could be due to two main factors: Indonesians are reluctant to use written medium to convey their message or they are unable to structure their thinking coherently and clearly in written. Also, Indonesians are not very keen on reading, especially long read. Most prefer shorter read.
  • We should not only focus on written text but also other sources of knowledge such as audio - What we considered as "legitimate" knowledge almost always in the form of written text although knowledge can be in many forms such as audio or video. Looking at other sources is especially relevant since archival system and data base in Indonesia has not yet being well managed and not seen as a priority by the government.
  • We should make Wikipedia a reliable source of knowledge - There is a need to improve the validity and legitimacy of Wikipedia by improving the quality of its articles. However, there are great barriers to this. For example, most reliable references and materials are not yet available in local languages, most are in English and protected by paywall. This would demotivate people who would love to contribute but have no access to references or have limited understanding of English. One solution could be by targeting more experts, who have access to reliable sources, to join the movement and be involved in freely sharing knowledge. But, precautions should be made as to not reproducing the model where only a glimpse of elite academics could determine what constitute as knowledge.
  • Improving verifiability and quality of Wikipedia should not on the other hand sacrifice undocumented local knowledge - Relying on sources from experts (academics, professors, researchers, etc) or formal institutions (universities, research institutions, etc.) would oftentimes render illegitimate local knowledge for which no journals, books, articles or newspapers have ever written about. On one hand, we need verified information while on the other we should not disqualify local knowledge, especially in culture with a predominant oral tradition such as Indonesia.
  • Aiming for further democratisation of knowledge - While Internet is often considered as a decentralised medium which in turns provide equal access, this is not the case in Indonesia where the Internet penetration is still low especially in rural areas and villages with insufficient infrastructure. Our geographical location is complicated, Indonesia has 17 thousand islands and 80 thousands villages, many of them are underdeveloped. Democratisation of knowledge where everyone have equal access to information is very important and thus the population who have not been touched by the Internet or that the Internet connections are not stable or good should be taken into account. Internet service providers, half of them are from private sectors, are reluctant to expand to rural areas because the cost of building new infrastructure are exorbitant. Offline Wikipedia by utilising raspberry pie or orange pie could be a solution while the dissemination is done through partnership with local schools.
  • Increasing the awareness on Wikipedia - There is a low awareness of Wikipedia and its system; how it works, who can edit, what is the model. People simply don't know. We need to do outreach to mainstream Wikipedia and increase its awareness.
  • There will be a process of information curation - While before we have a problem in knowledge curation that only revolves around few groups of people, now we are in the times of information flood . With this, there must be a process of curation to decide which are relevant and which are not.
  • Traditional knowledge ecosystem is facing a big disruption - With the rise of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and other forms of OER (Open Educational Resources), the knowledge ecosystem is reinvented. Universities are no longer the only knowledge producer. Some feel threatened by this disruption and initial actions was to ban Wikipedia because it is seen as a deviation and unreliable. Some use Wikipedia in limited means.
  • Difficulties in collaboration with other actors in the knowledge ecosystem - As the movement adopts and advocate non-commercial open licenses for all the content it produces, there is a difficulty in forging collaboration with other institutions since they are still reluctant to waive some of their rights by freely share their contents.