Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Cycle 2/Wikimedistas de Colombia



What group or community is this source coming from?

name of group Wikimedistas de Colombia User Group
virtual location (page-link) or physical location (city/state/country) Link
Location type (e.g. local wiki, Facebook, in-person discussion, telephone conference) Etherpad
# of participants in this discussion (a rough count) 2


Theme key
  1. Healthy, inclusive communities
  2. The augmented age
  3. A truly global movement
  4. The most trusted source of knowledge
  5. Engaging in the knowledge ecosystem
Questions key
  1. What impact would we have on the world if we follow this theme?
  2. How important is this theme relative to the other 4 themes? Why?
  3. Focus requires tradeoffs. If we increase our effort in this area in the next 15 years, is there anything we’re doing today that we would need to stop doing?
  4. What else is important to add to this theme to make it stronger?
  5. Who else will be working in this area and how might we partner with them?
Line Theme (refer to key) Question (refer to key) Summary Statement Keywords
1 A 1 Following this theme would allow more people to become part of the Wikimedia movement, and reduce the number of people who leave. This would allow people to join groups, chapters, and projects more easily. user retention, outreach
2 A 2 It is important because it represents the very survival of the project: toxic communities make newcomers don't stay (because they don't want or can't), and if these people leave the projects, those communities are doomed to disappear. survival, community
3 A 2 For me, this is the least important theme. So far communities have been self-regulating efficiently. There is always room for improvement. In this case I believe that WMF's clear policies are sufficient. community, policies
4 B 1 Following this theme would allow Wikimedia projects to be at the forefront of technology, and would make it easier for people to participate. Sometimes projects don't have the technological tools they should have at this point, and that makes it difficult for newcomers learning to participate. forefront, tools
5 B 2 It is important because what stays deadlocked in technology tends to be forgotten and easily replaced. deadlock, technology
6 B 2 This aspect is important. Although there have been successful initiatives such as the Visual Editor, we've fallen behind. technology, innovation
7 C 1 Following the theme would make us to achieve our goal of reaching all human beings. If we aren't global, we can never achieve our goal. outreach, globalism
8 C 2 It is important as represents an essential requirement to enable us to fulfill our goal of bringing all knowledge to all people. knowledge, mission
9 C 2 This theme is the most important. Our mission and vision aim to be more than international or transnational. In order to do this, we must make room for everyone (related to theme A) and find ways to communicate in a neutral and fair manner. We speak different languages and no one should be above another when making decisions or define who can participate (and where). diversity, language
10 D 1 Following the theme would make people to really use the projects as a source for consultation. If we aren't respected, they will not use our projects, and it will be useless having all the information in the world and reaching everywhere. respect
11 D 2 It is important because it would represent -if being global was fulfilled- the accomplishment of our ultimate goal -- being the source of knowledge for all people. globalism
12 D 4 It is the second most important topic. We must be verifiable, but the knowledge of the projects currently has a Western vision. Our actions are colonizers about differentiated knowledge of communities such as indigenous peoples. It is expected that by 2030 these communities will have rectified their internet access difficulties, but their worldview and knowledge aren't welcome under the movement's current policies -- they don't have magazines, books, etc., that serve as references. indigenous, sources
13 E 1 Following the theme would strengthen us thanks to allies we would have, and would help us to fulfill other themes through technological advance, gain reputation, etc. partnerships, reputation
14 E 2 It is important because having allies enables/facilitates our goals achievement. partnerships
15 E 2 It is important to create new partnerships with educational & GLAM institutions but without forgetting the technological ones. partnerships, GLAM, education
16 A 2 If we don't have healthy and open communities we will extinguish. NOBODY is going to work for free in a volunteer community where newcomers are biten, blocked, or harassed. This theme represents the very survival of the movement. newcomers, survival
17 A 1 If a community isn't able to self-regulate its toxicity levels, the intervention of an external entity (as the WMF) may be necessary to control it. This doesn't mean a WMF totalitarianism, but sometimes there is too much flexibility and communities are not always able to make decisions that achieve final or right solutions. control, environment
18 A 1 I think that when society in general stops being so toxic our community will follow this. We have to make some basic guidelines and policies, but I think it's something that doesn't rely so much on us. To have more content about minority communities, for example, we must first seek to ensure that these communities are strengthened socially and politically so that there is a change that permeates our projects. Without a society/world change of mentality we will not achieve much. minorities, diversity
19 E 5 I believe that in the future there must be projects in common with other organizations and companies to fulfill our Mission and Vision. sister projects, partnerships
20 E 2 In the Colombian environment, prioritizing [theme] E can be beneficial. If we strength the movement's links with the Colombian knowledge ecosystem (i.e. universities, colleges, Ministry of Education, Ministry of TIC, etc.), we could certainly achieve great things, particularly achieving the goal of being more respected, but also reaching more people. partnerships, outreach
21 E 5 It would be interesting being able to use the Google Translator API in Wikipedia's Translation tool to improve content, or have factory-installed project apps on Apple devices. Even reach global agreements with companies to have zero-rated access to Wikipedia and other projects. translation tool, devices, zero-rating
22 B 3 It is necessary not only to focus on the consumer but on the editor. It's very difficult to edit with ease and efficiency from mobile devices . mobile
23 B 4 It is necessary to advance in sister projects applications (as Wikisource and Wikictionary) for mobile and new platforms sister projects, mobile
24 B 4 We must think about the future and experiment with new ways of reaching users. We have to ask ourselves which technologies are coming/being developed, not just those that are already being applied. An example is the development of visual gadgets for Virtual Reality (VR) that by 2030 will be implemented. technology, innovation