Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Hebrew Wikipedia village pump



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name of group Hebrew Wikipedia
virtual location (page-link) or physical location (city/state/country) w:he:ויקיפדיה:התהליך האסטרטגי לשנת 2017 - השלב הראשון
Location type (e.g. local wiki, Facebook, in-person discussion, telephone conference) local wiki
# of participants in this discussion (a rough count) 30+



Summary for the discussion:

Line Statement (summary sentence) Keywords
1 We should continue to spread free content all over the world, including to new audiences. Spread, Knowledge
2 We should aspire that the Wikimedia movement would be based on knowledge and facts, will not be influenced by political or commercial interests, and promote a knowledge culture based on authoritative sources. Facts, Influence, Interests, knowledge-culture, Authoritative-sources
3 The aspiration should be realistic: the representation of opinions, observations and interpretations of human beings. those, by nature, are not objective. Representation, Objective
4 In order to enable the continued growth of the movement, we must strive to make effective use of the new technologies and The new areas of activity. Technologies, Areas of activity
5 It is important to expand and streamline the developer community that enables technology utilization and adoption. Developer-community, Technology, Adoption
6 We need to act constantly to identify new technologies and adapt them to the movement needs. Identify, Technologies, Adapt
7 We should first strive to improve our control and authentication capabilities regarding new content, before expanding the number of Wikipedia participants. Authentication, Expanding, Wikipedia
8 It was worth rethinking about the division between the wiki-projects, and how to present different types of content together. other approaches, which require technical and design changes, may improve access to the different content types and enable better integration between the projects. (Eg: through a direct link from wikipedia article to another relevant page on another project). Division, Wiki-projects, Integration
9 Our identity and Opinions are important. but as far as Wikipedia is concerned, all these things are measured only by how much they serve the encyclopedic interest. All the programs, grants, etc. of the fund, should be channeled only in light of these principles. Wikipedia, Encyclopedic-interest, Wikimedia
10 The purpose of Wikipedia is to continue to be the ultimate encyclopedia, as such it must include the maximum qualitative knowledge in all areas of knowledge, as well as a means to instill it. Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, Instill
11 When setting a goal for the next 15 years, we shoud focus on an objectives that are abstract as possible, yet practical, so that the ways to achieve it can change while moving, but the goal remains clear. Goal, Objectives, Abstract, Practical
12 We need to rethink the current design of Wikipedia and its suitability for our readers. Design, Wikipedia, Readers
13 About paid editing: We need to prepare for a situation where people are willing to spend substantial amounts of money to influence free content Paid-editing, Influence
14 We need to encourage the connection between Wikipedia and academia. Wikipedia, Academia
15 We need to see ourselves in competition with the rest of the encyclopedias. Even if today, the online format has won over the traditional format, it is not yet decided that the encyclopedia of the future will be free. it is important to focus thinking and resources in this direction, and take advantage of the right time for us, before the veteran players would organize. Encyclopedia, Online-format, Traditional-format, Free content
16 We should expand the activity to recruit new editors also to high schools, in addition to the activity within the academy recruitment, New editors, High school, Academy
17 Regarding the previous statement: It is best to concentrate the recruitment activities to students and academics, and especially among Israeli scientists recruitment, New editors, Academy, Scientists
18 The Wikimedia Foundation should embark on an extensive campaign to recruit new editors. At the same time, we must initiate a new attitude for new editors and consider their edits in a more positive manner (with the exception of the demolitions, which must be restored immediately) Recruit, Attitude, New-editors
19 There is a need to change the trend in academia in relation to Wikipedia. For example, academic appointment committees and promotions should take into account community contribution (eg writing in Wikipedia) Academia, Wikipedia
20 We should invest most of the resources: both in the technological infrastructure, in backups and in recruitment projects, and in contacts with the authorities (such as the IDF) in order to obtain donations of free content Free content, Donations
21 Perhaps we should refer some of the more required works on Wikipedia, to paid editors from Wikipedia / Wikimedia. Paid-editing, Wikipedia
22 Some people, while contributing to Wikipedia, cause other Wikipedians to leave due to bad treatment, causing more harm than good. We need to think about ways to improve the atmosphere in Wikipedia, in order to preserve editors. We should cherish each and every one, as long as his intentions are good Preserve-editors, Attitude, Atmosphere
23 As a practical proposal, it is worth thinking about purchasing written encyclopedias for a free license use, and integrate them as a quality base into Wikipedia, thus, positioning Wikipedia as the ultimate encyclopedia written-Encyclopedia, Free-license, Wikipedia, Practical, Quality
24 We need to think about expanding the functionality of mobile and mobile applications and finding effective ways to drive mobile users to edit Mobile, Functionality, Edit
25 We need to think about strengthening Wikipedia's status as a social network, and about exploiting leading social media for Wikipedia Wikipedia, Social-network, Social-media
26 Action should be taken to improve accessibility to the visually impaired, such as incorporating videos in a substantive way in articles, or adding a device to read the articles for them Accessibility, Visually, Video, Sound
27 It's worth thinking about adopting software that translates written text into an audio file, and later on we can distribute disks that include this content in different places with limited access to the network Translate, Written, Audio
28 We need to adopt innovative scanning technologies that enable sharing and uploading of free knowledge quickly and simply Scanning, Uploading, Knowledge
29 We need to think about other ways to collaborate with social networks, and sometimes even use them as a source Social networks, Collaborate
30 Create the ability to place a location-based request to Wikipedia's registered users to expand information or take photos of sites / places nearby Location-based, Gps, Photos
31 We should think about printing Wikipedia, broken down by general themes or portals. Wikipedia, Print
32 Our goal should be to impart knowledge in a way accessible to children and youth, and thus to make future generations more educated Knowledge, Children, Youth
33 In Wikipedia, we should try and make use of a simple syntax, which is understood by the general public Wikipedia, simple-syntax
34 We need to recruit more Wikipedians to fight vandalism, and to focus on public relations against it Wikipedia, Vandalism
35 More youth should be included in Wikipedia, including in the fight against vandalism youth, Wikipedia, vandalism
36 Wikipedia's goal is not to attract readers. Its main and almost sole goal is to provide knowledge to anyone interested in it Wikipedia, Readers, Knowledge
37 About Wikipedia, it is worth thinking about adding a permanent part of the article, which will clarify the axioms on which the article is based Wikipedia, Axioms
38 The Wikimedia project is fed by anonymous, committed writers who are committed to their opinions at best or to the prevailing ideology in their community. In fact, it is the opinions of the writers that dominate, not the facts Wikimedia, Ideology, Opinions
39 As for Wikipedia, there is a need to limit which areas of knowledge to focus on, since certain areas do not fit into the encyclopedia Wikipedia, Areas of knowledge, Focus
40 Regarding paid editing, it is important to recruit additional volunteers who will follow paid editors and supervise their activities. Paid-editing, Supervise
41 It is worth thinking about expanding Wikimedia activities within the framework of youth movements. In the first stage through direct contact with the movement's counselors Wikimedia, Youth-movements, Activities
42 We have to think about making use of artificial intelligence, and assimilating it into Wikipedia for a variety of different uses. For example as voice assistance artificial-intelligence, Wikipedia
43 The most important thing that Wikipedia should do is to invest in the translation capabilities of articles from language to language. We need to focus on the technical solutions that allow this. Wikipedia, translation
44 It is important to promote credibility in Wikipedia. We should also think of other ways to improve Wikipedia's reputation as a source of information. credibility, Wikipedia, reputation
45 It is important to allow creativity among the editors in Wikipedia. For example through various projects. Wikipedia, Creativity, Projects

If you need more lines, you can copy them from Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Lines.

Detailed notes
