Strategi/Gerakan Wikimedia/2017
Phase 1 of the Movement Strategy Process is over. We have moved on and a next stage of the Process is undergoing. If you want to stay informed, add the page Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20 to your watchlist. |
Apa yang kita inginkan
untuk membangun atau meraih bersama-sama
dalam 15 tahun mendatang?
Selama 16 tahun, Wikimedian bekerja sama untuk membangun sumber pengetahuan bebas dalam sejarah manusia. Pada saat ini, kita telah tumbuh dari kelompok kecil penyunting menjadi komunitas penyunting, pengembang, afiliasi, pembaca, penyumbang, dan rekan yang beragam.
Saat ini, kami lebih dari sekedar kelompok situs web. Kita telah menjadi gerakan yang berakar pada nilai dan visi yang kuat:
Kita semua sekarang memiliki kesempatan untuk memutuskan kita akan menuju suatu arah. Kita bisa memutuskan bagaimana kita mewujudkan visi kita. Apa yang akan kita capai 15 tahun dari sekarang? Peran apa yang ingin kita mainkan di dunia pada tahun 2030? Siapa yang akan bergabung dengan gerakan kita? Pekerjaan apa yang ada di depan kita? Inilah pertanyaan yang bisa kita jawab bersama.
By 2030, Wikimedia will become the essential infrastructure of the ecosystem of free knowledge, and anyone who shares our vision will be able to join us.
Kami, kontributor, komunitas, dan organisasi-organisasi Wikimedia, akan memajukan dunia dengan mengumpulkan pengetahuan yang merepresentasikan keberagaman umat manusia secara utuh, dan dengan membangun layanan dan struktur yang memungkinkan pihak lain untuk melakukan hal yang sama.
We will carry on our mission of developing content as we have done in the past, and we will go further.
"'Knowledge as a service"': Untuk melayani pengguna kami, kami akan menjadi platform yang melayani pengetahuan terbuka kepada dunia di seluruh antarmuka dan komunitas. Kami akan membangun alat untuk sekutu dan mitra untuk mengatur dan bertukar pengetahuan bebas di luar Wikimedia. Infrastruktur kami akan memungkinkan kita dan orang lain untuk mengumpulkan dan menggunakan berbagai bentuk pengetahuan yang bebas dan dapat diandalkan.
Knowledge equity: As a social movement, we will focus our efforts on the knowledge and communities that have been left out by structures of power and privilege. We will welcome people from every background to build strong and diverse communities. We will break down the social, political, and technical barriers preventing people from accessing and contributing to free knowledge.
Lihat proses yang telah berjalan
There were three cycles of discussions. The first cycle ended on April 18, 2017. The second ended on June, 12. The third cycle ended on July, 31. You can now read the text of the strategic direction that emerged through this process. If you agree that this is the right way for the Wikimedia Movement to move forward, you are invited to endorse it. |
Belajar lebih lanjut
Katherine Maher sends weekly summaries of what is happening around the movement strategy process. You can also sign up to receive news on your talk page. | |
About the audiences in the conversation (tracks)There are many different groups in our movement, who engage with information in different ways. In order to understand their needs and perspectives better, the core team has organized "tracks" by audience. The main participation tracks are Organized Groups and Individual Contributors. The third audience is for those not in our movement conversation, namely readers, experts, and partners. We are currently doing both research and interviews to better understand their inputs. Learn more here (link coming soon). | |
A |
Jalur A This group includes Wikimedia movement affiliates, organized movement committees including the Funds Dissemination Committee and Affiliations Committee, staff members at the Wikimedia Foundation, the Foundation Board of Trustees, and other organized or semi-organized groups that help support the movement. |
B |
Jalur B This group includes individual contributors, such as editors, curators, and volunteer developers, across different languages and Wikimedia projects. |
Formerly tracks C and D We are doing research to better understand the voices that aren’t part of our movement discussions: readers, experts, and partners. To ensure a complete picture, we are engaging in research as well as conducting interviews and hosting small gatherings with these people. This group includes existing and new readers of our projects, and existing and potential partners, in countries or languages where we are both well-known (formerly track C) and where we are much less known (formerly track D). |
Lihat juga
- (Inggris) 2010–2015 Wikimedia movement strategy
- (Inggris) Strategy of Wikimedia organizations
- (Inggris) Wikimedia technology strategy and roadmaps