Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Working Groups/Apply
The Strategy Core Team continues to look for people with an interest in strategic conversations to join the Working Groups. These groups will work on recommendations for the movement to advance in our Strategic Direction in 9 Thematic Areas. We are looking for up to 15 members per Working Group, and strive for a diverse set of members from across the movement, to ensure the necessary expertise, diversity, and representation.
Working Group model
The Working Groups will map the present situation of their respective Thematic Area, including the obstacles and opportunities, as well as needed changes. They will identify possible strategies for making these changes and develop concrete recommendations for the movement on how to ratify and implement them.
There are 9 Thematic Areas:

- Roles & Responsibilities
- Revenue Streams
- Resource Allocation
- Partnerships
- Diversity
- Capacity Building
- Community Health
- Product & Technology
- Advocacy
Working Group membership
We are looking for a maximum of 15 members for each of the 9 groups. For best results we will need a diverse set of members from across the movement. We have developed a set of criteria, to ensure the necessary expertise, diversity, and representation.
Working Group members will need to be able to invest an average of 5 hours per week, but that time might vary depending on the workflow that each group agrees upon. Members of the Working Groups are expected to act in the interest of the movement, not in the interest of their own organization or community.
We encourage everyone who is meeting the criteria and has an interest in conversations about structural changes on a movement level to apply.
Preview the questions of the application form here
Please note that even if you cannot commit to 5 hours per week as a Working Group member, there will be other ways for you to participate in strategic conversations and share your expertise and perspective. The Working Groups will regularly report about their work, consult with the broader movement and bring the voices in that are not represented in their group.