Structured Data on Commons/Newsletter/2017-10-25
Welcome to the newsletter for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons! You can update your subscription to the newsletter. Do inform others who you think will want to be involved in the project!
- Community updates
- Rama published an article about Structured Commons in Arbido, a Swiss online magazine for archivists, librarians and documentalists: original in French, illustrated and the article translated in English.
- We now have a dedicated IRC channel: wikimedia-commons-sd webchat
- Join the community focus group!
- Translation. Do you want to help out translating messages about Structured Data on Commons from English to your own language? Sign up on the translators page.
- The documentation and info pages about Structured Data on Commons have received a thorough update, in order to get them ready for all the upcoming work. Obsolete pages were archived. There are undoubtedly still a lot of omissions and bits that are unclear. You can help by editing boldly, and by leaving feedback and tips on the talk pages.
- We have started to list tools, gadgets and bots that might be affected by Structured Commons in order to prepare for a smooth transition to the new situation. You can help by adding alerts about/to specific tools and developers on the dedicated tools page. You can also create Phabricator tasks to help keep track of this. Volunteers and developers interested in helping out with this process are extremely welcome - please sign up!
- Help write the next Structured Commons newsletter.

- Structured Data on Commons was presented at Wikimania 2017 in Montréal for a packed room. First design sketches for search functionality were discussed during a breakout session. Read the Etherpad reports of the presentation and the breakout session.
- Katherine Maher, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, answered questions on Quora. One of her answers, mentioning Structured Data on Commons, was republished on Huffington Post.
- Sandra Fauconnier, Amanda Bittaker and Ramsey Isler from the Structured Commons team will be at WikidataCon. Sandra presents Structured Commons there (with a focus on fruitful collaboration between the Wikidata and Commons communities). If you attend the conference, don't hesitate to say hi and have a chat with us! (phabricator task T176858)
- Team updates

Two new people have been hired for the Structured Data on Commons team. We are now complete! :-)
- Ramsey Isler is the new Product Manager of the Multimedia team.
- Pamela Drouin was hired as the User Experience Designer. She works at the Multimedia team as well, and her work will focus on the Structured Commons project.
- Partners and allies
- We are still welcoming (more) staff from GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) to become part of our long-term focus group (phabricator task T174134). You will be kept in the loop of the project, and receive regular small surveys and requests for feedback. Get in touch with Sandra if you're interested - your input in helping to shape this project is highly valued!
- Research
Design research is ongoing.
- Jonathan Morgan and Niharika Ved have held interviews with various GLAM staff about their batch upload workflows and will finish and report on these in this quarter. (phabricator task T159495)
- At this moment, there is also an online survey for GLAM staff, Wikimedians in Residence, and GLAM volunteers who upload media collections to Wikimedia Commons. The results will be used to understand how we can improve this experience. (phabricator task T175188)
- Upcoming: interviews with Wikimedia volunteers who curate media on Commons (including tool developers), talking about activities and workflows. (phabricator task T175185)
In Autumn 2017, the Structured Commons development team works on the following major tasks (see also the quarterly goals for the team):
- Getting Multi-Content Revisions sufficiently ready, so that the Multimedia and Search Platform teams can start using it to test and prototype things.
- Determine metrics and metrics baseline for Commons (phabricator task T174519).
- The multimedia team at WMF is gaining expertise in Wikibase, and unblocking further development for Structured Commons, by completing the MediaInfo extension for Wikibase.
- Stay up to date!
- Follow the Structured Data on Commons project on Phabricator:
- Subscribe to this newsletter to receive it on a talk page of your own choice.
- Join the next IRC office hour and ask questions to the team! It takes place on Tuesday 21 November, 18.00 UTC.
Warmly, your community liaison, SandraF (WMF) (talk)