Swánga̱lyiatwuki-WikiWoordenboek Joint Pilot Wiktionary Editing

The Swánga̱lyiatwuki-WikiWoordenboek Joint Pilot Wiktionary Editing project is one being organized by the Wiktionary team of Wikimedia Netherlands and the Tyap Wikimedians User Group (TWU) to edit each other's language in the other's Wiktionary with the English language as an interface. Words of Tyap [kcg] origin would be added into the WikiWoordenboek and those of Dutch [nl] origin added in the Swánga̱lyiatwuki.

Event details

  • Dates: January 11 – February 28, 2025
  • Venue: Online.
  • Status: Completed.
  • Post-pilot project: To kickoff on a later date.

Pre-event meeting 1

Introductory Meeting, Swánga̱lyiatwuki-WikiWoordenboek pilot project

Please find the details to our short-notice introductory video call meeting down below:

  • Date: Friday, 10 January 2025
  • Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm
  • Time zone: Middle European Time (MET)/West African Time (WAT)
  • Google Meet joining info: Click here to join the introductory meeting on Google Meet

Meeting 2

Second Swánga̱lyiatwuki-WikiWoordenboek pilot project meeting

Please find the details of our short-notice introductory video call meeting down below:

  • Date: Friday, 24 January 2025
  • Time: 10:00am – 11:00am
  • Time zone: Middle European Time (MET)/West African Time (WAT)
  • Jitsi Meet joining info: Click here

Closing meeting 3

Closing meeting for Swánga̱lyiatwuki-WikiWoordenboek pilot project

Please find the details of our short-notice introductory video call meeting down below:

  • Date: Friday, 28 February 2025
  • Time: 11:00am – 12:00am
  • Time zone: Middle European Time (MET)/West African Time (WAT)
  • Jitsi Meet joining info: Click here

Other details

  • Please do well to check the event talk page for useful discussions related to this pilot project.
  • Also click here to view the Outreach Dashboard.



Participants from Dutch and Tyap speaking backgrounds to create entries for each other's language's glosses in both Wiktionaries.

List of participants of the Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

Name Username Timestamp


Levi Kambai Timothy Kambai Akau Kambai Akau (talk) 23:03, 5 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]


Friday Kuyet Musa Friday musa Friday musa (talk) 13:17, 6 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  Zitchat Paul Zitchat Zitchat (talk) 05:01, 7 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  Marco Swart MarcoSwart MarcoSwart (talk) 10:50, 8 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  Baba Theophilus Augustine


BabaTheophilud (talk) 06:55, 9 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  Godiva Kajhyung

Godiva Kajhyung

Godiva Kajhyung (talk) 08:25, 10 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  ISRAEL ILIYA AUDU Sharpjnr (talk) 13:13, 12 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  Zwandien Bobai Zbobai Zbobai (talk) 17:34, 13 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Editor can check his/her number edit record by clicking here: CentralAuth/

How to participate


Welcome to this interesting pilot collaborative project!

You can be able to participate in this project through the following ways:

  1. Creating a whole new entry in your home Wiktionary related to the working partner's language or people (E.g., Tyap in WikiWoordenboek or Dot in Swánga̱lyiatwuki).
  2. Creating a whole new entry for a word in your language in the working partner's Wiktionary i.e., if you can navigate through the working partner's Wiktionary and language (E.g., a̱lakumi in WikiWoordenboek or kameel in Swánga̱lyiatwuki).
  3. Adding translations in one's language to entries in the working partner's Wiktionary (E.g., a̱gwomna̱ti in WikiWoordenboek or tijd in Swánga̱lyiatwuki).


  1. When one opts to create an entry in one's language in the working partner's Wiktionary, the description would be in the working partner's language, not in English (E.g., a̱lakumi in WikiWoordenboek and kameel in Swánga̱lyiatwuki).
  2. Remember to add category to newly created entries. I.e., Sa:Swánga̱lyiatwuki-WikiWoordenboek pilot project, and this category shows increase in Dutch entries in the Swánga̱lyiatwuki. On WikiWoordenboek the progress can be monitored in this category and at the project page in Dutch.
  3. If you create a new entry not in the table below, please remember to add it to the table here below. This is to enable us track the progress of our pilot project!

Entries for creation or editing


Click here to refresh the list to reflect the latest changes

This section contains a general list of items to be translated by both Netherlands and Tyap Wiktionary editors. Please feel free to work on any of the glosses below in any of the three ways highlighted above.

People, language, state

No. English gloss Dutch entry Tyap entry
1. Dutch Nederlands Dot
2. Tyap Tyap Tyap
3. Holland Holland Holan
4. Netherlands Nederland Nedalan
5. Atyap Atyap A̱tyap
6. Dutchman m., Dutchwoman f. Nederlander (Nederlandse f.) A̱tyudot
7. Belgium België Ba̱li̱jiyom
8. Belgian Belg A̱tyuba̱li̱jiyom
9. Surinam Suriname Suri̱nam
10. Surinamer Surinamer A̱tyusuri̱nam
11. The Dutch speakers Nederlandssprekende A̱tyulyiatdot
12. Aruba Aruba A̱ruba
13. Aruban Arubaan (Arubaanse f.) A̱tyoruba
14. Curaçao Curaçao Kurasawo
15. Curaçaoan Curaçaoënaar (Curaçaose f.) A̱tyukurasawo
16. Sint Maarten Sint Maarten Sen-Ma̱ri̱ti̱n
17. Sint Maartenese Sint Maartenaar (Sint Maartense f.) A̱tyusen-Ma̱ri̱ti̱n
18. Bonaire Bonaire Bonaire
19. Bonairean Bonairiaan (Bonairiaanse f.) A̱tyubonaire
20. Saba Saba Saba
21. Saban Sabaan (Sabaanse f.) A̱tyusaba
22. Sint Eustatius Sint Eustatius Sen-Yutatyut
23. Statian Statiaan (Statiaanse f.) A̱tyusen-Yutatyut
24. Nigeria Nigeria Naijeriya
25. Nigerian Nigeriaan (Nigeriaanse f.) A̱tyunaijeriya

Noun words


The body


This list is adapted largely from the Oral History and Vocabulary Elicitation Protocol 2022 - Primary document from Wikitongues.

No. English gloss Dutch entry Tyap entry
1. body lichaam vam
2. moustache snor zwum-a̱nu
3. skeleton skelet nkap
4. kidney nier kpang-a̱fa
5. liver lever lyia̱
6. head hoofd (of person or horse), kop (of an animal) a̱pyia̱
7. hair haar pyia̱ (of the head), cat (of any other part, animal hair)
8. chin kin a̱tanu
9. ear oor fufwuo
10. eye oog a̱li
11. eyebrow wenkbrauw a̱gyingyang-a̱li, a̱ngyang-a̱li
12. nose neus zwua̱i
13. mouth mond a̱nu
14. arm arm ghwuan
15. cheek wang kpang, shushok
16. beard baard a̱tanu
17. brain brein fuu
18. neck hals fwuo
19. skull schedel a̱gyigyiek-a̱pyia̱
20. tongue tong a̱lyem
21. tooth tand a̱nyung
22. heart hart a̱lyia̱
23. chest borstkas fi̱ri̱ng
24. back rug a̱ma
24. backbone ruggengraat kungkup-a̱ma
25. belly buik a̱fa
26. semen sperma a̱shyi
27. breast borst a̱baan
28. rib rib tsi̱ntsa̱u
29. shoulder schouder a̱za̱nghwuan
30. buttock bil tsok
31. waist taille dyang
32. bone bot kungkup
33. blood bloed a̱sok
34. intestine darm a̱na
35. lung long guhuguhu
36. skin huid kwa
37. tail staart li̱m
38. anus anus a̱li̱p
39. penis penis lyan
40. horn hoorn a̱tá̱m
41. throat keel za̱nwuat
42. armpit oksel a̱ngeam
43. elbow elleboog tswumbwak
44. urine urine a̱tyak
45. vomit braaksel kwa̱i
46. excrement uitwerpselen bying
47. saliva speeksel a̱ta̱mpyia̱
48. diarrhea diarree a̱kang
49. heel hiel a̱kpuut-ntak
50. hip heup tsi̱n
51. knee knie a̱khwut
52. leg been tak
53. foot voet kpai-ntak
54. thigh dij a̱bwantak
55. toe teen ga̱swuong-ntak
56. toenail teennagel ga̱fwuo-ntak
57. cough hoest a̱wop
58. finger vinger ga̱swuong-mbwak
59. fingernail vingernagel ga̱fwuo-mbwak
60. fist vuist a̱nggurung-mbwak
61. forearm onderarm a̱bwanbwak
62. little finger pink a̱yiri̱zang (a̱yiri̱zang-mbwak)
63. thumb duim a̱turugbak-mbwak
64. ankle enkel a̱lintak
65. testicle teelbal a̱shuk
66. vagina vagina a̱byan
67. milk melk a̱baan
67. sweat zweet a̱lahyia̱
68. stomach maag tswu
69. hand hand bwak
70. mucus catarre a̱nfwuong
70.a catarrh slijmvliesontsteking a̱nfwuong
71. nape, nucha nek a̱ma̱nta-fwuo
72. occiput achterhoofd a̱ma̱nta-a̱pyia̱


No. English gloss Dutch entry Tyap entry
1. ant mier a̱ga̱swan
2. bat vleermuis a̱ncann
3. bear beer a̱bya
4. bee bij shwai
5. bird vogel a̱man
6. warthog wrattenzwijn za
7. butterfly vlinder a̱fi̱nfa̱n
8. chicken kip nywan
9. chicken egg kippenei a̱cyi-nywan
10. cockroach kakkerlak a̱niaikham
11. crab krab a̱gaga
12. crocodile krokodil tsang
13. louse luis ceang
14. lizard hagedis a̱mgbat
15. meat vlees nam
16. monkey aap zeam
17. crow kraai a̱nkweak
18. dog hond a̱bwu
19. duck eend a̱gwagwa
20. eagle arend a̱gwong-a̱da
21. egg ei a̱cyi
22. fat vet hya̱u
23. feather veer cat
24 woman vrouw (humans), vrouwtje (animals) a̱byii̱k (humans)
25. fish vis a̱fa̱n
26. flea vlo a̱kurungkung
27. fly vlieg cuncung
28. frog kikker a̱nzat
29. goose gans a̱gbak-a̱gwagwa
30. hawk havik, sperwer (small hawk), roofvogel (bird of prey) a̱nkyim, a̱guywat (very small hawk), a̱kha̱-a̱za (bird of prey + hawk, eagle)
31. insect insect kyangcet
32. worm worm tsutsut
33. mosquito mug a̱ga̱mun
34. cat kat a̱kwi
35. mouse muis cyui
36. rat rat cyui
37. pig, swine varken, zwijn a̱kusuru
38. anthill mierenhoop a̱gban
39. snake slang zwak
40. spider spin a̱taneang
41. wing vleugel a̱feap
42. toad pad a̱kusambwat
43. sow zeug sha̱p-a̱kusuru
44. tusk slagtand a̱nyung-zwuom
45. buffalo, bison buffel (big bovine), bizon (American big bovine) zat
46. elephant olifant zwuom
47. leopard luipaard cyuo
48. lion leeuw a̱zaki
49. cock haan a̱gbak-nywan
50. hen hen sha̱p-nywan
51. cow koe sha̱p-nyak
52. horse paard tsaai
53. claw klauw ga̱fwuo
54. animal dier nyam
55. man mannetje (animals), man (humans) a̱tyok
56. scorpion (species:Scorpiones) schorpioen nyang
57 angola pitta (species:Pitta angolensis) Angolese pitta a̱gwam-a̱ga̱shoot
58 water fowl (species:Anatidae eendachtigen a̱nganyeak (a species of aquatic birds)
59 pied crow (species:Corvus albus) schildraaf a̱nkywak

Adjectival words

No. English gloss Dutch entry Tyap entry
1. female, feminine vrouwelijk, vrouwelijks sha̱p (animals), a̱nap (humans)
2. male, masculine manlijk a̱gbak / a̱ba (mostly used for animals), a̱sam (for humans)

Please find images related to this project here.


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