
Latest comment: 5 months ago by Selsharbaty (WMF) in topic Wikimedia Brand Portal Update April 2024

Brand Guidelines update


Over the past few months, the Wikimedia Foundation Brand Studio team has been working on updating the Brand Guidelines Portal on Meta-Wiki. You can see the updated version of this portal on the main page. We will follow up on this message with details about the process very soon. In the mean time, please share any feedback you have or report any non-functional parts here. --Selsharbaty (WMF) (talk) 19:57, 4 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

You can read more about the portal update in this Diff post. --Selsharbaty (WMF) (talk) 08:04, 7 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

@Selsharbaty (WMF): Just to make sure: you’ll make the new content translatable, won’t you? The old one (now at Brand/Archive) had over two dozens of (more or less complete) translation, now we’re back to zero. —Tacsipacsi (talk) 00:52, 7 April 2022 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for flagging this. I have just marked all the pages of the new portal for translation. Hope that we all collaborate in translating them into as many languages as we can. Selsharbaty (WMF) (talk) 07:55, 7 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Updates to the Movement Brand Guidelines


Hi everyone! It has been six months since we published the new brand portal on Meta Wiki with guidelines and more resources that make using the movement brands easier. Thank you so much to everyone who shared feedback, your input has been invaluable in helping us build on and improve this portal for a living brand created by millions of Wikimedians.


After publishing the portal, our first priority was to translate it into seven of the most widely used languages in our movement: Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese. In addition, the Korean and Thai versions have already been completed through volunteer efforts. Thank you so much to user:리듬 and Patsagorn Y. for doing all this work. Join the portal translation efforts here.

Affiliate Taglines:

Per the 2021 Foundation Board of Trustees resolution on branding, we followed this effort by working with affiliates on developing a guide on creating and using Taglines. This new how-to guide walks you through the process of creating and adopting a tagline to better communicate your affiliate’s work.

Creative commons attribution guide:

Most recently we worked with the Foundation’s Partnerships and Legal teams on publishing their guide for how to attribute Creative Commons licensed content from Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in a variety of contexts. This how-to includes best practices and examples that can easily be accessed via the brand portal.

Other changes:

Other minor changes to the portal included adding and editing the presentation template, default fonts on the document templates and creating tutorial videos on how to use some of the resources (1), (2). These are all changes we are making to increase accessibility. Many of these improvements are made with help and insights from other Wikimedia Foundation teams. Please keep sending us feedback on the available brand resources. We are excited for the work we will do together over the next six months until our next update. Selsharbaty (WMF) (talk) 09:33, 15 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Update to the Movement Brand Guidelines: June 2023


Hi everyone! Another six months have passed since the last update we made to the portal. We used your feedback and the requests we receive to improve the portal even further and to include more resources.

Social media templates

Triggered by a request from Wikimedia South Africa and our work with Wikimedians of Algeria to refresh their visual identity, in this update, we have added new templates that all affiliates can edit and use on their social media accounts. We are piloting a more accessible way to support affiliates with do-it-yourself design templates on Canva, a free-to-use design platform that can run on any browser. You can find the new templates and a mini tutorial for Canva on the Create page.

Notes on logo usage

We have shared some notes on the requirements for use of protected logos and the logos that require legal permission on the logo page to help outline the process and make it less confusing.

Please continue to send us any feedback, questions or requests for the brand resources available here and possible ones you may need in your work. See you in six months. -Selsharbaty (WMF) (talk) 13:56, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Community input into the Wikimania Sound Logo sonic guidelines


Hello everyone! You may have noticed that a new sonic guidelines section has been added to Logo page that addresses how to use the new Wikimania Sound Logo correctly.

We would like community members to contribute to these guidelines with a view of improving them for Wikimedians' use. As always, we welcome contributions via this Talk page.

Attendees to Wikimania 2023 (Wikimania 2023 on meta) will also be able to contribute during our session entitled "Psst, Wikimedia has a sound logo". During the Q&A section, the sound logo team welcome community questions but also community answers to the question "How else would you use the sound logo?". As we move towards implementation of the sound logo, we are inviting Wikimedians to attend this workshop equipped with answers to this very important question and contribute current and future use cases that will collaboratively inform the community aspect of the sonic guidelines.

Your valuable feedback is always appreciated. See you at Wikimania! TElias (WMF) (talk) 17:51, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Update to the Movement Brand Guidelines: October 2023


Hi everyone! It is time for our bi-annual updates to the movement brand guidelines. Over the past few months, we have made some changes and expansions to the portal including:

The Wikimedia photo library

In the library you will find high quality images that help to tell the story of free knowledge. We hope that this library will help everyone, especially affiliates in the important work they do to invite new audiences into our movement. Alongside this library, we’ve also updated guidelines on how to effectively use imagery to tell stories.

Early this month we held two sessions to walk interested affiliate members through the library images, how to take great photos and to answer any questions they have. You can find the recording and slides on Wikimedia Commons. .

This new resource is a growing one from which we all can benefit and grow together. Please add your photos wherever you have suitable ones.

Sound logo guidelines

The new sonic brand guidelines section covers all you need to know before using the new Wikimedia sound logo. The new section answers important questions about the sound logo starting by explaining what it is, when and how to use it and who it is targeted to. The guidelines are open for community participation on the Wikimedians’ use. Please share any thoughts you may have on this talk page in the dedicated section.

We aim at continuing to build and expand the brand portal here on Meta-wiki with resources that make your work easier and provide accessibility to more people. Please keep sending us any ideas that can help us do this together until the next update. See you in April.--Selsharbaty (WMF) (talk) 10:36, 19 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Brand Portal Update April 2024


Hello everyone! It’s the usual time for our bi-annual updates to the brand portal! Over the last few months, there have been some changes including:


One important update was changing one of our main brand typefaces from Source Serif Pro to Source Serif 4. We were notified by [[User:Hugo en résidence]] that the link to download Source Serif Pro on our portal is broken. That’s when we realized that Source Serif Pro has been discontinued by Adobe and has been replaced by a new typeface, Source Serif 4. We have decided to move forward with a plan to update our brand resources accordingly. You can find the updated stationery (presentation template, letterheads, etc) with the new typeface under the “create” tab on the portal.

Wikimedia Sound logo update

The Sound logo section on the logo page has also been updated to reflect the most recent changes in the sound logo guidelines .We have added documentation of the sound logo to the Wikimedia community presentation template on the “create” page. In addition, the sound logo itself has been embedded in the end slides. Should you need to use the sound logo or play it on a slide during a presentation that you are giving, you can now simply copy and paste the embedded audio.


We have added a new section to the “create” page. Please scroll down the page to check out the new highlights section with examples of great designs, visual identities and different creatives from the Wikimedia movement for inspiration and pride of how beautiful our movement is. Let’s keep growing this section with examples of beautiful creatives different communities make.

Attributing generative AI

We have also expanded the attribution guide to include guidelines on attributing generative AI work.

In addition to all that, we have done multiple changes to simplify navigating the portal and to maintain a fresh look and functionality.

See you in the next bi-annual update. Until then, please continue to share any feedback you might have to help maintain our brand guidelines and to make the creative work around the movement easier and more successful. --Selsharbaty (WMF) (talk) 15:13, 18 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

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