Talk:Campaigns/Foundation Product Team/Event Discovery

Latest comment: 5 months ago by IFried (WMF) in topic Proximity

EN: Project introduction & problem analysis / FR: Présentation du projet et analyse des problèmes


EN: How do you learn about Wikimedia campaign events? For example: banners, email lists, talk pages, social media, etc.

  • FR: Comment êtes-vous informé des événements de la campagne Wikimedia ? Par exemple : bannières, listes de diffusion, pages de discussion, médias sociaux, etc.

--Didierwiki (talk) 14:25, 31 August 2023 (UTC) Je suis informé des événements de la campagne Wikimédia à travers mon User Group.Reply

Merci pour cette réponse ! IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:04, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

--User:Falilou224 (talk) 15:51, 2 September 2023 (UTC) Généralement pour les événements de la campagne Wikimédia, je suis informé à travers mon User Group et quelquefois par les bannières et les listes de diffusion pour des programmes spécifiques dont je souscris.Reply

Merci d'avoir expliqué comment vous êtes habituellement informé des événements. Ce sont des informations utiles ! IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:05, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • عربي: كيف تصلك أخبار فعاليات حملات ويكيميديا؟ على سبيل المثال: اللافتات، وقوائم البريد الإلكتروني، وصفحات الفعاليات، ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، وما إلى ذلك.

--Akouete (talk) 09:59, 3 September 2023 (UTC) Médias sociaux, Groupes Telegram, E-mails des organisateurs, Bannières et annonces sur les sites Wikimedia, Listes de diffusion, Pages de discussion sur les projets Wikimedia, Sites web des événements.Reply

Merci d'avoir partagé cette liste de méthodes de découverte d'événements ! IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:06, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

--BrettButtliere (talk) 10:08, 23 October 2023 (UTC)I would say i struggle to find out about events. I am a part of some groups on reddit facebook, but they are mostly just posts of people offering to make profiles for people.Reply

Thank you; this is helpful contextǃ We have heard from others that is often difficult to find about events as well. IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:07, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Comme notre usergroup n'est pas encore validé, J'attends parler des campagnes par mail d'organisateurs, groupe WhatsApp ,Télégramme et bannières. Chirocca77 (talk) 13:00, 29 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

EN: Do you think it’s easy to find all of the campaign events that interest you? Why or why not?

  • FR: Pensez-vous qu'il est facile de trouver tous les événements de la campagne qui vous intéressent ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?

--Didierwiki (talk) 14:31, 31 August 2023 (UTC) Tous les éléments de la campagne ne sont pas facile à trouver pour des raisons de sourcesReply

Merci d'avoir partagé ce point de vue ! IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:08, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

--User:Falilou224 (talk) 15:59, 2 September 2023 (UTC) Non, tous les évènements de la campagne ne sont pas facile à trouver vu la logique d'accéder et le nombre d'événements qui peut être disponible.Reply

Merci d'avoir partagé cela ! Oui, d’autres nous ont dit qu’il peut être difficile de se renseigner sur de nombreux événements. IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:09, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • عربي:هل تعتقد أنه من السهل الوصول على جميع فعاليات الحملة التي تهمك؟ لما و لما لا؟

--Akouete (talk) 09:59, 3 September 2023 (UTC) Oui, possible de les trouver assez facilement mais c'est peut être la période de publication de certains événements qui ne cadrent pas avec la période de demande de bourses.Reply

@Akouete, merci pour cette réponse ! Pouvez-vous expliquer un peu plus ce que vous entendez par l'inadéquation entre la période de publication et la période de bourse ? Je ne pense pas avoir bien compris. Merci! IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:10, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

--BrettButtliere (talk) 10:08, 23 October 2023 (UTC)it is not easy and i am working on ways to improve it, would like to help you if possible.Reply

@BrettButtliere Thanks for sharing this perspectiveǃ IFried (WMF) (talk) 17:11, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Non, ce n'est pas toujours facile de trouver tous les campagnes. Chirocca77 (talk) 13:05, 29 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

EN: Ideally, how would you like to hear about campaign events?

  • FR: Idéalement, comment aimeriez-vous être informé des événements de la campagne ?

--Didierwiki (talk) 14:34, 31 August 2023 (UTC) Mon Uer Groupe relaie toujours les campagnes.Reply

--User:Falilou224 (talk) 16:05, 2 September 2023 (UTC) Je souhaiterai être informé via mon User Group qui nous encadre toujours en terme de partage d'info, et par mail et les bannières.Reply

@Didierwiki & @Falilou224ː Merci d'avoir partagé que vous aimeriez entendre parler des événements de votre groupe d'utilisateurs. J'ai une question à vous poser : que diriez-vous de découvrir des événements qui ne sont pas organisés par votre groupe d'utilisateurs ? Par exemple, si un organisateur organise un événement en ligne axé sur des sujets qui vous intéressent, souhaiteriez-vous en savoir plus sur l'événement, même s'il ne provient pas de votre groupe d'utilisateurs direct ? IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:27, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
@IFried (WMF) En effet, il n'y a pas de restriction pour les évènements. Je peux participer à un évènement en ligne si le sujet m'intéresse. D'ailleurs, j'ai participé à une événement ce mois d'octobre sur la plateforme d'inscription pour l'organisation des événements dans l'environnement Wiki Didierwiki (talk) 22:47, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

--Akouete (talk) 09:59, 3 September 2023 (UTC) Peut être avoir un calendrier des évènements Wikimedia auquel on pourrait s'abonner pour disposer à temps les infos sur les campagnes et avoir une idée de tous les événements, une sorte de grand agenda de la communauté Wikimedia.Reply

@Akoueteː Merci d'avoir partagé cette idée ! Je pense que c'est une bonne idée. Une question : comment proposeriez-vous que les gens découvrent le calendrier des événements sur les wikis ? Et comment les organisateurs doivent-ils ajouter leurs événements au calendrier ? Je suis curieux de savoir si vous avez d'autres idées sur la façon dont le calendrier pourrait fonctionner. Merci d'avance! IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:29, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

  • عربي: من الناحية المثالية، كيف تريد أن تصلك أخبارعن فعايات الحملة؟

--BrettButtliere (talk) 10:09, 23 October 2023 (UTC)through a list serv to my email, or perhaps i need a reason to log into wikimedia more often, in a feed on wikimediaReply

@BrettButtliereː Thanks for sharing these ideasǃ Regarding the feed suggestion, how do you recommend that people learn about and access this feed? And would it be a feed of all events on the wiki, or a feed of event types that the user wants to be informed about, or something else entirely? IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:31, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
I think Wikimedia could have just a series of like suggested interesting articles in a feed that people can scroll, and such be included in there, for instance.
in terms of email, if you could get all activities together in one place, just check boxes for which i want sure, but perhaps also organizations should maintain their own email lists, or one in general I am not sure what already exists.brett BrettButtliere (talk) 16:22, 26 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Je trouve que les bannières sont très pratiques et visible pour tout le monde.Mais le mail aussi. Chirocca77 (talk) 13:09, 29 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

EN: How do you decide which events to attend?

  • FR: Comment décidez-vous des événements auxquels vous souhaitez participer ?

--Didierwiki (talk) 14:36, 31 August 2023 (UTC) Je décide des événements auxquels je souhaitez participer en fonction de mes compétences relatives à la campagne et de mon agenda.Reply

--User:Falilou224 (talk) 16:13, 2 September 2023 (UTC) Souvent, tous les évènements dont je participe, je les choisi en tenant compte des domaines sur lesquels je travaille et je les cale directement dans mon agenda pour ne pas programmer deux choses à la fois et surtout pour éviter le risque d'oublier.Reply

--Akouete (talk) 09:59, 3 September 2023 (UTC) Ça dépend si l'événement cadre avec nos convictions et la vision de notre groupe.Reply

Je décide de participer à des évènements souvent en fonction de mon temps. Chirocca77 (talk) 13:17, 29 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

  • عربي: كيف تختارالفعاليات التي ستحضرها؟

EN: Have you ever missed an event because you didn’t hear about it in time?

  • FR: Avez-vous déjà manqué un événement parce que vous n'en aviez pas entendu parler à temps ?

--Didierwiki (talk) 14:37, 31 August 2023 (UTC) Je ne pense pas.Reply

--User:Falilou224 (talk) 16:18, 2 September 2023 (UTC) Je crois oui, mais je n'ai aucune idée du nombre ou des noms car souvent l'accès à ces informations est compliqué pour nous les moins renseignés de l'évolution du mouvement.Reply

--Akouete (talk) 09:59, 3 September 2023 (UTC) Oui, on en a entendu parler mais le temps pour qu'on fasse la demande de financement était déjà passé.Reply

  • عربي: هل فاتتك فعاليات ما لأنك لم تسمع عنها في الوقت المناسب؟

--BrettButtliere (talk) 10:10, 23 October 2023 (UTC) certainlyReply

quelques fois oui. Chirocca77 (talk) 13:18, 29 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

EN: How do you remember to attend the events that you registered for?

  • FR: Comment vous souvenez-vous d'assister aux événements auxquels vous vous êtes inscrit ?

--Didierwiki (talk) 14:40, 31 August 2023 (UTC) Je le mentionne comme tâche dans Google Agenda et il me le rappelle via une notification.Reply

--User:Falilou224 (talk) 16:23, 2 September 2023 (UTC) Je programme toujours tous les évènements dont je participe dans mon Google Agenda pour ne pas programmer deux choses à la fois et surtout pour éviter le risque d'oublier.Reply

--Akouete (talk) 09:59, 3 September 2023 (UTC) On ajoute le lien de l'événement à notre page méta. Des update régulières sont faites sur nos canaux pour rappeler aux membres que la campagne est en cours. On a aussi un calendrier interne basé sur Google agenda.Reply

l'agenda Google aide beaucoup. Chirocca77 (talk) 13:20, 29 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

  • عربي: كيف تتفادى نسيان المشاركة في الفعاليات التي قمت بالتسجيل فيها؟

EN: Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • I've coded a little javascript for mass wikimail communications: w:de:Benutzer:DerHexer/massenmail/en and a similar, much easier than massmessage way to send messages to user talk pages: w:de:Benutzer:DerHexer/massendiskus (no English project page available atm). Obviously, they are not ready for massive usage but I don't have the time or power to bring that forward (I once did at a Hackathon). Please also have a look at my various presentations about mass communications with a focus on CN campaigns, summarized in c:File:VSN Training Banner campaigns, April 2022.pdf.
    Beyond that, I recommend adding the ability to translate message to your recommendations. A lot of communications targets more than one language. And there are problems with translations in many of the current communication tools. Please reach out to other CentralNotice administrators, MassMessage senders, etc. to get them involved in the project. I just found it by chance. Best, —DerHexer (Talk) 14:04, 16 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    @IFried (WMF): for your information. —DerHexer (Talk) 19:51, 20 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Hello @DerHexerǃ Thank you for so much sharing all of these helpful resources, including your presentation slides (which I will surely read)ǃ Also, the tools you developed for mass email and mass talk page messages are very relevant to the work of the Campaigns team, both for the event discovery project and potential future work to improve communication tools for organizers in general (so thank you so much for sharing them, and I'll check them out in more detail)ǃ Finally, you bring up a great point about reaching out to CentralNotice admins and MassMessage senders. I would love to do that, so I will talk to the team about this. IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:09, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    That's nice, thank you. (Still a bit on vacation.) —DerHexer (Talk) 10:32, 30 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Hello, @DerHexerǃ I have a quick follow-up question related to your tool (which I tested, by the way, and it is greatǃ). Here is the questionː Why is the limit 10 users being emailed per day? When our engineers looked into the code, the hard limit is 20 users being emailed per day, so I was curious why 10 users was chosen. I am asking this question so I can better understand the limitations and risks related to mass email for the event invitations project. Thanks in advanceǃ IFried (WMF) (talk) 16:47, 28 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
    @IFried (WMF): Interesting! I always thought that it was 10 which is why I wrote this number down. As you confirm that it's actually 20, I will correct it on the documentation page. There is no limit implemented by me into the code. Best, —DerHexer (Talk) 13:09, 15 December 2023 (UTC) PS: Sorry for the late response. I was stuck between travel, COVID, work, travel, and such. Slowly getting back to normal and catching up with everything.Reply
    Oh, good to know that there is no limitation of 10 in the code, @DerHexer. Thank you for the responseǃ And, also, apologies for my late response. I just returned from some time off work. Thank you againǃ IFried (WMF) (talk) 19:26, 3 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
  • FR: Y a-t-il autre chose que vous aimeriez ajouter ?

--Didierwiki (talk) 14:42, 31 August 2023 (UTC)Rien pour l'instant.Reply

--User:Falilou224 (talk) 16:25, 2 September 2023 (UTC) Je m'abstiens pour le moment.Reply

--Akouete (talk) 09:59, 3 September 2023 (UTC) RASReply

  • عربي: هل هناك أي شيء آخر تود إعلامنا به؟

--BrettButtliere (talk) 10:12, 23 October 2023 (UTC) ultimately i think people need a reason to log into wikimedia more often. i and @mattvetter are working on engaging the academic community with wikimedia - there we most use email listservs, i believe.Reply

Merci beaucoup pour vos efforts. Chirocca77 (talk) 13:22, 29 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
@Chirocca77 Merci pour ce commentaire ! IFried (WMF) (talk) 20:37, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

Liste d'événements.


1 La liste des évènement est bien y a trop des info pour un débutant il sera vraiment confus.

2 avoir de fenêtre de recherche spécifique.

3 Pour l'amélioration faisons plus de pratique car il y a de recommandation automatique et 'anglais fait barrière .

4 c'est une bonne chose et ca va facilité de chose. Abakar B (talk) 10:49, 6 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

@Abakar B, Merci pour ce retour ! IFried (WMF) (talk) 20:36, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply



Some of our editors are dead, most will likely die in the future [Citation needed]. While we don't always know which of our editors have died, when we do know we should exclude such editors from messages from tools like this. This is not just to save electrons, dead people often have friends and family monitoring their feeds. On the English language Wikipedia you can check for such editors by looking for the template {{deceased}} on their user pages, other languages may have similar systems. WereSpielChequers (talk) 07:39, 13 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

@WereSpielChequers, thanks for bringing up this pointǃ It makes sense, and I have discussed the idea with the team. One thing we are now thinking about is the possibility of letting wiki communities specify which users should be excluded from Invitation Lists if they have certain templates on their user pages which could include the deceased template that you shared. One way we could do is through Community Configuration, and I have written a placeholder ticket (T375133) to track this request. Thank you for bringing it up, and we'll be thinking about this topic some more soon. IFried (WMF) (talk) 20:50, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, doing this by template sounds workable, I think you might also look at user categories and of course we need to exclude those who are currently blocked. WereSpielChequers (talk) 22:02, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Noted, and thank youǃ I have added some more details to the associated ticket based on your latest comment. Much appreciatedǃ IFried (WMF) (talk) 16:32, 20 September 2024 (UTC)Reply



About a decade ago I did some geographic proximity promotion for a couple of events. I looked on Wikimedia Commons for photographs gecocoded as near my event venue, and contacted, I think by email, some of the photographers. The responses I got included "I took that photograph on holiday and am unlikely to return there" and "great event, sorry I can't make that date". I don't suggest manually doing this as it is time consuming to do at scale. But a computer program should be able to easily find people who edit on x or y language Wikipedia and have uploaded photographs where they are the photographer and which are geocoded within 100 km of this location. WereSpielChequers (talk) 08:16, 13 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

@WereSpielChequers, thank you for sharing this ideaǃ As next steps for the project, we're considering more basic improvements to Invitation Lists before venturing into new territory. However, I think this is a compelling idea, and it could be something we explore in the future. One concern with this feature request that I would have is, like you mentioned, taking a photo in X location doesn't necessarily mean that somebody lives there or visits there often. For example, the photo may have been taken on an holiday. I wonder if there is another way to think about this request. If I understand it correctly, the request is that an organizer can find people to invite who are based in a certain location. Is that accurate? If yes, this would be great to know, so we can think about all of the potential ideas/solutions/proposals that may come out of that need. I look forward to your responseǃ IFried (WMF) (talk) 21:27, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi Ifried, yes some people will have been on holidays, but for the most part we can mitigate that by not using this tool to promote events in tourist hotspots. I doubt many will be miffed if they get an invite for a place they used to live near or visited when their kid was at University there. But "as someone who uploaded photographs in Yosemite National Park we assume you live there" would strike the wrong note. We do also have IP data and we can geolocate editors with that, but I think the retention for that is only a few months. So its great for approaching current editors, I use it regularly to promote the London Meetup (obviously I don't know who gets the invites, other than people turning up and saying they have been in London for a few days and got an invite on their watchlist). The idea of using location of photographs taken is that we can potentially use it as a reactivation tool - inviting someone who hasn't edited for a year or three but who still has a valid email on their account. There is a third route, approaching people who have geographic infoboxes on their userpages. If you know James Forrester at the WMF I think that's how he invited me to my first London Meetup in 2008. WereSpielChequers (talk) 21:59, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for providing more context and explanation, @WereSpielChequersǃ Yes, I agree that, while some locations are very tourist-oriented (such as Yosemite National Park), others may have a lot of locals or people who visit them regularly. Perhaps there are ways that we can help identify such users (such as photos taken, geographic infoboxes, etc), so that organizers can reach out to them about in person or hybrid events. We have heard a similar request (i.e., find editors in a specific location) from other organizers who have tested out Invitation Lists as well. I have written a ticket with this request, which also includes your comment and ideas (T375133). We (the Campaigns team) have no immediate plans to work on this, but we can certainly consider it for a future enhancement. Overall, I agree that information on geographic proximity could help organizers who use the tool, so we'll see if this is something we can look into the future. Thank you so much for sharing thisǃ IFried (WMF) (talk) 16:56, 20 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
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