If applying common sense worked, the world would have many less conflicts and be a much simpler place. But it does not, for more than one reason.

The first of these is that the concept of common sense is mythical. It is supposed to be the set of basic sense most of us have, but there are some problems with this.

The first is that people are not that uniform, theyre not even close. The reality is that people vary widely in every respect. Why we are taught otherwise is the subject for another article some time.

The 2nd is that a belief being shared among a group of people, even a whole nation, does not make it correct. Appearing to be sense does not make something sense.

The 3rd problem is that most things described as common sense are in practice nothing but group assumptions. It is not a coincidence that most people think they have common sense, even though what people believe varies a good deal.

Too often group 1 believes A, group 2 believes not_A, group 3 believes maybe_A and group 4 believes A_is_insane, and yet all 4 groups call what they believe common sense, failing to notice the error of their perception. Tabby 23:47, 14 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Common Sense


Common sense are problem solving ability tools.

1. Knowing that the founder's loved you so very much you know that if it feels wrong you know there is a rule for it know that evil lies on the other side of that and if it feels right know true. Takes two Common Sense tools drives hundred percent of the rules automatically with a 100% confedence. It's a 100% confedence towards everything else once practice. Only way you get that 100% confidence. Same way safety officer dose his or her job. Keep children safe to. Knowing that the founder's loved you so very much you know that works.

2. Nothing is perfect common sense.

3. When only God create from nowhere Artist create from day-to-day life talking truth. Sounds like short for. And they fallow the same or similar pattern to.

4. Rules make good people common sense.

5 Label categorize profile add stupid to the list of things you should not do.

6. Set your goals to braking them down to simple objectives to prioritize the list of things you should do.

7. Rules = common sense = right and wrong decision-making automatic learning. Founder's foundation block of learning.

8. To Godo to be true it usually is.

9. Team work is common sense.

10. Apprentice with good training is good common sense.

11. Common sense and rules are reality tools. And make. PERFECT EVERYTHING.

12. ETHICS TO EDICT TO ETHICS are got by knowing all rule to training.

13. Mind like punch card can't forget a memory. To have feel way out of a lie. By feels wrong feels right. To knowing that there a warning. Not to leave someone alone with the foundation block of automatic learning. Rules=[block]=Common Sense=Automatic Learning.

14. Common sense must meet the value of a problem solving ability tools to know it's short and simple to the explanation point of common sense reality. Thodon14 (talk) 08:19, 13 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

Rules = common sense = right and wrong decision-making automatic learning


Rules = [block]= Common Sense = right and wrong decision-making automatic learning founder's foundation block of automatic learning Thodon14 (talk) 08:22, 13 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

2007 is old talk for this uncomfortable understanding of common sense when my equation does make sense Rules = common sense = right and wrong decision-making automatic learning


2007 is old talk for this uncomfortable understanding of common sense when my equation does make sense Rules = common sense = right and wrong decision-making automatic learning Thodon14 (talk) 03:03, 16 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

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