
Latest comment: 15 years ago by in topic bad link

This page and Kpjas's village pump comments don't make the primary goal of the project very clear (to me). Is it:

  • Slavic interwiki collaboration (In this case, assessment of Slovio as a tool should be on the TODO list, not a goal. My own prognosis is that almost no one is going to learn that language and it will always lag behind English (and probably even Russian) in terms of speakers within the projects.)
  • promotion of Slovio as an auxiliary language (and see how it can be used for Slavic interwiki cooperation/integration)
  • to foster both (I think it'd help to provide more arguments to bind these goals.)

--Glimz 16:51, July 16, 2005 (UTC)

This is all very preliminary and fluid. We are gathering opinions and prepare for discussion on Sunday July 17th. In my opinion Slovio seems to be an ideal means of communication for a project like Slavopedia. Slovio is n't our goal per se but we don't seem to have better alternatives. For me the most important thing is to devise ways of cooperation and make them work. Kpjas 18:12, 16 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Hi, can you put link to Serbocroatian Wikipedia? --Pokrajac 21:22, 6 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Done; hopefully serbjuhorvatju is the right Slovio term. / tsca

Dla ŝto potrebna Vse-slavska Wikipedia


Uẑ naĉalili Vse-slavsku Wikipedijnu stranku, no eŝte ne reŝili to, dla ŝto ona bu potrebna. Ja dumam:

  • Sotvoritj spisok, gde ukazat nai-dobry stranki izo vse slavski Wikipedi po razliĉni temi. To potrebno, bo naŝi Wikipedi nepolni, i ŝto ne est v rodno-jasiknoj Wikipedia, to velm moẑ but vo druga slavska Wikipedia.
  • Sotvoritj pomoŝ-kniga, vo ktor ukazat instrumenti dla meẑ-slavska ĉitanie i kommunikacie.
    • Elektronny perevoditeli — vel moĉni instrument dla razumenie ino slavsko jazika.
    • Ukazatj vel-potrebny stranki (ne v Wikipedi), na ktor mozhuo poznatj o kultura/historia/(i vse inoje) ot odna slavska derẑava. To est, kaẑd uĉastnik ostavit informaciu tolk o svoj derẑava (bo on dobruo znajt ob onai), i vse potrebiteli Slavopediom moẑut naidit potrebni svedeni.
  • Meẑ-slavska soobŝenje bu potrebno, kgda nuẑno pozvat Wikipedistav so inju slavskju Wikipedii dla reŝenja ot spor, v ktorom on imajt bolŝ znanije.
    • Vo nektory temy, razny narody imajut razno videnje. Historia, politika, ideologia, miro-videnje — vse to sutj kontroversivny temy. Bu dobruo, esli narody (v tutktor sluĉ, slavsky narody) prijdut k soglasie po te temy. Ili, po naimenŝju, poznajut i razumjat inoj mnenie.
  • Samju oĉeviduo: posred Wikipedii, moẑuo odno-vremuo uĉitj nektor oblast ot znanij, i uĉitj ino-slavsk jazik.

Vaŝy predloẑenja! Ramir 09:29, 7 August 2005 (UTC)Reply



I found this, which is interesting to all Slavionistas:

Link: Swadesh word list: comparing Slovio, Russian, Belarussian, Polish, Bulgarian and Czech - especially take a look at part 3 (results)

  • The Swadesh test: calculating the strength of the correlation between languages.
  • The Swadesh test results have only been calculated for Russian-Polish and Polish-Belarussian. It would be nice to have calculated the correlations for at least these:
    • Slovio-Russian [east-Slavic], Slovio-Bulgarian [south-Slavic], Slovio-Polish [west-Slavic]
    • Russian-Polish [east-west], Russian-Bulgarian [east-south], Polish-Bulgarian [west-south]
    • If the mean(correlation% with Slovio) is higher than the mean(correlation% between families), then this Swadesh test is a clue of Slovio's success. (Not proof, only a strong clue - also the other way around: never disproof, only a big hint that it would not be a success)
  • If you do the test, you will HAVE TO PUBLISH HOW you did the test: testpersons already speaking a slavic language ot not? involved in Slovio or not? how many testpersons? used the same persons all the time? what values did they reward? - Without publishing the method, it has no scientific meaning at all.

('succes' here is in the sense of testing of internationally understanding the words - for 'succes' in the sense of simplicity of grammar there are other tests)

200 000 definitions in Polish Wikipedia


Wczoraj stukło nam 200 tysięcy haseł :) (Yesterday we reached 200 000 definitions). D T G 15:29, 27 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

What is this language?


?????????-- 00:01, 25 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

...huh? Linuxbeak 00:09, 25 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

I'm asking what Language this is in.-- 23:43, 26 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

WWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL?????????????????????????????-- 00:31, 27 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

It is in Slovio.
tsca @ 11:37, 28 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

hsb/dsb Wikipedias


@all, who are willing to do something for smaller slavic Wikipedias: Please vote for bug #5681 (Bug 5681: Create Upper Sorbian (hsb) and Lower Sorbian (dsb) Wikipedia's). Regards --Dundak 01:18, 20 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Is anybody still using it?


Is this portal still maintained? Does anybody find it useful?

Кто-нибудь ещё ухаживает за этим порталом? Кто-нибудь считает его полезным? --Amir E. Aharoni 14:09, 8 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Does anybody takes care of this portal? I don't think so, because the last of the news was written in August 2007. What shall we do? -- [1] about conlangs 19 April 2008, 17:42 (CET)

Euro in Slovakia


Slovakia is in Eurozone, can anybody update this or to unlock this page temporarily? --Wizzard 17:42, 2 January 2009 (UTC)Reply


How can you forgot to include old church slavonic wikipedia in list? Tat1642 12:52, 26 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

And 14:12, 10 April 2009 (UTC)Reply



I want in order for continue this project pls :-( ... 22:47, 19 May 2009 (UTC)Reply


Bad link to cs zvestis. 22:58, 13 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

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