Talk:Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2015/Community consultation/2015-03-09
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editResponse by Ruhangarinda 07:05, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Ruhangarinda's thoughts on question 1
editwiki and us need to combine efforts and work together towards get info for the next billion users or years. like i said before i signed up, i think getting on ground and having offices in almost every country in this world is a nice thing. if we just get to the smallest detail in a country trough that specific office, then its a nice thing to start with. ive seen companies get on the lower level to do research and they have done it perfectly without much of a struggle. am Ugandan and if given chance can work tirelessly to provide info for you in terms of graphics, data, and even voice. i know alot isnt know about this wonderful place but wikipedia can make it happen.
- I know Makerere University! What a great school. Congratulations on your studies! The Foundation agrees that we need to understand the way users in other countries -- outside the United States, where we have our headquarters -- are using Wikipedia. We agree that we should do this through research in those countries: for example, how does a Ugandan in Kampala or Entebbe interact with knowledge on their phone or on the computer throughout the day? What about a Ugandan in Mbale? What about a Ugandan who works in Kenya? It'll be important to spend time talking to people in not only Uganda, but in Bangladesh, in Morocco, and in Nicaragua, in order to understand their needs and work.
- I'm not sure though, that we need offices in Uganda or other countries. One of the great things about Wikipedia is that anyone, anywhere, can edit it -- and people from all over the world do. We did have a presence in India and Brazil for a little while, but it didn't really work very well. We have found we work best when we build strong relationships with people in different countries, then support them in their work in different ways -- helping support outreach, learning, editing, and collaboration. I hope we support you and other Ugandans in the same way. Katherine (WMF) (talk) 01:25, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Ruhangarinda's thoughts on question 2
editthe future projects can be as i said in qn. 1. a matter of doing more research on ground and extensively.
RuhangArinda, 22, makerere university. kamapala, Uganda.
editResponse by Ranjithsiji 07:26, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Ranjithsiji's thoughts on question 1
Ranjithsiji's thoughts on question 2
editWe need more open campaigns to reach more people. Be active on social medias- facebook, google plus and others. We need a dedicated campaign monitoring website. We need campaign materials, Printable pamlets, Printable small handbooks, Posters, Presentations, T Shirts etc.. about what is wikipeida, what is wikimedia, wikimedia projects and its importance in the current world etc.. A dedicated campaing monitoring system is essential to coordinate all the direct activity outside internet. --Ranjithsiji (talk) 07:26, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
- I think this is a wonderful idea! We do have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and a Google Plus page! Please follow them and encourage other people you know to do the same. We've noticed that we're most popular in certain places, for example, nearly 1/4 of our Facebook followers are from India! We'd love to reach even more people around the world. At the same time, I agree that we could do more to be more engaging on social media, reach out to more social media users, and help spread the word about Wikipedia. Right now our social media accounts are managed by volunteers, so getting someone to pay attention to them around the clock would be a good first step.
- In terms of campaigns, I also agree this is something we could do even better. We experimented with something similar for Wikipedia's 10th anniversary, and I hope we will do something for when Wikipedia turns 15 next year. We do have a cool store where you can buy shirts and posters, and all of the designs are freely licensed, so you can also replicate them in your own home country. At the same time, we should have resources available for user around the world all the time, especially free ones like you describe. This is something I will talk about with our team! Katherine (WMF) (talk) 01:45, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by Galt42 08:37, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Galt42's thoughts on question 1: Open Source and Free Software
editEspecially in the software industry, not just the market share but also the mindset of users is moving more and more towards Open Source. The next billion users, having no preconceived mindset, will have a significantly easier time accepting the Open Source or even Free Software Movement ideologies. This trend will not only put power in the hands of the users (as opposed to the power being in the hands of the developer, who is not always benevolent), but will also create a flourishing community and environment for new development in new software projects, for which the sky is the limit.
Galt42's thoughts on question 2: The Development Industry's Future
editIn order to bring about the changes described above, the Wikimedia Foundation has a fantastic opportunity to create platforms or resources that will enable its users to be able to learn how to develop software, or make the process more productive and efficient. The community of developers, where a community exists, thrives greatly as we have seen with projects such as the GNU Project or Linux, which together run virtually all smartphones, most of the internet, and essentially every other conceivable technological application (other than PC's). With the same kind of driving force that has made Wikipedia what it is, Wikimedia has the opportunity to produce a similar effect with projects designed to produce prosperity in the software development field, which will be crucial with the amount of new users that we will soon see on these pages.
- @Galt42: Is there anything particular you have in mind in the direction of new programs/projects/initiatives that could help? There are a few pre-existing wiki platforms outside of the Wikimedia universe, e.g.:
- (MediaWiki even though it doesn't look like it)
- (MoinMoin because .. Python)
editResponse by Shadak 12:53, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Shadak's thoughts on question 1
editTbh, I see the trend of screwing with the people (better known as editors) who will bring you one more billion of readers (not users!). which brings me to Q2.
Shadak's thoughts on question 2
editA "thriving and healthy Wikimedia project" needs a good support from the wikimedia foundation. With good support I mean things, which the community of editors wants. Why the editors and not the readers? Simple, readers are consumers, which click at wiki and find things, but unfortenuatly they do not add anything. Not because the threshhold to do this is to high. no, because they don't want to or the have no need. they just want to consume.
so, the question is, how can you get the editors to work more and how can you get more editors?
...more editors: hard to say. everybody knows already that wiki is a project everyone can contribute. everyone knows there is wiki. (if not he will know soon, because wiki is really prominent on google) so there is no problem in being known. there is a problem with getting people editing. and here kicks something else in: knowledge. tbh if a wiki accumaltes to a certain amount of knowledge, then the number of people who can (mening, people who know more then already stand in the wiki) contribute to it will decline, simply because there is so much knowledge which only a small group of specialists know. and only a few people of this small group will volunteer in wiki and this only in one or two languages. so you have you to ask how you can take care that this knowledge migrates also in other languages. this is leading to the other question
...get editors to work more or let editors feel well: if you want, that your editors work more, translate more, clean up more you have to do one thing: honor them! Don't shit on them, don't overrule them, don't say "we know best". tbh you don't know best, you don't live wiki, you "just" admin. you really can do this well, because this is your area of expertise and we love you for doing this job. (we really do, even if we give a fuck about you, when you shit on us) but you have to let us our field. We know better when we are talking about editing a wiki, about viewing pictures and we know better which tool helps us and which is crap, because we use them. and we have really no use for tools which produce syntax erros in wikitext, which hides licences or decision which tell us how we have to edit...or when we have to use a crappy software.
tl;dr: start listen to the comunity and do not try to overrule the comunitys!
greetings from germany.
- Hi @Shadak: thank you for participating. Three questions:
- As knowledge saturates what is the best way to "refresh" it?
- What editor features do editors in Germany need most?
- How do we help editors avoid vulgar language?
editResponse by Hkhurs 13:11, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Hkhurs's thoughts on question 1
editThe next billion users mentioned belong mostly to countries with lower education rates and very few universities. Users will mainly be using the internet for social networking sites and video streaming and music downloads.
- Maybe! Perhaps I'm an optimist, but I believe that people all over the world want to learn, not just people with good education and access to universities. In fact, it's been my experience that people who don't have good access to information appreciate it very much: when conflict or natural disasters prevent children from learning, it's often the thing they value most in the world. While I hope that conflict and disaster affect fewer people in the world, I also have to hope that education remains a powerful, valued thing. Katherine (WMF) (talk) 02:10, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Hkhurs's thoughts on question 2
editWikimedia projects should include some online resources which will give integrated information that has been simplified to the extent of being read over and grasped by people not involved in higher education. The information in these Wikimedia resources will concentrate on the fields of study mostly related to the ones that drive the economy of third world countries, like agriculture, construction, energy etc.
- That's an interesting idea. We do have Simple English Wikipedia but I think you're looking for something closer to simple Life Skills education.
There should be information regarding innovations in such fields. This way you will be bringing out the the latent potentialities of the existing systems of such countries which will prove to be a driving force for the economy. If utilized alongside latest technologies and greater information online which will be understandable by the common person having a mediocre education background. This way we will be utilizing the existent resources efficiently for the betterment of the whole World. As every part of the World will give it's own output that will get integrated with the rest of the World. It's about utilizing the existent potentialities and resources faster and with efficiency and also creating an educated environment among such populations. Such ventures will lead to better economies and environments that will act as springboards for the eventual progress of the country in science and technology.
- This sort of information is really important. Many wonderful organizations do excellent work in this area, including agencies of the United Nations, the World Bank, and many, many international non-profit organizations. This sounds like it would be interesting for Wikimedians to explore collaborations with these sorts of organizations, perhaps similar to GLAM collaborations? Katherine (WMF) (talk) 02:41, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by Sanglahi86 14:27, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Sanglahi86's thoughts on question 1
edit- Less popular Wikipedia articles becoming outdated in information/obsolete because of less editors and/or newer other articles being created.
Sanglahi86's thoughts on question 2
edit- Enhanced display of Wikipedia articles for mobile display, especially for list articles with wide tables.
- Easier input of references when editing Wikipedia articles, for newbies not familiar with the editing layout.
- If possible, an option to color-code links, codes and error syntax in the editing page to aid newbies or those unfamiliar with html or code syntax.
- @Sanglahi86: On your second and third points, have you tried Visual Editor yet? It makes adding citations much easier (and we're working on Citoid to make it even easier). More generally, it avoids having to deal with syntax at all. I realize this isn't perfect for all use cases (my last 100 edits are almost exactly 50/50 Visual Editor/non-Visual Editor) but hopefully it makes it much easier for newbies to jump in. If you haven't tried it yet, I'm curious why not. (And thanks for contributing to this discussion either way!)—Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 03:36, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by 16:57, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Wikipedia helps alot but sometimes it can get on my nerves a lot
- Editoriser221: yeh i know!!
- What gets on your nerves, @Editoriser221:? LilaTretikov (WMF) (talk) 01:27, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by Kayusyussuf 21:26, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Kayusyussuf's thoughts on question 1
editSocial Media
Kayusyussuf's thoughts on question 2
editI want a Wikimedia that is easy to edit.
- @Kayusyussuf: I think many of us do! Since you're a new editor, have you tried Visual Editor? If so, do you have any suggestions? (Or suggestions about other ways we could make it easy to edit?) —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 03:11, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
- Thank you Luis Villa (WMF),
- I meant edit on mobile When I said 'simple to edit Wikipedia'. A great deal of people connect to the internet via mobile phones in my part of the world and editing via mobile is not exactly a ball.
- --Kayusyussuf (talk) 20:03, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
- Very, very fair point. I know we're working on it, both by improving performance on visual editor, and by figuring out other forms of non-editing contribution (like Wikigrok). It'll definitely be part of the long-term mobile strategy. —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 23:43, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by Ethanicus 23:17, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Ethanicus's thoughts on question 1
editPerhaps having an App would be helpful, if you don't have one already. Also, in response to one of the above commenters, edits shouldn't become active the moment the editor hits "Save"; they should be put through a user screening process like I go over below.
Ethanicus's thoughts on question 2
editI think you should take a look at WikiHow's setup. They have a contributor page where all the tasks to be done are laid out, and they've even made it fun to do so. Some examples of tasks that could be given are:
- Reviewing submitted or existing information
- Fixing spelling errors
- Expanding stubs
- Adding citations
Currently, it's a chore to do anything to improve Wikipedia; I think making it feel more approachable and less like you're messing something up will encourage people to better the website.
- @Ethanicus: Ironically, I think Wikihow's article on how to contribute to Wikipedia may be better than most English wikipedia articles on the same topic (or at least the ones that come up on the first page of Google searches). I'm curious if other readers of this discussion have suggestions on how to improve our collective "design sense" (for lack of a better term), since this likely isn't something that can be done by the Foundation at scale and across all projects. —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 01:26, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by Ziko 23:24, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
Ziko's thoughts on question 1
editThere is a trend from the old, "wild" Internet with its many different sites to an Internet of Google and Facebook, where many services are under one roof. Maybe the Wikimedia movement should care more for corporate identity and branding, make the user experience a more unified one. I think that the introduction of Wikidata can serve ultimately to bring the Wikimedia wikis closer to one another.
For example, I could imagine that readers could be drawn closer to us if you give them an account with extra benefits and functionalities. Readers feel that it is useful to be logged-in in order to be better informed, track their own learning history, have easier links for citations etc.
- @Ziko: are there any non-irritating ways we could encourage readers to create accounts? I definitely could see us do interesting things once we got them there, but I suspect that readers don't browse in a way that encourages that sort of interaction. Any suggestions? —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 01:18, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Hm, let me think, @LuisV (WMF): I could imagine for the following years:
- New branding, as proposed by several people earlier: "Wikipedia Foundation" (=Wikimedia Foundation), "Wikipedia Pictures And Files" (=Wikimedia Commons), "Wikipedia Data" (=Wikidata), "Wikipedia Voyages" (=Wikivoyage)", to make the best of our important brand and show what belongs to us and what not (e.g., Wikileaks).
- Reconsidering some small Wikimedia wikis, reorganize them or not develop them further. There have been several discussions whether the wiki markup system as we have it now is really optimal for Wiktionary, and now we see the discussion coming again because of the introduction of Wikidata and its abilities.
- Split Wikipedia into "Wikipedia Light" and "Wikipedia Scholar". Normal Wikipedia in English and German is actually already developing to the "Wikipedia Scholar" direction, with long and complicated articles. "Wikipedia Light" should be an encyclopedia with short and readable information, e.g. 1-2 kilobytes for ordinary articles and up to 10 kilobytes of text for longer ones. (As we do it in the Klexikon.)
- Conceptualize the people who deal with Wikipedia as being in three distinctive groups: "casual readers", "enhanced readers" and "editors".
Wikipedia should, when consulted by casual readers, be as simple as possible. Only the most necessary features such as the Search should show for them. We know already that most readers just "filter away" all that stuff in their heads. They even don't remark the templates in a text.
The Wikipedia interface should make it easy to register for people who want to become enhanced readers. So the casual reader can click on a button for registration and become an enhanced reader. The features for this group:
- a watchlist for articles, e.g. with special attention to articles about current events
- a bookmark function
- quote a page or reuse the content, made easy
- features partially already tried with the Article Feedback Tool (it might be beneficial if those feedbacks come from registered readers that build up a participant history, not IPs):
- Giving 1-5 stars to an article's readability, coverage etc.
- Ask questions
- Indicate whether you want to get notifications from the Wikipedia Foundation or your "national Wikipedia club" (=chapter)
- Indicate one's place (country or city). So when someone is located in Amsterdam, she will be notified when "Wikipedia Club Netherlands" (=Wikimedia Nederland) organizes a suitable event there.
- Being asked to do little chores like in the Wikidata Game, e.g.: "This article misses a picture - which of these pictures from the 'Wikipedia Pictures and Files' collection might be suitable?"
- donations
- Recommend an article on Twitter or Facebook
- Skins for customization - how to you like to see Wikipedia? Which font? Font size? Colors for front and background? Customization of many other things, e.g. the standard size of pictures, columns or not, switch to a special mobile format or not (on my tablet, with Chrome, I get Wikipedia automatically in a "mobile view", but I prefer the "desktop view").
- Indicate your languages. If you indicate that you speak French, English and Italian, the interwiki links will be shown only in those languages, if you like. (So that you don't have to search for your languages in a 100+ languages list.)
- Based on your language or variety of language, for language specifics: A Serbian can arrange to get the text in Latin characters rather than Cyrillic (or the other way round); a Swiss German can arrange that all ß are converted automatically to ss.
- Not show pictures the reader has a problem with, e.g. those in a category related to sexual content. If the reader wants to view the picture, he still can click on the frame.
Finally, the enhanced reader can click on a button in order to get a list with features necessary for editors. (I think that editing should only be allowed to registered editors, because allowing it to unregistered people has a terrible social price.)
I know that thinking of these three groups is not in line with a traditional wiki ideology: "all readers are editors". After so much experience with a Wikipedia where only 0,006 procent of the readers actually edit, we should make a step forward and accept the simple fact that people are different. We should not try to force them into a role they don't aspire, but serve the three different groups in the most appropriate way - in three different ways. Ziko (talk) 20:35, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Ziko's thoughts on question 2
editOne concern I have with many wikis are the vague goals. The better you know where you are going to, the easier and smoother will be your way to that goal.
I am also concerned with the cybermobbing on many wikis. If you really want to make a difference, open up the wikis, and secure future, you must make decisive steps to a better social climate:
- raise the awareness for the problem
- ban bullies
- consider a better support for the admins, who are burdened with a tremendous workload
Many wikis are difficult to edit because the help pages are difficult to read, or they are lacking. This is often a problem especially with small wikis. Huge wikis often have just too many rules. I know that the latter is difficult to change, but I remember an attempt, some years ago, on German Wikipedia to rewrite the rules and help pages from scratch.
It shouldn't be a taboo to close a wiki. Some are actually dead (no activities), others could be integrated into Wikipedia (maybe Wikiquote). Sometimes I ask myself whether a wiki is really the best kind of platform to work with (take Wikisource, for example - the "ready" pages are protected).
- I definitely have heard repeated concern with culture on-wiki throughout this discussion (though I'll be curious to see an actual count; I certainly suffer from confirmation bias on that point), and we'll look at it seriously.
- With regards to projects where wikis aren't the right tool - what do you think we should do there? Close those projects down? Build new tools? ... ?
- Thanks in advance for your thoughts! —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 01:18, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Opinion on Wiki.
editResponse by CosmoSlayer 00:37, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
CosmoSlayer's thoughts on question 1
editMaybe make the site more intresting. And maybe a reward program for using wiki?
- Any thoughts on how to make it more interesting? (Or, better, how Wikimedians/WMF could systematically experiment to make it more interesting?) —Luis Villa (WMF) (talk) 01:04, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
CosmoSlayer's thoughts on question 2
editLarge, massively distributed. Intresting, and most of all FUN!
This free wikipedia will thrive for as universally possible. Because it has all the sources, all the information, and of course it is free.
If the multiverse does exist then i gurantee this website will never die.
editResponse by 00:53, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
edit1. A general increase in the attempts of various corporations to monetize the Internet in ways that would compromise its original function. 2. A general increase in the quantity and strength of Internet "echo chambers" -- places on the Internet where like-minded people build on each others' ideas in a positive feedback loop, resulting in views that are extreme, polarized, and strongly biased. 3. More and more attempts by governments to subtly control the Internet through means such as mass surveillance and laws making such means possible. Though I only mention mass surveillance, it is conceivable that there may be other strategies to control the denizens of the Internet without much alarm on their part. 4. There appear to be countless new and exciting technologies in development, that many people are not aware of. Brain-computer interfaces, virtual reality advances, advances in medicine and nanotechnology... even technologies that exist today, but are simply not widely known (for one reason or another).'s thoughts on question 2
editI think you guys should definitely consider some way of letting the masses know just how far humanity has come, in terms of the myriads of new technology being developed and finalized. Also, about the "echo chambers", you could (maybe?) try something that would imbue most Internet users with some basic principles of rationality. This might not solve the problem of "echo chambers" entirely, but it might at least make it better somewhat, maybe making it easier to implement other solutions.
And, about the surveillance thing, it's not normal. It's not what's supposed to be happening. As such, it would be great if more people were aware of that very real danger, more of the time, and if more people could appreciate it more, in the context of certain free knowledge made easily accessible. On the other hand, that might count as antagonizing certain governments. That have armies. And police. And inhumane prisons. And torture programs.
Finally, I just want to point out that these views must be taken with a grain of salt, because they *do*, after all, contain some bias. And because it may be best, after all, for Wikimedia not to have *any* agenda at *all*, except the rapid, efficient, and relatively reliable dissemination of free information throughout humanity.
No pressure.
editResponse by 01:25, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
It would be very informative if the information provided here had some short videos capturing the essential points of the report. Should have a universal limit of not more than 8 minutes. As a long time donor I think that would truly raise Wikipedia above all in terms of immersion and understanding of the subject.
editResponse by 01:39, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Hello Wikipedia,
I really really love you. I have not much to offer or help but at least all I can say is a big THANK YOU. You are like a teacher to me. I learned and studied so many things by just clicking on you. History, Geography, Science, art,health,nutrition and this list goes on an on. I found you all by myself cause I have a thirst for knowledge that can't be stopped and you are one of those who is giving it to me. Sometimes I like to add my story but I am not a famous person to be part of you. I only can be part of your students and enjoy using you. Hopefully someday I can be a great help. My greatest appreciation
Manijeh Nouri:)
- Hi Manijeh! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. Honestly, it made my day that you took the time to stop, say hello, and tell us why Wikipedia matters to you. I shared your comments with my colleagues, and they really appreciated it as well. Just by saying thank you, you offered us a lot! The best thing you can do to help Wikipedia is to consider learning how to edit Wikipedia -- after all, thousands of people do every single day. It is a gift you can give to the world. I hope you continue to be thirsty for knowledge your entire life, and I am confident that someday you will be a great help to us all. Katherine (WMF) (talk) 01:58, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by 01:40, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
bueno primero tienen que pasar a que sea una app en los celulares y también tienen que hacer la applicacion para computadoras es mejor :) :)
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "good first have to pass it an app on mobile and also have to make the application only for computers is better :) :)"
editResponse by Nastybahb 01:45, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Nastybahb's thoughts on question 1
editLike the people who still have desktop telephones with telephone wires connected to their houses, there will be desktop computers for a long time to come. Please remember those who have not committed their fortunes to smart phones and still use desktop hardware.
Nastybahb's thoughts on question 2
editKeep Wiki... as simple as it is today for the future users. This has become a "live" real time source of information. One hundred percent of the time, the first place I look for answers is Wiki... Ninety nine percent of the time I find the answer in Wiki...
editResponse by 02:18, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Hello Wikipedia! These times have been the best with you, you are my favorite info search page, and you will always be. thanks-- 02:18, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by 2602:306:C591:D390:219:E3FF:FE0B:5BF8 02:27, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Dont let people post whatever they want and if you do always check to make sure it is legitimate.
editResponse by 02:29, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
{{subst:not a human}}'s thoughts on question 1
editPhones and tablets
{{subst:not a human}}'s thoughts on question 2
editsomething mobile friendly with bigger buttons that peoples hands can click on
editResponse by 02:30, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editRelease Blu Ray of Tron Uprising Excellent Animation & Colorful Series.'s thoughts on question 2
editVery detail information on movies, cartoons, actors and actreses
editResponse by 02:40, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
I well suggest putting it on "Facebook " millions of viewers each and every day every day .
editResponse by 03:07, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
The most important consideration is to avoid fake information/vandalism. This is nearly impossible to eliminate, but of utmost importance.
editResponse by 03:23, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
It was very interesting visiting your site. What the information I required I got successfully.
Thanks to whole team of Wikimedia
- Thank you for reading! --Lgruwell-WMF (talk) 01:35, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by 03:28, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
you need to work on giving right info and make sure people who actually know the right stuff gets to add things. Thank you.
editResponse by 03:39, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editPeople is moving to visual and audible, people don´t want to read and prefer Questions & Answers before to resume or conclude. Social media evolves to closed and exclusive or specialized networks for sharing specific content.'s thoughts on question 2
editBased on the future trends that you think are important, what would thriving and healthy Wikimedia projects look like? In spite of thousand of pages about relevant information about our countries, still exists communities, maybe poor or without access to Internet, whose have ancestral knowledge intended to be lost because a lot of wealthy people isn´t interested to be discovered because it´s kill theirs business. Why all those wars keep alive, while few elites grow their pockets? Truth or dissapear.
editResponse by 03:39, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Las ideas de acerca de la pregunta 2
edit2.1.- Se necesita al inicio de c/descripción en Wikipedia, Wikimedia, etc, un resumen muy breve (5? 10? 15? palabras). Y que Wiki lo marque como tal. Y en seguida del resumen se podrá ampliar la información a gusto del lector. 2.2.-Wiki debería iniciar cursos, youtube ya lo está iniciando, cursos breves sobre matemáticas, no se trata de presentar exámenes ante Wiki, u obtener un titulo de Wiki en X, Y, materia, NO. La idea es Wiki me explica que son las Parábolas o bien la linea recta en el área Geometría Analítica, me explica cual es su ecuación basica, que representa gráficamente en un plano de coordenas X-Y, y me da ejemplos prácticos en que campos se usa, y me presenta en que casos prácticos puede ejemplificarse. O bien puede tomarse la aceleración de la gravedad, los conceptos de masa, fuerza, potencia, energia, Resistencia de materiales, etc. Y podría hasta dar explicaciones breves en actividades simples y básicas, como carpinteria, herreria, templado, etc. etc.
- Machine translation; please improve: You need to start c / description in Wikipedia, Wikimedia, etc, a very short (5? 10? 15? Words). And Wiki mark it as such. And then the summary you can expand the information to suit the reader. 2.2.-Wiki should initiate courses, youtube already is starting, short courses on mathematics, it is not about taking tests to Wiki, or get a title Wiki in X, Y, matter, NO. The idea is to Wiki tells me they are the Parables or the straight line in the area Analytic Geometry I explained what their basic equation, which plotted on a XY plane coordenas, giving me practical examples in which fields are used, and introduces me in that case studies can be exemplified. Or you can take the acceleration of gravity, the concepts of mass, strength, power, energy, strength of materials, etc. And it could even give brief explanations in simple and basic activities such as carpentry, blacksmithing, tempered, etc. etc.
editUSE some finance make a machine connect to head WIKIMEDIA Tech Inside the head or make a class or gadget for the people use it
editResponse by Camuslillard 04:53, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Mes réflexions pour la question 1
editces stratégies sont bien pour milliards de gens de utilisateurs car de bien suivre la réalité en face .Et de bien réfléchir de quel avenir peut-t-il s' capter?
- Machine translation; please improve: these strategies are good for billions of people for users to follow reality .And face to really think of what future he can s' pick?
Mes réflexions pour la question 2
editCe projet est vraiment génial pour les étudiants
- Machine translation; please improve: This project is really great for students
editResponse by 04:58, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
edit1. Major Trends: Coming from a Biomedical Engineer, I think more emphasis to mandate strict regulation of STEM-related info. There is a huge push to accelerate kids through STEM because through science and technology, we have proven old predictions through experiments and test. Now we are transitioning into a new understanding of these STEM curriculums.'s thoughts on question 2
edit2. If I were you, I would use the college student to create new platforms.. use your colleges to connect the programmers and engineers with the biologist, and chemist. No one is really using students the right way. We are all broke and working our ass off to do well in school and have some money. This causes a conflict for many. I think for experience, promoting good students will excite students to help out with your initiative. Or just pay us for validating some of these select STEM topics, words, etc. Stop going off the general consensus. No we don't more answers, we only need the best answer.
Marsalas Whitaker Biomedical Engineering '15 University of Memphis
editResponse by 05:08, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editAs more and more people go mobile, number of editors and edits will become less, leading to lower ratio of edits-to-users.
editResponse by 05:23, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editDear Sir/Mam,
As a user when I need to understand any product or topic I prefer Wikipedia but I have a suggestion that in content search we get redirected to Wikipedia but it will be great if we get redirected to encyclopedia while searching any product image as well.
I hope you would like this suggestion.
Thanks & Regards Bhuwan Purohit
editResponse by 05:44, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editWhat major trends would you identify in addition to mobile and the next billion users? Major trends are not something that can be calculated. Major trends are something that is tried for. Something that someone strives to be, at great lengths with great diversity involved. There is no saying what the next trends will be. I'd say more easily being able to control mobile devices, and greater controlling their capability of more than point and click. At this point games are point and click in any area. They can't think for themselves or make genuine random decisions, let alone both at the same time debating on previous experience. Hence we will not be able to see what is in store for the future, but what is in store for the major selective on human beings whom use the internet and get judged or scrutinized for the way they use it. Therefore, future trends would be practically impossible for a human to even predict. However, you can take the amount of humans on the internet and take the amount that are not and make a probability equation out of it for how many of them will believe what is about to happen; but good luck getting every human to put in their own opinion. That one is a probability of humans, emotions, happenstances, circumstances, and actions in which we cannot and may never be able to pre-determine. Where was I going with this?...'s thoughts on question 2
editAs my calculations may go, Wiki will go further to the point of online actual encyclopedia, instead of not allowing of the mass editing..Users will be able to submit facts, however the facts will be checked by a certified staff. If its not already on its way there, this will be and interesting outcome and helpful to wiki because it will open them to the educational community as to their actual facts and not their actual happenstances based on user.
I reserve any right to change these statements, and cannot be taken accountable for them in any way. It is an open way of thinking which comes out of happenstance or circumstance. Regardless, have fun with the thoughts which could lead any way. And thank you for the opportunity.
editResponse by 06:12, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editTích hợp và tiện dụng
- Machine translation; please improve: Integration and handy's thoughts on question 2
editNhư là 1 từ điển tích hợp
- Machine translation; please improve:As one built-in dictionary
Pavan santhosh.s
editResponse by Pavan santhosh.s 06:23, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
౨(2) ప్రశ్న పైన Pavan santhosh.s ఆలోచనలు
editproprietary projects will be filling the gaps that wikimedia projects left in the field of knowledge in online (for example google maps). So, wikimedians should see the possible new kind of projects that would fit wikimedia policies and ideas. Other wise proprietary projects will cover the space and open knowledge will be lagging back.
౨(2) ప్రశ్న పైన Pavan santhosh.s ఆలోచనలు
editIn upcoming(even already we are partly in) mobile computing generation people are looking for easy apps. many of my friends rejected contributing wikimedia projects because they are not so handy(according to their knowledge at least) to work on. So we has to develop some more apps that enables contributions easy. Shift the area of concern to local languages. Many regional language organizations which dedicated to enrichment of their mother tongue can be allies to wikimedia movement. In upcoming years regional languages are key to create much more integrated knowledge hub and make wikis much more universal.
editResponse by 06:26, 4 March 2015 (UTC) رأيك بالسؤال الأول
editالتوسع فى مجالى المعرفة العلمية من شرح مفصل للنشاطات الصناعية المختلفة المبنية على الاختراعات والابتكارت
- Machine translation; please improve:Expansion in the fields of scientific knowledge of the detailed explanation of various industrial activities based on inventions and Alapetkart
ارى المحتوى الموجود مفيد وبرجاء التوسع فى جميع مجالات الحياة العلمية
- Machine translation; please improve: I see the existing content is useful and please expansion in all areas of scientific life
editResponse by 07:18, 4 March 2015 (UTC) ya aabi heep facebok aç yorum kapaallı yor simdii de arkdas larını tanıdedi 2 3 de yaptım bida olmu yoor alllah rızası içim yapın lütfen
- Machine translation; please improve: AaB is open or heep facebok comment kapaall exhausts the definition now also arkdaslar 2 3 please bien did the structure inside the consent of the olmu your alllah
editответ на Nawist 07:50, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Nawist's мыслями на вопрос 1
editРечевые технологии и возможность по тематике добавлять видео, которое объяснит или покажет более понятно...
- Machine translation; please improve: Speech technology and the ability to add on the subject of the video that will explain or show more clearly
Nawist's мыслями на вопрос 2
editИспользуя мобильное устройство я не хочу писать в поиск мне нужное слово, я хочу сказать его и чтоб мне мобильный телефон ответил основное речью. Например: Я говорю "Ручка шариковая", а мобильник мне "устройство для написания, рисования на бумаге имеющее стержень с шариком на конце...", так же на этот запрос должно выводиться видео, которое мне расскажет о данном предмете.
- Machine translation; please improve: Using a mobile device, I do not want to write in search me the right word, I want to say it to me and said mobile phone main speech. For example: I say "Ballpoint pen" and mobile me "device for writing, drawing on paper having a rod with a ball on the end ..." just to this request must be scanned video, which I will talk about the subject.
editResponse by 08:14, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editaccess to internet services will become more common from many more different devices than today. e.g. smart watches, car entertainment devices, public terminals, ...), so i think it could be intersting to offer content via a service as "raw data", in different granuratity. maybe for free, maybe for a service fee.'s thoughts on question 2
editbased on the idea above, we will see more technical requirements rising up. this will concern how to access, to find and qualify content. implementing algorithms based on ontolgies or semantic_analysis could be an exciting next step.
editResponse by 09:06, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
edit1)What major trends would you identify in addition to mobile and the next billion users? A clear trend is ever increasing "technical competency"(ie. how to use a mobile communication device, etc.)of the average person, but coupled with "a profoundly fundamental lack of understanding" how society, history, science, religion, philosophy, etc. influence life in general: the world is filled more and more with "dummies" who can perform tasks brilliantly, but do not have the slightest capacity to properly question and analyze the reasons and consequences of their actions. There is a stark decrease of critical thinking everywhere..... Thus, Wikimedia must include ways to educate gently but effectively the next generation of mobile users about reasons, consequences, ethics, morals, philisophies, and logical thinking. If not, sustainability of truly "intelligent, thinking" life will become extinct...the world will be 99% "functional dummies" (robots), ruled by the 1% who can continue critical thinking.... Override apathy of the average person by awakening their passion, pride, and thus power to sustain true thinking life into the future.... Wikimedia, become socially responsible....'s thoughts on question 2
edit2.Based on the future trends that you think are important, what would thriving and healthy Wikimedia projects look like? Simple: Beside a massively improved mobile-centered data base, include moral examples (or parables real people can understand, varied to culured background) in most works of information - in order to demonstrate "good, sustainable, ideal solutions / consequences" vs. the negative outcome. People (mobile access customers) will have only limited visual access (that pathetically tiny screen of mobile phone or only slightly larger pad device) - which automatically predisposes the brain into focussing on partial solutions (one screen at a time) - and thus prevents most people to quickly see the greater or "overview" of the whole. This type of working with a small screen produces "miopic" thinking (ie solving one step at a time, dealing with individual steps only) - while diminishing analytical strategic thinking where and how these little steps fit into an overall overview. Most people will never "see" that there is an overall aspect. Wikimedia must address this important shortcoming of the mobile device generation by providing better information "guidance", built into every data module. Yes, this puts a most responsible moral & ethical burden onto Wikimedia, but somehow the masses must be guided better - otherwise we will surely loose out to free critical thinking individuals - and destroy the earth in the process!
editResponse by 09:09, 4 March 2015 (UTC) colorful and eco-friendly should be attractive and don't dump matter too much write everything up to the point narrate everything with clear explanation or write a story so that user's can understand easily and will try to visit often when they want anything new
editResponse by 2601:9:4400:C28:D49A:9337:5D53:DEB4 09:20, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
2601:9:4400:C28:D49A:9337:5D53:DEB4's thoughts on question 1
editExtended content |
1. What major trends would you identify in addition to mobile and the next billion users? ...Of course, the only way mobile devices can be of true service is that they abandon the keyboard concept as the communication mode or information input device. "Voice to Voice" or even "Direct Thought to Device" Communication Links are the only means worth exploring. Skip right past the Eye-Blink Technology, it will soon be the Eight Track, Beta Venue of communication. The mapping of brain response customized by individual (much like voice customization) via precise brain synapses calibration in response to specific stimuli gauged to read general emotional categories and then refined to assess precise reactions by assigning more and more specific coefficients within each emotionally defined category, is most likely the way to go. HOW E-DEVICES WILL LEARN TO LITERALLY “ READ OUR MINDS.” For example: Once the responses to a gory murder scene in juxtaposition to a group of puppies aide in establishing an individual’s “fear or anxiety” response verses their “warm and cuddly ahhhhh!” response , it possible to capture, record and label the first axis of the brain’s Emotional Matrix Map. Continue to map such extremes on a 3-D map and the total response matrix is made visible. To map subtleties within an emotional response sector, again “fear/anxiety,” the individual is shown movie scenes with distinctly more gore or significantly less gore. As the individual’s coordinated cerebral response to each segment becomes evident, the responding coefficients will build a more and more detailed picture of the individual’s emotional response map until eventually the computer can literally read the person’s mind in relationship to whatever stimuli is being offered on screen or in real life. That is as long as the computer can “see” and comprehend the stimuli and also pick up the brain synapses at the same instance. The biggest problem to date is getting the energy levels up in that electric pulses of our brain are relatively weak and known for very low voltage output. Then enabling corresponding signals equal to the quickest computer processing speed and enable them to read extremely subtle differentiations in signal strength were just a few of the challenges back when I was exploring the possibility of combining all of the following devices as they are known in REVELATION into ONE Device. This functions as an OUTPUT system that communicates messages and information to the masses, yet can only be utilized by major sponsors, and programming directors i.e. enterprises that function as a unit: be it a religion, an education source, the government, a business, a non-profit group selling candy (sound familiar? But there are twists…) • "THE BEAST"(the ORACLE Omni-computer-server) where all CPUs connect for data base access, service repair and software updates linked by… • "THE NET" (the inter-global -web-server) aka the internet sites that offer detailed information that one needs to take advantage of purchase opportunities, some requiring contracts, being ever-offered by…. • “THE WHORE” (Omni-digital-television/cable/satillette/fiber-optic-wifi-server) the third of many beastly heads. AKA” the temptress” who will excite and ignite your passions until you will sell your soul to the devil (in the form of high interest credit card debt) just for a taste of her numerous delights. This technology specializes in sense enhancing, e.g. Her/His voice is auto tune-targeted to please and tease each audience member to the cusp of their particular climatic trigger point, then pull back and repeat until customized stimulation works with the perfect graphically reinforced sight messages to keep a poor soul captivated on the edge of his or her seat, slave to their senses. All messages are coded to play at predetermined time slots or at the individual's whim on an OD =Omni-Device OR their personal device aka O-ME OMNI-ME. Wi-Fi waves and magnetic energy allow an OD unit to float within eyesight of the individual at all times. Or allows their messages and programming jump as it is wirelessly transmitted from mirror -like to a clear OD screens attached to walls, furniture and other appliances. From your shower door or make-up mirror to the windshield of one's auto-driven car or the clear- thru screens that popup anywhere a human might sit or stand long enough to focus in safety. The art or skill of the times is being Omni-Aware that is so in tune and synergistic with one's environment one is too smooth to walk into or trip over an OD unit whose job it is to stay in your face yet out of your pathway. But inevitably, two masses of matter will try to occupy the same space. Of course, the organic one always looses. And the OD apologizes. Whereas our personal INPUT devices are known as: • “THE GOOD BOOK” or “MY BOOK “ are also referred to as “MY MAN” or “MY GIRL” and endless names that express great attachment and dependency . (It combines the cell phone. the CPU, private ATM, timekeeping alarm and calendar devices, personal messages w/ personal scents, emails, chats, i-pad, i-pod, all venue-Reader, Personnel Movie Viewing Device, texter. Although the OD responds to voice commands, O-Me also functions as one’s remote control /programming means for my OD and any other programmed to allow my input) It is a highly personalized device made to do my bidding and often anticipate it; by screening what news I see, what books I read, movies I view, information pre-Programmer to deliver. But to ensure I do not fall into a mental vacuum and miss something important, one must renew MY WORLD settings and change a certain percentage according to the government mandates for my demographic, my chosen profession, religion, God Given Talents, my hobbies and what 5-10 individuals, personally known or unknown, that I choose to shape and influence "MY WORLD" with their personal recommendations. (Dare to leave your Mother off one’s INFLUENTIAL LIST and there will be hell to pay, one way or another. Certain things NEVER change.)
2601:9:4400:C28:D49A:9337:5D53:DEB4's thoughts on question 2edit2. Based on the future trends that you think are important, what would thriving and healthy Wikimedia projects look like?edit===== The biggest problem Wikipedia faces is its total lack of credibility. ===== 9/10 times I turn to Wikipedia first to get quick grasp, a general overview or refresh my memory on a topic. But once I have the picture, my very next job is to find some whose word I trust or is considered a true authority (to the rest of the industry or whomever I must impress) to get a legitimate source to sign off on what your pages have stated. I may check a reference or two, but often these are equally weak or obscure academics without noted titles or degrees as far as known/recognized authorities as well. Thus this old adage: Inside Information is HandyeditBut Only as Good as the Source, = With Product X, 3 out of 3 subjects lost 10 lbs. 3 subjects X 10 lbs each = 30 Total lbs lost with Product XeditWithout Product X, 3 out of 3 subjects lost 0 lbs. 3 subjects X 0 lbs each = 0 Total lbs. lost without Product X! Well, Thanks to these findings, the headlines could be wild!
IF the variable for ACCURACY was the average “+ or – 3 of the quoted results = 6 Point Range” for both
==== “Same Study Proves====
THE BOTTOM LINE: As with all ventures, it’s best to fully test and explore one’s own ideas to see what the customers (end user) or the competition will eventually figure out. So as a consultant it is my duty to find the fly in the oatmeal FIRST! …BEFORE MY REP IS IRREPARABLY DAMAGED. AND DEFINITELY BEFORE ANY THING NEGATIVE CAN HAPPEN TO MY CLIENT!edit=== How to Up WIKIPEDIA’S “THE CUTTING EDGE “FACTOR === This way there’s no old rep to fix. There’s no wait time for a new level of acceptance. Let the original version continue as “Everyman’s FREE Info Source.” Then, whip up some media frenzy by launching WIKIPEDIA2 via one or both Authority Partnerships Programs” A. Fast-paced On-line WIKIPEDIA2 AuctioneditInvited reps for Companies, Universities, B. Hold On-line Televised WIKIPEDIA2#1 BRAIN GAMEedit24/7 Marathon Jeopardy-Style Play Off @ Lightening Speed |
I, Terri W. Murray Offer Wikipedia the aforementioned concepts and opinions of my own free will and do not expect any compensation whatsoever. Just a note of appreciation should you find these ideas inspirational or of any value in your pursuits to re-define your offering. Good Luck. You guys have been there for me, thought I’d kick in for you. Sincerely, T.W. Murray.
editResponse by 09:42, 4 March 2015 (UTC) Bitte bei Wikipedia die Begriffe mit Artikel in Klammern dahinter wie z.B. Klinik (f), dann weiss ich, dass es die Klinik heisst, oder Haus (n), das Haus, Hund (m) >> der Hund, usw. Es würde uns sehr helfen, die in Deutsch Schwierigkeiten haben, sich die Artikel wie der, die , das merken können. Danke.
- Machine translation; please improve: Please Wikipedia articles with the terms in brackets eg Clinic (f), then I know that it says the clinic or home (n), the house dog (m) >> the dog, etc. It would be very helpful to have difficulties in German, the article such as that which may remember that. Thank You.
editResponse by 10:08, 4 March 2015 (UTC) Bonjour,
Tout d'abord merci pour Wikipédi qui, malgré ses détracteurs, essai d’être pour ne pas être sans être. Merci donc, malgré les imperfections, pour ces informations précieuses qui font que nous pouvons évoluer. Aujourd'hui l'argent s'érige en raison spirituel sans en avoir ni la moindre autorité, ni la moindre raison. Le wikipédia de demain se doit d'être la somme de toutes nos connaissances (vérifiées, sincères) au profit de tous afin que nous évoluions vers un monde de paix, de raison et de lumière. L'humanité spirituelle et universelle ne peut être que par "le savoir". "fiat lux" et surtout restons vigilant et gardons l'esprit critique sans négativisme. Martial Bouanchaud.
- Machine translation; please improve: Hello. First of all thank you for Wikipedi which, despite its critics, trying to be to not be without. So thank you, despite the imperfections, for this valuable information which we can evolve. Today money stands as spiritual reason without having either any authority, nor any reason. The Wikipedia of tomorrow must be the sum of all knowledge (verified sincere) for the benefit of all so that we evolve towards a world of peace, reason and light. The spiritual and universal humanity can only be by "knowledge". "fiat lux" and above all remain vigilant and keep a critical mind without negativity. Martial Bouanchaud.
editResponse by 10:47, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
edithi my Name is Tobias Bauer,
and I think the next Trend is, to let the User give the Informations one or more structures (or order). (maybe in a cheap new app --> solve the money problem) The advantages are extreme for example you can get the whole theoretical apprenticeship of the school and the most jobs on the Internet (Wikipedia). And so everybody can get a job or the "know-how" to do something (including every developing Nation). The only requirement is to can connect the Internet.
--- This Idea includes the biggest change of the World in the whole Historie ---'s thoughts on question 2
edit-each artical have to be verifiable by experts. (so Wikipedia became more reliability) -a fusion with other knowledgeservices like dictionarymaker (for Example Duden), or film documentation, with music and video streaming sites like imdb (international movie data base)
editResponse by 11:30, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Bring a few games where kids can play and learn at once.
editResponse by 12:19, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
i think you would get more out of this site if there was more about contemporary artists that live today. Great for school research, promoting the artist and education altogether.
editResponse by 13:07, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editAnother major trend is a subsidiary of your second point - African users will be using the Internet like us. What does that mean? Probably they will default to using Google. Any question you ask on Google almost always has Wikipedia as one of the first options, providing a wealth of information on the topic you're requesting. Will African's be asking different questions than us? Perhaps identify those questions beforehand and work ahead on the Wikipedia pages most likely to be viewed.'s thoughts on question 2
editThriving projects would be capable mobile applications as well as properly translated Wikipedia pages for those new languages that Wikipedia users may use.
editResponse by 13:15, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editIl contatto con Wikipedia da mobile e` solo un appesantimento della banda disponibile e riveste la posizione di una fugace consultazione fatta al bar o in bus. I contributi restano ristretti ai grandi lettori e conoscitori delle voci. Vostro impegno rimane il fatto che la grafica e l'impaginazione si adattino, senza appesantimenti, ai minuscoli display di chi si connette. Vi auguro prosperita` e lunga vita.
- Machine translation; please improve: Contact with moving from Wikipedia is only a weighting of the available bandwidth and assume the role of a fleeting reference made at the bar or in the bus. The contributions remain confined to big readers and connoisseurs of the items. Your commitment remains the fact that the graphics and layout fit, without encumbrances, to the tiny display of who connects. I wish you prosperity and long life.
editResponse by 13:32, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editInformation is getting smaller and smaller. Within the articles, captions should better influence the guests browsing of a topic. Figure out the most read information of an article, and make that a sub-headline within the page.'s thoughts on question 2
editAdd a forum page to every article, starting with the most viewed. Very few people go to Wikipedia for their own personal knowledge, and most go to research for some sort of project or purpose. A forum page can allow readers to develop FAQs so the may not necessarily have to go digging through the articles for the answers, but can instead search the more specific FAQ questions for a qouted answer contained in the article that they would otherwise have to read through to find. Most people are searching the same articles for very similar things. This way, they can have quicker access to the answers they seek without jeopardizing the format of the main articles.
editResponse by 13:57, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 2
editthe information must perfect, more picture about the information, no any mistakes
editResponse by 14:52, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editI don't need a simple design for mobile browsing . And wikipedia please don't develop on the big name like android or apple because you were bigger than them.'s thoughts on question 2
editLook like this.
editResponse by Wikidave2015 14:56, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Wikidave2015's thoughts on question 1
editContinued consumer thirst for knowledege where the knowledge is presented the most clearly at their level, not necessarily at the higher level of knowledge of many wiki articles.
Other websites could replace wiki if they are better at communication to a more typical audience. There should be a 6th pillar that focuses not just on knowledge but on simplifying and educating. Definitely do not make it a rule, just a pillar!
Wikidave2015's thoughts on question 2
editWikipedia is healthy and growing today. The wiki-tool concept has proven itself to be great! Keep nurturing it and sharing it! Wikipedia could expand beyond a great encyclopedia to be a great education and understanding tool.
editResponse by 15:09, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "I hope to improve science class derivation entry"
editResponse by 15:42, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editmost important thing is to be as lean and as fast as possible
therefore give an option for the user to display an abstract only (in case of longer articles) also an option for not displaying media-files
editResponse by 15:43, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Bilgiler biraz daha uzun olabilir mesela . Resim Daha Fazla Eklenebilir . Video Eklenebilir. Sorular Eklenebilir. Sizden Ne İsterse O Bilgiyi Verin .
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Information such as may be slightly longer. No More may be added. Video can be added. Questions may be added. What if you want that information to be."
editResponse by Delcaos84 15:46, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Yo pienso que seria bueno que en los textos le agregue ciertas imágenes gráficas animadas o vídeos de acuerdo la explicación del tema que se lee. Ejemplos:
- Comportamiento de los electrones y los huecos en un diodo polarizado inverso o directo en una fuente de corriente directa o alterna.
- Movimiento de los planetas en el sistema solara.
- La forma que se proyecta la luz cuando atraviesa un prisma.
- Fuerza de un electrón con cargas (+) repelando a otro con cargas (-) en una gráfica 3D con sus respectivos valores vectoriales y su formula.
Esto motiva al lector a adentrarse al tema y comprender mas rápido lo que esta leyendo. Hay muchos información mas todavía, que aveces las palabras e imágenes no son suficiente para entender.
También es necesario que el lector tenga disponible la opción de tomar la decisión de que no se descarga las imágenes gráficas o vídeos en caso de que la red que navega este deficiente.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "I think it would be good that the texts will add some graphic images or videos according animated explanation of the topic is read.
- Examples:
- Comportamiento Of electrons and holes in a reverse biased or a source of direct or alternating current direct diode.
- Movimiento Of planets in the solara system.
- The So that when light is projected through a prism.
- Fuerza Of an electron with (+) charges repelling another with loads (-) in a 3D vector graphics with their values and their formula.
- This motivates the reader to enter the issue faster and understand what you are reading. There are many details still more, that sometimes the words and images are not enough to understand.
- It is also necessary that the reader has available the option of taking the decision that the graphic images or videos can not download if network browsing this poor."
editResponse by 16:03, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editЛюди все чаще и чаще будут обращаться к ресурсам, которые мгновенно дают ответ на вопрос. Но это должно быть на уровне скорости мысли. Человек услышал непонятное слово или название фильма, нажал на кнопку(ровно как вспомнил) и вот он уже может поддержать беседу. Именно скорость будет важным условием. Скорость в понятии момента. Скорость мысли. Скорость как импульс-ключ к определенному воспоминанию… Голосовые сервисы будут более развиты и работать будут автономно...
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "People are becoming more and more will be treated to the resources that are instantly answer the question. But it should be at the speed of thought. The man heard a strange word or name of the movie by pressing the button (exactly as remembered), and here he is can keep the conversation going. That speed is an important condition. Speed in the concept of the moment. The speed of thought. The speed of the momentum is the key to certain memories ... Voice services will be more developed and will work autonomously ..."'s thoughts on question 2
editРазвитие голосовых сервисов. Человек не должен сам их задействовать, они должны работают постоянно. И мгновенно предоставлять информацию.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "The development of voice services. A person should not use them myself, they must run continuously. And instantly provide information."
editResponse by 16:09, 4 March 2015 (UTC) hello
provide virtual offices around the globe. Hub your offices based on location and redesign your home page. Thanks.
editResponse by Disclaser 16:14, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Question 1
editI think that an app for the phone would be a great idea and would expand the audience of Wikimedia
- @Disclaser: Hi, there is a Wikipedia app available on Google Play and iTunes. Thanks for your other suggestions, below. :) Quiddity (WMF) (talk) 21:59, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Question 2
editA healthy and thriving Wikimedia project would allow all information to be shared, weather it be someones art, business, or music. Wikimedia should be a place of visual information and not a place where it always gets taken down.
editResponse by 16:18, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editinternet usage via cars and internet of things's thoughts on question 2
editbe more interactive and accomodate users from various contexts rather than just devices
editResponse by 16:20, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
bence çocuk vikipedisi açılmalı ödev için :) ♠∞«₵₵♥♦‽₧» bitti
- Machine translation; please improve: I think children should be opened for homework's over
editResponse by 2A02:908:1138:D0E0:61B6:5056:FDCE:E23E 16:39, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
2A02:908:1138:D0E0:61B6:5056:FDCE:E23Es Gedanken zu Frage 1
editeinfache Zusammenfassungen am Ende eines jeden Artikels
- Machine translation; please improve: simple summaries at the end of each article
2A02:908:1138:D0E0:61B6:5056:FDCE:E23Es Gedanken zu Frage 2
editResponse by 17:03, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editWith IoT (Internet of Things) being the next big thing, some sort of API which would allow hardware manufacturers integrate with Wikipedia for a new level of automation. Imagine a world, where a particular model of cooker knew how long to cook a piece of chicken or a smart fridge could interact with a smart oven to order the correct ingredients to make a specific meal, and then cook it perfectly ready for when the owner returns home from work :)'s thoughts on question 2
editThe wealth of verifiable knowledge that is acquired and provided by the amazing resource of wiki, in an "always-on" environment like the Internet, having a living and evolving API which Hardware and Software Vendors can use to interact and rely on as a source of data and information would really open new opportunities for the IoT market. Wiki in this context could become the new "Cloud Intelligence Platform" where Smart devices interact with each other and utilize the vast knowledge provided by Wiki to make "human-like" decisions via automation, and thus bringing human-machine coexistence into a reality.
editWikiLanguages => This will work ==> Learning New Languages :-) "Wikipedia Languages" will not work..."WikiLanguages" will work..Single Word :-)
editResponse by PakKung 17:10, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
PakKung's thoughts on question 1
editIf the "internet" will be clogging or not (not just because of the next billion users), for the future years to come.
PakKung's thoughts on question 2
editI think Wikimedia knows the answer already. :)
editResponse by 17:16, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'ın 1. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri
editsizin gibi kocaman ve sistemli bir kurumun benim kişisel bilgi dağarcığıma nasıl katkıda bulunduğunu kelimelerle tarif edemem. Öncelikle bu kadar geniş ve ayrıntılı bilgileri biz sıradan insanlarla paylaşmanın en iyi yolunu bulduğunuz için siz Wikipedia çalışanlarına teşekkür ederim. sorduğunuz sorular genel daha doğrusu küresel bir sorunu içerdiği için öznel yorumlarda bulunmayacağım.Sizin de belirttiğiniz gibi dünya çok geniş bir bilgi ve kavram fırtınası içerisinde teknoloji ve bilimi de yanına alarak hızla değişmeye devam etmektedir. Fakat bu değişimin her zaman olumlu bir gelişme şeklinde seyretmeyeceği çoğu kişi tarafından bilinmektedir. Bu denli büyük bir kalabalığı karşılamanız konusunda size aşağıda sıraladığım öneriler umarım küresel ve onlarca dilde hizmet veren saygı değer kurumunuza umarım uzun vadede katkı sağlar.
Önerilerim: 1-Yolda olan bahsettiğiniz milyonlarca kullanıcının ilgi,tutum ve ihtiyaçlarını çok iyi belirleyin.(hepsi olmaz belki ama çoğunluğu ortak bir paydada birleştirebilirsiniz) 2-Bu insanların bilinçli ve günümüz şartlarında iyi bir internet okur yazarı olmaları için onlara ve tüm insanlığa sunacağınız bilgilerin sınırını ve doğruluğunu nitelikli bir biçimde kontrol edin. 3-İnsanların size kopyala yapıştır yerine daha çok bilinçlenme konusunda başvurmalarını istiyorsanız içeriklerinizi tüm yaş gruplarına göre daha çok görsel bir şekilde yapılandırın. 4-insanlar mobilleşmekten çok sosyal hayatı web ortamına döküp sosyal evrime yeni bir boyut katma eğilimi içerisindedirler. yiyecek giyecekleri internet üzerinden sipariş edip tartışmaların çoğuna yine sanal ortamda katılmakta birbirleriyle web üzerinden iletişim kurmayı daha cazip bulmaktadırlar. 5-çok fazla eğilim tespitine ihtiyaç yok çünkü insan eğilimleri ve ihtiyaçlarını bilen patron,mühendis ve çeşitli meslek sahibi insan bunu gündelik hayatta kullandıkları gibi internet ortamında da kullanıp servetlerine kâr üstüne kâr katmaktadırlar. bence bu kalabalığın eğilimlerini iyice anladıktan sonra onları hiç bir siyasal ideolojiye bağlı kalmadan bilinçlendirip nasıl robotlaştırıldıklarını belli bir kalıba sokulmaya çalışıldıklarını var olan sorunların asırlardır olduğu için çözümsüz olduğuna inandırıldıklarını onlara anlatın... uzun lafın kısası onları hiç durmayan hayat akışı sırasında bir yerde durup DÜŞÜNMEYE zorlayın...
şimdilik bu kadar. görüşmek üzere.
- Machine translation; please improve:
The massive and systematic institutions like you my personal information I can not describe how it contributed to the vocabulary words. First, it's wide and detailed information we would like to thank you Wikipedia for finding the best way to share work with ordinary people. Ask your questions in general rather a global problem because it contains subjective interpretations in bulunmayacağım.siz the technology in the world wide knowledge and the concept of a storm, as you said, and science continues to change rapidly taking with you. But this change is known by most people will always remain as a positive development. I hope this much about a big crowd to welcome you to my suggestions listed below and they respect serving global language worth hopefully contribute to your organization in the long run.
My advice:
1-way, which mentions that millions of user's interest, determine attitudes and needs very well. (All not, but maybe you can combine the majority of common denominator)
2-These people are conscious and present conditions to have a good internet literate them and the information you provide to all mankind Check limit and accuracy in a qualified manner.
3-people if you want to apply for more awareness rather than copy and paste configure your content to all age groups in a visual way too.
4-being of people are going mobile in a very social life and put it in a web environment adding a new dimension to social evolution trend. Most of the debate whether food clothing orders over the Internet to participate again in a virtual environment to communicate with each other via the web, they find more attractive. We do not need a 5-much because knowing people tend to identify trends and needs of patrons, engineers, and several people are employed fold profit on their fortune in profits using the internet as they use it in everyday life. I think that tell them what they are led to believe that the crowd tends to thoroughly how once you understand without them ever connected to a political ideology bilinçlendirip the existing problems they tried to put into a certain mold that robotized be unsolvable because for centuries ... stop and cut a long story somewhere during the flow of life them pulsing of force THINKING ...
so now.
to discuss.
- Machine translation; please improve:
editResponse by 17:21, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editVideo capability is dangerous, but has likely earned a mention or two from others; I love the old-web style that your organization has held on to for years. Please do not change this! "Facebook used to be cool" until they moved to ads and extraneous media forms. In terms of an actual recommendation, I would really like to see an all-inclusive site-map, and maybe even a StubleUpon-esk button for bringing up random pages for those times when the thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched.'s thoughts on question 2
editas it already does. Wikimedia pages are the best pages on the internet. This is true because of 2 very simple facts that all popular websites start with, but few hold on to; aim for simplicity, stray from superfluous. You all have accomplished this very well.
editResponse by 17:21, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 2
editgive sufficient reference from standard sources in case of EDUCATIONAL CONTENT.
editResponse by 17:29, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editOn the "One API to rule them all" concept... In the more distant future, imagine combining the 3d printing concept with IoT and Wiki-as-a-Cloud-Platform (WCP API), a repair bot in a home could use the Wiki API to print off items to replace or even upgrade parts of a house; kitchen utensils, plates, maybe widget nozzles etc. The options are endless, once the Cloud API for wiki is in place :)'s thoughts on question 2
editAs above :)
editResponse by HalFonts 17:32, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
HalFonts's thoughts on question 1
editI love the concept: "All knowledge, available to everyone." However, Wikipedia has already far exceeded my expectations as to "breadth" -- and I especially appreciate it's limited "depth." Most all of the information I need is in a quickly accessible form, with links to greater detail.
As the internet continues to expand further into unreached topics and populations, ALL People will have potential access to ALL information. The problems will be data-management and more critically: political and economic restrictions, more than technical limitations.
HalFonts's thoughts on question 2
editAssuming the information database and communications technology continue to expand, the problems that will remain are (1)maintaining Wikipedia's clean, informative and accessible style and (2) overcoming political and economic restrictions to that "last-mile" --those most remote or disadvantaged people who most need free and comprehensive access to this incredible resource.
We've come this far --far beyond my wildest expectations. Millions of us working together globally; we can complete the challenge.
editResponse by 17:37, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editBem como a Wikipédia tem grande relevância para o Google, Ambos poderiam associar-se para que o mesmo fornecesse o poder computacional e a Wikipédia para mante-lo, anúncios não invasivos e controláveis são muito bem tolerados por todos estamos acostumados com eles.
- Machine translation; please improve: And Wikipedia has great relevance for Google, Both could be associated to it were to provide the computing power and Wikipedia to keep it, noninvasive ads and controllable are very well tolerated by all we are accustomed to them.
editResponse by 17:43, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editIntroduce mobile app which will directly find the wikipeda page of a search instead of going through google.'s thoughts on question 2
editmerging with other information websites (small or big)to increase the amount of data available to the users. Example : Investopedia , a website for finance information gives huge amount of information on finance while wikipeda cannot give information in the same extent.
Also enabling videos would be helpful.
Feel free to mail me at <redacted> for more insight.
- Thanks for your suggestions. --Lgruwell-WMF (talk) 01:59, 6 March 2015 (UTC)
editResponse by 17:45, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
edit.wikipedia can have own discussion page or look like this think's thoughts on question 2
editİn my opinion, your should be carefuly about other languages. People who living in turkey they cannot find enougft information in vikipedia. Yes vikipedia very succesful in ownjob but sometimes need good translate. For example : page of Georges Perec not same (nearly english have more imformation ) english and turkish
editResponse by Jlgarnier 17:53, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Jlgarnier's thoughts on question 1
editles réseaux sociaux, mais je ne vois pas trop le rapport avec wikipedia
- social networks, but I do not see any relationship with wikipedia
Jlgarnier's thoughts on question 2
editPour les appareils mobiles : avoir une version courte (light) des pages wikipedia, lorsque le sujet le permet.
- For mobile devices: having a short version (light) of wikipedia pages, when it is possible.
editResponse by Edualde 18:07, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Edualdes Gedanken zu Frage 1
editResultierend aus dem Trend der Nutzung von Mobilgeräten zeichnet sich m.E. der Trend ab zu noch mehr Teilhabe des Einzelnen im Sinne einer inklusiven Gemeinschaft. Dies global im Sinne von Interessensgemeinschaften und Wissensaustausch zu bestimmten Themen, lokal im Sinne von regionaler Informationsverteilung und -beschaffung um hiermit direkt vor Ort tätig zu werden.
Parallel dazu entwickelt sich schon jetzt ein weiterer Trend, und zwar zur persönlichen Selbstbestimmung über eigene Daten durch Anonymisierung bzw. Verschlüsselung von Daten, Aufenthaltsorten und Identität bei gleichzeitiger, problematischer Zunahme von inustriellen Produkten und dazugehörigen, digitalen Systemen wie .B. das "Internet der Dinge", Mobilitäts-Tracking oder Wearables mit ständiger Cloudsychronisierung etc.
- (Translation:)
- "As a result of the trend of the use of mobile devices emerges imho the trend to more participation of the individual in the sense of an inclusive community. Globally in terms of communities of interest and knowledge exchange about specific issues, locally in terms of regional information distribution and procurement to act direct on site.
- In parallel another trend evolved already, namely for personal self-determination over the own data with anonymisation resp. encryption of data, whereabouts and identity with, at the same time, a problematic increase of industrialised products and related digital systems such as e.g. the "Internet of Things", mobility tracking or wearables with constant cloud synchronisation etc."
Edualdes Gedanken zu Frage 2
editVorschlag 1: Berücksichtigung von regionalen Themen und Gruppen verbunden mit einem niederschwelligen Zugang. Dies ggf. auch durch Patenschaften von erfahrenen Wikimedia-Teilnehmern für neue Mitglieder und auch für Menschen kognitivem Handycap.
Vorschlag 2: Optionale Berücksichtigung von Menschen mit dem Wunsch ihr Wissen aus persönlichen Gründen anonym mitzuteilen und zu diskutieren.
- (Translation:)
- "Proposal 1: Consideration of regional issues and groups connected to a low-threshold access. This if necessary through sponsorships of experienced Wikimedia participants for new members and also for people with a cognitive handicap.
- Proposal 2: Optional consideration of people with the desire to communicate and discuss their knowledge for personal reasons anonymously."
editResponse by 18:11, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
CYL's thoughts on question 1
editPeople may begin to distrust wikipedia and related wikimedia projects, due to preconceived notions on the authority of wikipedia. For example, children in grade school are being taught to distrust wikipedia for research, and this may hold over as they begin to go online more often. This is a growing trend, and may affect wikipedia in the future.
CYL's thoughts on question 2
editThriving and healthy wikimedia projects would involve heavier fact-checking that the system that exists right now.
editResponse by 18:22, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editWikipedia has made clear that it is not a product to sell . A made it clear that his main motivation goes beyond money. It is the world's information accessible to anyone with Internet access so I foresee an improvement in the ethics of that entendiment making use, as well as future project rewritten human smarter empathy I have been fortunate to see . Sorry for my bad english .
editResponse by 18:41, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 2
editSome times when you are "on the go", you just want to understand a concept in simple terms and you open a link to the Wikipedia page. Not sure if you currently do this, but with millions of additional users, maybe load a wikipage that has just part of the explanation, not all the content at once, so its a quicker response time.
editResponse by Onaoni 18:42, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Onaoni's thoughts on question 2
edit1)I think that wikipedia its a very useful site for people but in my country when you translate the information it goes from a page full to a paragraph which makes it hard for people to use this information if they need it to be long another way it would help if there were more colors to specify the important stuff so the searching can take less time if you need simple important information.
2)I think it would be helpful for people if there were more pictures This is all either way wikipedia is very helpful
editResponse by 19:02, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'ın 1. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri
editMükemmel derecede bir bilgi adresi olmasını öngörüyorum.İnsanlar artık bu siteyi gayet rahat bir şekilde anlayıp kendilerinin araştırdıkları bilgileri yazdıklarında ,başka din,dil veya ırktaki insanlara bilgi vermeleri keyifli olup, karşı tarafta ki insanların da bu konuya dair eleştirileri ile siteyi güzelleştireceklerdir.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Perfectly who öngörüyorum.ins to be an information address the longer they wrote the information they search for their own understanding in a very comfortable way of this site, other religions, language or to provide information to people in the race enjoyable, the people on the other side also will beautify the site with criticism of this issue."'ın 2. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri
editYapılan bilgi alışverişi yoruma dayalı olabilir böylelikle insanlar yaptıkları hataları veya güzel eleştirileri duydukça sitenin üyeleri artacak ve bu bilgi yayılımını iş haline getireceklerdir.Ve tabi ki bu iş yaparken keyif alıp diğer bilgili araştırmalarını burada paylaşarak site nüfusunu 3-4 katına çıkarabilirler. bknz; 1,000,000,000 kişi arkadaşlarıyla birlikte(en az 3 arkadaş veya aile bireyi denilince)3,000,000,000 kişi ediyor dünya nüfusunun 3/7 si ediyor bu insanlar "teenwolf" adlı ergen dizisini izleyeceklerine burada bilgi öğrenip merakları uyansa gelecek çok daha fazla yakınlaşır insanoğluna.:)
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Made the exchange of information may be based on reviews so will increase people mistake they made or beautiful criticisms members of seamlessly between sites and can enjoy the information dissemination work into getireceklerdir.v subject of whether he enjoyed doing it other knowledgeable research on solid 3-4 the population site sharing here.
- see; With 1,000,000,000 people friends (at least 3 friends or family members, known) 3,000,000,000 people these people are are you have 3/7 of the world population "teenwolf" has teen series of watch they come here wakes the curiosity to learn information much more closer to the man. :)"
Sunny Hasija
editResponse by 19:48, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Sunny Hasija's thoughts on question 1
editSmart watches and google glass
Sunny Hasija's thoughts on question 2
editlooks like wikipedia but fictional
editResponse by 19:51, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editFirst for android, material design that is from google ;) API 21...'s thoughts on question 2
editI don´t know it ;)
editResponse by CuriousTerri 19:59, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
CuriousTerri's thoughts on question 1
editMajor Trends - efficiency to the max. The need for so much paper and hard copies are being relieved. It is still quite inefficient to weed through information overload, though, in an online search. I love that Wikimedia tends to cut to the chase and I do not need to fight junk advertisements.
CuriousTerri's thoughts on question 2
editConsider off the grid, taboo, and underground abilities that expound on what already exists. It is apparent the "free speech" is quite limited for the average person. The handling of Snowden, who is way above average in intelligence, is quite a deterrent to a little person like myself.
editResponse by Tristan0102 20:04, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Tristan0102's thoughts on question 1
editI would like to give you my thoughts on question one. In the hope that you can distill something out of it, that keeps you continuing your wonderfull job of informing the willing & thurstfull minds of this world!!! Goodluck in 2015!!!
Question 1: I think that in the coming years people will want to, more actively and specificly, use the internet to verify statements from politicians and officials. Then go look for an easy to access neutral and uncluttered overview site, where they can follow this politician, and his/her views, looking for confirmation and consistency in their assertions, or contradictions supported by scientific data. Data also found in for instance; earlier speeches, party policy of these politiciens. This could very well be a tool, the new age adult will want to find, shaping their political views, as oppost to newspaper, parents or political commercials/flyers etc. If wikipedia would be kind enough to facilitate this :), i think people will gladly use such a tool! Choosing them- selves which aspiring leader in the community is worth following, believing and voting for! Basicly to find leaders, not only through snappy commercials, or someone who says and promotes that they want chances, were you find them most urgent aswell, but through u neutral site, with a summary of their actions and words on a matter. Find there who speaks to innovate, to resolve, who act's and speaks transparant out of well balanced philantropical reasonig, of principles and to preserve the planet for generations to come, and who speaks to stay in place, warm and in power.
editResponse by 20:08, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
para que wikimedia mejore yo haría una aplicacion para android en la que se pueda acceder a wikipedia (entre las demas) mas comoda, rapida y facilmente
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "to improve wikimedia I would make an application for android in which you can access wikipedia (among others) more comfortable, fast and easy"
editResponse by 20:44, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editДеградация общества.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Degradation of society."'s thoughts on question 2
editКачественный перевод лучших статей, с научной полнотой на разные языки.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Quality translation of the best articles from the scientific completeness in different languages."
editThrow some news in market and people will start reading about her on wikipedia and it will a billion user touch base with in a week. regards lokesh
editResponse by 20:50, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editSmartwatch and Phablets's thoughts on question 2
editRedesigned UI,support for little screen.
editResponse by 21:03, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
edita desparate need to teach analytical thinking and critical thinking skills to the world.'s thoughts on question 2
editad free, uncensored, open source, online classroom resources, free mobile apps for all platforms, free unlimited filesharing and file hosting and web hosting.
editResponse by 21:15, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 2
editFor the most part your fabulous but you have some severe discrepencies in your maps and it terrible !!!! When you enlargen you need to show it exactly the way it looks in the little diagram as far as airports and any other specific area that is being sought. When you enlargen the map for a closer look what was on the small map is gone and doesn't show when you elargen what you've clicked on to enlargen
This issue needs to be fixed Pronto !!!!! Otherwise we have to continue with world maps and that sucks !!! Get back to me for further on this issue at: <redacted> We need to get this fixed/please !!!!!!!
editResponse by 21:15, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
benim 16 farklı lehçe hakkında eğitimim var. bu konuda size yardımcı olmak isterim.
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "I trained on my 16 different dialects. I would love to help you in this regard."
editResponse by 21:17, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
развивайтесь в том же духе всё гениальное просто - как и ВЫ удачи!
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "develop in the same spirit
- All ingenious is simple - just like you
- good luck!"
editResponse by 2620:117:C080:520:5E26:AFF:FEFE:8410 21:29, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
I believe Wikipedia is doing great and has no need to change currently, but in the future they may need to add more languages and review all articles then add as much information as possible to them.
editResponse by 22:02, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editadd a wikipedia app's thoughts on question 2
editMake thw wiki backgrouund customizasable
editResponse by 22:16, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editediting option is such a wonderfull option and feature where every body can add their own story with elongations , thanks for providing for such a wonderful feature…
editResponse by 22:46, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Make your pages responsive and reformat according to the size of the browser and allow zoom
make all pages so that you can zoom in on text areas and the text will resize (get larger) while staying within the frame of the browser window.
editResponse by 23:10, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editLots of people from the so called third world are unable to read.'s thoughts on question 2
editThere should be a voice input and output as well as a voice-control.
editResponse by 23:18, 4 March 2015 (UTC) Gedanken zu Frage 1
editSmart TV und Konsolen; möglicherweise werden die Smart TVs die Konsolen "auffressen"
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Smart TVs and consoles; possibly the Smart TVs will "eat up" the consoles" Gedanken zu Frage 2
editErgänzung der Wortinhalte durch Bewegtbildinhalte. Insbesondere könnte wichtig werden, den dabei stattfindenden Medienwechsel nicht zur Hürde werden zu lassen. Kein "Medienbruch". Ich wage aber keine Prognose bzw. bin nicht im Bilde darüber, ob irgendjemand auf einem Smart TV "klassisch surft". Dann wär's ja kein Problem - "einfach Videos einbinden (Die gesteigerten Bandbreitenanforderungen und Hostingkosten übergeh ich mal dezent)"
- (Machine translation, please help improve...)
- "Supplementing the word content through video content. In particular, could be important not to make the hurdle that takes place in the media change. No "media cut". But I dare not forecast or'm not in the picture about whether anyone on a smart TV "classic surfing". Then it would be no problem - "easily embed video (The increased bandwidth requirements and hosting costs I übergeh times subtly)""
editResponse by 23:22, 4 March 2015 (UTC)'s thoughts on question 1
editUnsure...sorry.'s thoughts on question 2
editThe downfall of Wikipedia is that is can be edited to say anything by anyone which means it is an unreliable source of information. At least SOME of your items need to be locked to prevent editing. For example, scientific entries (like Bohr Model & Boyle's Law) are unlikely to need editing ever, or at least not in our lifetime! If these entries could be locked to prevent editing they would be considered reliable sources of information. If scientific advances make some of the information obsolete then many people within the scientific community will be able to email you with the new information.
editResponse by Awootton 23:54, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
Awootton's thoughts on question 1
editPeople will come to rely on Wikipedia and will recognize it as a treasure of the common good. Educational institutions will be, more and more, rated on the completeness of their local image and departments will gain status base upon not only on the depth of their coverage of specialized topics but also upon the pedagogical usefulness of their approach (or translation). I see this as being inevitable.
Awootton's thoughts on question 2
editContributors should be tracked and 'graded' in come fashion so that being a known contributor becomes a sought after status. Dependency chains should be established so that, for instance, any word or concept that is unfamiliar can be a link that can be followed to an explanation of that term or concept in every case. From this starter articles can be found for a person to read with the assumption that eventually it will lead to understanding of a larger, more difficult, idea. There should be a concept of competency (maybe with some kind of testing) for base topics that an individual has covered so that a guided tour leading up to mastery of a larger topic won't recommend redundant study. Once the dependency chain and the competency grading are well know functionality it will be possible to discover, and recommend, users who really should be contributing to an advanced topic. At some point I'd expect that someone will start paying contributors in money or fame so, you know, get ready.