Talk:Translation of the week/2007 translations

How to list translations

Me thinks it might be an interesting idea if the first one to start a "translation of the week" uploaded all images in the article to the Wikipedia Commons. It looks like at the moment most translators upload them to their respective wikipedias. (Sorry for poor English). -- U. P. (-- 00:00, 6 May 2005 (UTC)) <<< I have added the signature of this user now. --Marbot 20:34, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Is there an order to list the translations? Sometimes they're in alphabetical order, other times it's in the order in which they're done. I prefer the second method myself. I prefer the alphabetical order, because it's handy when we update interwiki links in local wikipedias. --Puzzlet Chung 14:39, 5 Jul 2005 (UTC)

How to list translations

Can we add a list for the translations ordered alphabetically ready to be copied and pasted into the article? Something like this:


Ordered by time of addition Ordered alphabetically
  1. br:Ouragan bras 1780
  2. de:Großer Hurrikan von 1780
  3. en:Great Hurricane of 1780
  4. es:Gran Huracán de 1780
  5. it:Grande uragano del 1780
  6. sv:Stora orkanen 1780
  7. zh:1780年大飓风
  8. ar:إعصار 1780 الكبير
[[ar:إعصار 1780 الكبير]]
[[br:Ouragan bras 1780]]
[[de:Großer Hurrikan von 1780]]
[[en:Great Hurricane of 1780]]
[[es:Gran Huracán de 1780]]
[[it:Grande uragano del 1780]]
[[sv:Stora orkanen 1780]]

--Jak 20:15, 20 March 2006 (UTC)

Another Suggestion

I have changed the way to enter the translations from:

# [[en:xxxxxx]]



with a semicolon at the beginning and double double square brackets. Although this might take a few seconds to write, I think it makes it much easier to update the interwiki's when a change is made. I hope this is ok! --Jak 19:32, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

Who update the page?

Who update which the new week´s article is? Leo Johannes 08:38, 24 December 2007 (UTC)

Thanks to the user who did it! Leo Johannes   Merry christmas! 11:32, 25 December 2007 (UTC)
Hello Leo Johannes, see this page. Best regards and Merry christmas. --Marbot 18:04, 26 December 2007 (UTC)
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