Talk:Wikimedia CH/Archives/2006
![]() | Please do not post any new comments on this page. This is a discussion archive first created in 2006, although the comments contained were likely posted before and after this date. See current discussion or the archives index. |
What should be the lingua franca for this discussion? Alles in drei Sprachen? Ce n'est pas très pratique... --Stw 11:56, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Well, i think, at the moment, we should start to discuss things in german, as far as we are only german-speaking users at the moment. Mais je pense, qu'il faut peut-etre traduire les décisions et résultats les plus inportants en Français et Italien. Aber das wird eine der wichtigsten Fragen sein, da wir dann bei einer allfälligen Gründung auch später noch alles übersetzen müssten (?). Hier würde ich aber vorschlagen, bei Deutsch zu bleiben und nur bei Bedarf Übersetzungen zu liefern. Otherwise, it really won't be practicable to have a fluent discussion here. --Mbimmler 12:23, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- And what about a three-language Wikipedia ? You could have, for each page, a french and german translation (Page1/fr, Page1/de, Page1/en ...). Ich weiss nicht. Aber is this not une bonne idée ? Vlad2i 19:10, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I think, it would be better when we translates the pages in all languages from now on. Je pense que c'est important, parce-que les Romands und die Tessiner sich sonst ausgeschlossen fühlen. Ciao a tutti! *g* --Filzstift 07:38, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Je ne suis pas suisse mais je veux bien aider, pour traduire chaque page en anglais<->français. J'ai bien dit chaque page :) so I also join the idea of a four-language project (en, de, fr, it (?)). le Korrigan bla 07:42, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Il suffit de faire comme à l'armée: chacun s'exprime dans sa langue (les quatre langues ou l'anglais) dans les discussions, et les pages sont traduites dans les différentes langues. Jyp 07:50, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Très bien! Could someone diese Seite verlinken in der italienischen und französischen Wikipedia? --Napa 08:25, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Cela a été fait sur le bistro (village pump) de fr.wikipedia. (Merci à Anthere pour la notification)Jyp 09:52, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Darf ich die ketzerische Frage stellen, wieso wirs auch auf Englisch übersetzen sollen/wollen? Reichen D/F/I nicht, und wir nutzen unsere Kräfte besser für das Projekt an sich? :-) liebe Grüsse, Poolpage 10:51, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Ciao. It could be ganz hilfreich, zumindest die wichtigsten Dinge ins Englische zu übersetzen (wenigstens die Satzung, wenn es mal so weit ist), schließlich muss eine solche Chapter-Gründung auch mit der Wikimedia Foundation abgestimmt werden und da ist die Arbeitssprache bekanntermaßen Englisch. Die Arbeit müsst Ihr übrigens nicht unbedingt alleine machen. Es gibt hier eine Reihe von Leuten, die dabei sicher helfen würden, siehe Translation requests. Salut -- Arne (akl) 09:03, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- The choice of the language(s) must be practical. Swiss people can express themselves fluently in their mother tongue (hopefully), and a lot of them also in english. Most of swiss people can understand quite well a second national language, and read a little bit of a third one. However you cannot expect that they will be able to express their ideas in a efficient way in these languages. That's why I think we should allow the four national languages in discussions. I propose to add english so that people who do not share a common language can have a chance to communicate.
- For documents, we should use de, fr and it (eventually rumantsch). Of course this means that we have to set up a small translation service. As Arne pointed, english will be required when communicating with the Wikimedia Foundation. It may be therefore a good idea to have some pages also in english (bylaws for example).
- (But we should forbid people to start a sentence in a language and finish in another).
- Of course, if people indicates in their public profiles which language they understand (not speak), it would be easier to select the appropriate language in a given discussion.
- Jyp 09:52, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Allright... I see that we should translate official documents, but in discussions etc. würde ich vorschlagen soll jeder in jener Sprache schreiben, die er am besten beherrscht. Und von Sprachmix im selben Posting würde ich absehen ;) (Ok, selber dagegen verstossen, aber trotzdem :D) Poolpage 12:03, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
En tant que proche voisin (côté français), je suis prêt à aider si nécessaire. Et je viendrais en observateur si vous faîtes des rencontres en Suisse romande. Je pourrais aussi servir de liaison avec Wikimédia France. Je suis désolé, mais mon allemand est vraiment passable. ;o) Yann 10:06, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
As a neighbour (French side), I can help if necessary. I would come as an observer if you organize meetings in Western Switerland. And I can act as a link with Wikimédia France. I am sorry, but my skill in German is really poor. ;o) Yann 10:06, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Merci beaucoup pour ton aide! J'espère qu'il y a quelque wikipédians de la Suisse Romandie qui sont intéressés! Je vais essayer le contacter. --Filzstift 13:59, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Shouldn't we rename this page to "Wikimedia Switzerland" or "Wikimedia Suisse" (wie die Schweizer Nati es ja tut *g*)? --Filzstift 13:59, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Je propose "Wikimedia CH", CH étant compris par tous les Suisses et étant l'extension internet du pays, également par les non-suisses :-) (Ich schlage "Wikimedia CH" vor; ch is understood by every Swiss, but also by foreigners, being the internet extension of the country). (Note: it is the name of the page, not the name of the association, which should be discussed at a final stage, and not very important).Jyp 14:53, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Drei-Sprachen-Sätze/Phrases en trois langues/Sentences including three languages
Aus aktuellem Anlass (nicht persönlich gemeint): Ich unterstütze es sehr, wenn Personen ihre Aussagen (oder mindestens das Fazit) noch auf Engliach/Französisch übersetzen. Was aber m.E. den Lesefluss stört und sich vom kleinen Spass (den ich auch praktiziert habe, ja) zum Standard entwickelt hat, ist, wenn Leute mitten im Satz von einer Sprache auf die andere umstellen. Ist das wirklich nötig? ça me dérange, si des personnes change la langue au sein de la phrase. Je pense, que ça suffi~t, si on traduit/récrit seulement des sentences entières. I think, that it's quite disturbing, if people change language in the middle of the sentence, and i think you should only translate/rewrite whole sentences. --Mbimmler 19:34, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- och menno - ich fand das gerade so lustig zu lesen ;-) --Elian 23:59, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Kia stranga ideo proponi la anglan kiel tria lingvo de la Confederatio Helvetica. En la komenco de la diskuto ŝajnis ke la tria lingvo devis esti la itala, cxu ne? Momente vi emas uzadi ian formon de europanto. Lingva ĥaoso daŭriĝas ... / Quelle étrange idée que de proposer la langue anglaise comme troisième langue pour la Confederatio Helvetica. Au début de la discussion il semblait que la troisième langue devait être l'italien ... Pour l'instant vous tendez à glisser vers une forme d'europanto. Le chaos linguistique continue ... --Arno Lagrange ✉ 04:32, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Peut-être entwickelt sich ja a new langue, comme "Swissperanto" dank la Wikimedia Svizra ;) --Filzstift 08:47, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Kia stranga ideo proponi la anglan kiel tria lingvo de la Confederatio Helvetica. En la komenco de la diskuto ŝajnis ke la tria lingvo devis esti la itala, cxu ne? Momente vi emas uzadi ian formon de europanto. Lingva ĥaoso daŭriĝas ... / Quelle étrange idée que de proposer la langue anglaise comme troisième langue pour la Confederatio Helvetica. Au début de la discussion il semblait que la troisième langue devait être l'italien ... Pour l'instant vous tendez à glisser vers une forme d'europanto. Le chaos linguistique continue ... --Arno Lagrange ✉ 04:32, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Lösung / Solution?
Genug geplärrt und gespielt. Werden wir konkreter: Meiner Meinung nach sollten Publikationen vorläufig mal auf deutsch, französisch und englisch erscheinen. Wie es mit dem italienischen aussieht kann man noch diskutieren (Rätorromanisch kann man mangels solcher Wikipedianer vergessen). Die Diskussionssprache soll nicht festgelegt sein. Jeder soll diese Sprache verwenden, die ihm am besten passt (es muss einfach einer der Schweizer Sprachen - ausser Schweizerdeutsch - oder Englisch sein).
Summary: I think all publications should be in German, French and English. Probably also in Italian. It don't matter which lauguage we use for talking, the users can write in their language.
Sommaire : Je pense que toutes les publications devraient être en allemand, français et anglais, peut-être aussi en italien. Dans les discussions les utilisateurs peuvent écrire dans leur langue.
Sommario: Penso che tutte le pubblicazioni dovrebbero essere in tedesco, francese e inglese. Forse anche in italiano. Ogni utente può scrivere nella propria lingua. thanks to Google for the translation into italian *g*--Filzstift 05:45, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Oui/Ja/Si/Yes Jyp 06:32, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- The use of english is important because also in Wikimedia Italia we had translated some things in this language (i.e. the Charter) to have the OK from the Wikimedia Foundation. I hope that the italian remains in the fundamental languages. :) --Ilario 08:24, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Translation in italian language
Hi, I'am interested to partecipate at this project. I'm admin in it.wikipedia and I'm partecipating to the creation of Wikimedia Italia. If you like I can help to translate in italian... it could be interesting because in Ticino people see the lack of the Italian with much displeasure :) I am very happy to avoid this. --Ilario 08:13, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
The italian question
Hi, I'm an italian/swiss/whatever user of, and I found this initiative thanks to a mail in the italian mailing-list (and thanks to notafish :D ). There's something strange I've read on this page. Italian language is quite not considered: everywhere I read, I see nominated "deutsch, french and ENGLISH". English is more considered then italian: is this not strange? I say: Switzerland is made of people talking three language: german, french and italian. And "romancio", ok. So, I think that italian language should be the basis of the project, and not only something accessory. (And, ok, my English is really bad, aber mein Deutsch ist schlechter...) --Gatto Nero 10:02, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Well, we certainly have to translate (relevant) things into Italian, IMHO that's clear. But i also think, that we should consider English as one of the "main languages" because this is firstly necessary for contact with the board (and maybe also with other chapters) and if for example an Swiss-Italian and a Swiss-German user want to communicate but can't because the Swiss-German doesn't understand Italian at all and the Swiss-Italian doesn't understand German either, they're maybe likely to change to English. And last but not least: If we have (at least) abstracts in English here, also other, non-swiss or french, user on meta can read this and maybe even make proposals. So my opinion is, that we should have German, French, Italian and English as languages, although that might get a lot of work --Mbimmler 10:14, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- That's what I wanted to say: English is really necessary, for comunication with the outer users and inner users. But no-one but Ilario told about italian as necessary too. This page - even - has the header in German, French, English. But not italian... I hope this will now change, from now on :D --Gatto Nero 10:46, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Be bold! It's a Wiki. ;) -- Arne (akl) 10:48, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I know it, but I have to block myself from partecipating in every project I find interesting. :p I'm yet in it.wikipedia, it.wikinews, commons, wikisource, metawiki, here there and someotherwhere... I will die :D (Ok, that was a joke... for now, I'd prefer remain an outer help here. (Jiminy Cricket?) But I like this project very very much... Maybe cause I'm a bit Swiss too :D --Gatto Nero 11:13, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Be bold! It's a Wiki. ;) -- Arne (akl) 10:48, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- That's what I wanted to say: English is really necessary, for comunication with the outer users and inner users. But no-one but Ilario told about italian as necessary too. This page - even - has the header in German, French, English. But not italian... I hope this will now change, from now on :D --Gatto Nero 10:46, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- The question about the use of the english like language cross-country is not so important for the italian speakers because the french text is understandable also for an italian person who don't know it very well. For informal communication the french and the german are enough. The formal communication should be in four languages: the three national languages and the english for the people who lives outside the CH. --Ilario 11:52, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
The header
I don't understand why the header in this page is different between the english and the other three languages. I have translated in italian using the german and french version. It's OK? --Ilario 11:55, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- That's quite easy: When StW started this page, he used my english description of Wikimedia_chapters#Existing and planned Chapters as english text, the text from de:Wikipedia:Treffen der Wikipedianer/Schweiz as german text (?) and created a French version by himself. But i think, it's better, when we have a standardized header, although i totally understand StW. who on top priority wanted to have as fast as possible a multi-language header, which i find very important, too. Could you or an other italian-speaking person please also include the thing with the autumn-meeting in the italian text, as i just did with the french one, please ?Regards, --Mbimmler 17:34, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC) (edited: 17:39, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
What goals for the association?
Just a few ideas (without any special order):
- collecting money for helping servers to be kept alive (supporting financially the projects);
- promoting the different wikimedia's projects in Switzerland;
- promoting the swiss culture inside the Wikimedia's projects;
- helping juridically swiss members being sued for participating in this project.
Jyp 12:08, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Annonce sur fr.wikipedia ?
Y a-t-il eu une annonce sur le Wikipédia en français ? Il y a quelques Suisses francophones qui participent. Yann 13:15, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Il y a une annonce sur le Bistro (Anthère), sur la mailing list (notafish je crois) et sur les pages de discussions de quelques romands. Jyp 18:07, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Ich habe mir erlaubt, vorsorglich (bevor jemand anderes Wind von der Idee des Vereins bekommt und sich hoffnungsvoll und in Erwartung eines grossen Geldesegens schneller ist) den Domainnamen "" bei der Switch zu registrieren. Ich werde ihn am Tage der Vereinsgründung, sollte sie denn eintreten, ohne Kostenfolge dem Verein übertragen. Zwischenzeitlich werde ich die anfallenden Gebühren privat übernehmen. Hoffe, das ist im Sinne aller Beteiligten. Gruss, Poolpage 22:54, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Danke, hatte schon die gleiche Idee ;). Könntest du vielleicht noch dafür sorgen, dass automatisch auf diese Seite umgeleitet wird, wenn man eingibt? Wäre einfacher zu merken. Falls es dir nicht möglich ist, kann ich das für dich übernehmen. --Filzstift 07:30, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Nee, kein Problem, kann ich machen. Wird in den nächsten 48 Stunden denk ich mal funktionieren. Gruss, --Poolpage 08:35, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Super! --Filzstift 09:42, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Bestätigung des Providers bereits gekommen, die NS-Umstellung bei der Switch ist beantragt, also sehr wahrscheinlich schon heute Nacht. Ich bin ab morgen Früh bis Montag in fr:Paris, habe aber den Laptop dabei und werde wohl auch 1-2x bei der Wikipedia vorbeischauen. Denke aber nicht dass sich an der Domain so rasch was ändern wird ;-) Gruss, --poolpage 10:26, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Super! --Filzstift 09:42, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Nee, kein Problem, kann ich machen. Wird in den nächsten 48 Stunden denk ich mal funktionieren. Gruss, --Poolpage 08:35, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Der deutsche Verein hat den Antrag gestellt, die Domain übernehmen zu können. Ich werde den Antrag pendent halten, bis sich hier eine Meinung gebildet hat, ob wir den Domainnamen in Erwartung des Schweizer Vereins in zwei Monaten bei mir parkiert lassen wollen, oder ob wir ihn zwischenzeitlich umschreiben sollen, was aber imho mit zweimaligen Kosten verbunden ist (Übertrag CH-D, D-CH), während bei einem direkten Übertrag von mir zum Schweizer Verein nur einmal 75 SFr. anfallen. Meinungen dazu? Ich bestehe überhaupt nicht darauf, ihn behalten zu können, aber wegen der zwei Monate jetzt gleich alles nach D zu verlagern, scheint mir übertrieben. Gruss, --Poolpage 11:33, 10 September 2005 (UTC)
- Der Antrag kommt nicht von Wikimedia Deutschland. Vielmehr handelt es sich offenbar um einen Fehler des derzeitigen Inhabers von Angesichts der Tatsache, dass derzeit in guten Händen ist, sollten wir zumindest das Treffen im November abwarten. Wenn sich dann herausstellen sollte, dass es noch länger dauert, bis das CH-Chapter gegründet wird, können wir ja noch mal darüber diskutieren. -- Arne (akl) 14:32, 10 September 2005 (UTC)
- Ok...alles klar, hab mich noch gewundert, da ich den Namen jener Dame noch nie gehört hatte im Zusammenhang mit Wikimedia Deutschland. Der Antrag wurde inzwischen (18:15 Uhr MEZ) gelöscht, und die Domain bleibt also ohne Gegenwehr etwelcher Kreise bis November bei mir, am oder nach dem Treffen wird ggf. die Situation neu beurteilt. Danke & Gruss aus der Schweiz, --Poolpage 16:19, 10 September 2005 (UTC)
- Der Antrag kommt nicht von Wikimedia Deutschland. Vielmehr handelt es sich offenbar um einen Fehler des derzeitigen Inhabers von Angesichts der Tatsache, dass derzeit in guten Händen ist, sollten wir zumindest das Treffen im November abwarten. Wenn sich dann herausstellen sollte, dass es noch länger dauert, bis das CH-Chapter gegründet wird, können wir ja noch mal darüber diskutieren. -- Arne (akl) 14:32, 10 September 2005 (UTC)
Einfach nur so am Rande: wenn Wikimedia CH mal existieren würde, sollte der Verein auch Liechtenstein vertreten, d.h. Anfragen von / aus / über Liechtenstein könnten über die Wikimedia CH laufen. (in die Statuten müsste dann erwähnt werden, dass der Verein die Wikipedianer in der CH und im FL vertritt). --Filzstift 10:03, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Erscheint mir auch wichtig, da sich die Liechtensteiner kaum einen eigenen Verein aufbauen werden können (dennoch ünterschätze ich das liechtensteinische Potenzial keineswegs; wenn sies zustande bringen könnten, nur zu). Man sollte möglichst eine Art "Sektion Liechtenstein" einrichten, welche sich um eben solche Dinge aus Liechtenstein befasst. MfG -- 20:39, 31 October 2005 (UTC) (de:Benutzer:CdaMVvWgS)
Who can become a member of Wikimedia CH?
The following discussion has been moved from de:Benutzer Diskussion:Napa --Napa 05:03, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Hi, I'm coming from Viterbo where Wikipedia Italia is born. But in this occasion we had a problem about the members: accept or not foreigns. In my situation I am accepted because I am also italian. In this case I ask you... who can partecipate to Wikimedia CH? The Swiss, the people who lives in Switzerland or everyone? What connection the candidate must have with Swiss? --Ilario 19:21, 20. Jun 2005 (CEST)
- Because Ilario informed me about this question on my discussionpage, i'll write here my opinion as well. First, i have to say, that this is certainly a topic, which we have to discuss "in public", e.g. at the meeting in autumn. But i think, that members should be kind of active in a wikimedia project, that uses one of the four swiss languages (which means, german, french, italian and rumantsch) and possibly should speak one of this languages, because i don't think, that it makes sense to have let's say American members, which don't bother German/French/Italian-Wikimedia projects ar all. For foreigners, which speak / contribute in one of the four swiss languages, it is a bit more difficult: In the german "Verein", foreigners were of course accepted, because they wasn't another verein, which swiss or austrian (is this word correct like that?) people could join. But we^re of course open for Austrian people, which rather want to join the Swiss verein, than the German one (at least as long as there is no Wikimedia Austria). Wikimedians from Liechtenstein are welcome anyway, because IMHO the Swiss verein should be also "valid" for Liechtenstein, as a lot of other associations/foundations do (e.g. rotary). But anyway, there are all the time exceptions, which have to be considered, german Verein for example has Fantasy as member, although Fantasy lives in Italy, because she (?) contributes (i don't know, if she's still acitve here, because she is steward now, but she certainly did once) a lot to the german Wikipedia. To sum up, i think, we should have some general statement about that, and then look for exceptions. BTW we could also invite chairs (and other members of the "board" [don't find other expression] of the local chapters and of course the foundation) to the member meetings as guests. Regards --mbimmler ∑ 09:22, 21. Jun 2005 (CEST)
- Yes, this is one possibility, but I prefer another one: No restriction. IMHO everybody should be able to be a passive or active member. If a guy from Russia wants to participate and he doesn't understand german or french or italian or english, it's his problem not ours. And if he wants to be our cashier or our president and he'll be elected, so it's the will of our members and he should be our cashier or our president. IMHO this way is much easier to handle, otherwise the CH-Wikimedia will have to do a lot of controlling work. --Napa 16:51, 22. Jun 2005 (CEST)
- I understand your arguments, and if this was a "verein" that only exists in Switzerland, i'd totally support this. But: Look for example at the WWF: If a Russian wants to get a member in WWF Switzerland, they'll also forward him to WWF Russian (same you could say e.g. for Rotary International). So my proposal is the following: Each swiss member candidate (and those of Liechtenstein) will given membership anyway. "Foreigners" which don't have a clear link to Switzerland have to be approved/confirmed by the board. If the board refuses his candidature, he could appeal to the "assembly of members" (Mitgliederversammlung"), which then would be last instance (also for Swiss people, that would be refused for any reason). So we can ensure, that the members have the final say. About control: Well, i think, it's clear, that every candidate has to fill out a form, where he states his adress (at least for billing reason), so we quickly see, who lives outside Switzerland and has eventually be approved at next board meeting. Just to make clear: I'm absolutely NOT against foreigners, i haven't got any problems with foreigners in Switzerland, i wonder, why let's say british or german people could like to become member in the Swiss verein, when they have their own chapters anyway. BTW: Does anybody know, if it would be legal, if the president of the swiss verein wouldn't be swiss? Just wondering... But anyway, we can discuss this point, maybe even vote (swiss people like doing this...) at the first assembly, and then we see, what majority thinks about that. But we certainly won't refuse people like Ilario/akl/notafish, which want to help us with the foundation and i very much invite them to become member, if they want to.--mbimmler ∑ 20:43, 22. Jun 2005 (CEST)
- Ok. In any case I can invite all Italians that like to partecipate :) --Ilario 17:19, 22. Jun 2005 (CEST)
- Mbimmler, I don't understand why you want to make things more complicated than needed. Where is the problem if anyone from outside Switzerland wants to become a member (it is very unlikely that there are many people who want this)? If there is one thing that I learned from the first year of Wikimedia Deutschland, it is: "Keep the bylaws as simple as you can". I would be very surprised if there are any legal restrictions in Switzerland that disallow foreigners to become a member or hold an official position in a Swiss organisation. BTW: Wouldn't it be better to discuss this on meta? -- akl 22:33, 22. Jun 2005 (CEST)
- In Italy we had this problem not for our decision but for law decision. In Italy if someone decides to found an association this is a legal act with particular rules. I asked about these rules... --Ilario 07:38, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I don't want to make things more complicated, not at all. I just wondered, why people from outside CH would like to join the swiss verein. There aren't that many polish or british people in D-Verein either, are there? But anyway you persuaded me, that my proposal is really a bit to complicated, so i accept it, if we don't make any "restrictions" "against" foreign members. I'm however not sure, if we should advertise the Verein in other countries, which have their own chapter. BTW: (question to akl, but anybody may answer): Do you think, we should already start writing (proposals for) bylaws before the meeting in fall or should we only start, when we decided there, that serious preparations of foundation are to be started? --Mbimmler 12:54, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- The bylaws have to be written in any case, independent from the question when the chapter will finally be founded. So if someone likes to work on it ... why not starting now? Btw, the German bylaws were in progress for half a year ;) -- Arne (akl) 16:47, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Part of Switzerland and Italy share one language. I would be more than willing to help in Italian, French, English but what if I can't speak German? Would I be unable to participate in some discussions? I think we might use English as a lingua franca if only for practical reasons (as bureaucracy) while writing the articles in different languages. As a Wikipedian I am enthusiastic about Wiki Switzerland and I hope I can use some of my (few) skills to encourage its growth! --Wikipedius 18:03, 31 July 2005 (UTC)
- The bylaws have to be written in any case, independent from the question when the chapter will finally be founded. So if someone likes to work on it ... why not starting now? Btw, the German bylaws were in progress for half a year ;) -- Arne (akl) 16:47, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I don't want to make things more complicated, not at all. I just wondered, why people from outside CH would like to join the swiss verein. There aren't that many polish or british people in D-Verein either, are there? But anyway you persuaded me, that my proposal is really a bit to complicated, so i accept it, if we don't make any "restrictions" "against" foreign members. I'm however not sure, if we should advertise the Verein in other countries, which have their own chapter. BTW: (question to akl, but anybody may answer): Do you think, we should already start writing (proposals for) bylaws before the meeting in fall or should we only start, when we decided there, that serious preparations of foundation are to be started? --Mbimmler 12:54, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- In Italy we had this problem not for our decision but for law decision. In Italy if someone decides to found an association this is a legal act with particular rules. I asked about these rules... --Ilario 07:38, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Mbimmler, I don't understand why you want to make things more complicated than needed. Where is the problem if anyone from outside Switzerland wants to become a member (it is very unlikely that there are many people who want this)? If there is one thing that I learned from the first year of Wikimedia Deutschland, it is: "Keep the bylaws as simple as you can". I would be very surprised if there are any legal restrictions in Switzerland that disallow foreigners to become a member or hold an official position in a Swiss organisation. BTW: Wouldn't it be better to discuss this on meta? -- akl 22:33, 22. Jun 2005 (CEST)
(temporäre) Emailadresse
Ich habe jetzt mal, parallel zur Homepage (danke an Poolpage!) eine temporäre Emailadresse eingerichtet. Wenn später dann emailadressen eingerichtet werden können, kann ohne problem ein dauer-forward angelegt werden. Die Emailadresse lautet [1], Napa und ich haben darauf Zugriff. Die Emailadresse soll später (auch momentan) v.a. für allfällige Anfragen von Aussenstehenden genutzt werden, oder auch von Personen, die ihre Beiträge nicht direkt hier auf meta posten wollen. Für die, die meinen, es brauche keine solche Mailadresse: Es entstehen keine Kosten, es müsste auch bei Nichtgebrauch allerhöchstens ab und zu Spam entfernt werden, was ich übernehmen werde. Gruss --Mbimmler 13:43, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Es wäre wahrscheinlich das beste später dann OTRS dafür zu verwenden. Fantasy 容 07:25, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Ja, das habe ich auch schon überlegt, aber dass wird wohl frühestens nach erfolgter Gründung des Vereins erhältlich sein. BTW: Eine Mailingliste sollten wir dann auch noch mal einrichten... Gruss --Mbimmler 14:50, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Above there's the discussion about the languages "officially" used in the Wikimedia Switzerland. Of course German and French (as the two major languages spoken in Switzerland) and English (for communication with Wikimedia Foundation and other Wikimedia sections). At least, Italian is now discussed to be included.
But what's up with Romansh (Rumantsch)...?? Come on, it's a federally recognised language in Switzerland and has the same official status like the other three. Please don't exclude Romansh from this discussion, because our country has four languages, and English should be used only for interwiki purposes. Inside the Swiss section we should use the four languages, mainly German and French, but also Italian and Romansh.
It's extremely important to keep the Romansh language alive, and this is a way to support these efforts, so please don't exclude Rumantsch. We could contact rm:User:SwissCelt, although he's not a native speaker, he can support us. MfG -- 20:31, 31 October 2005 (UTC) (de:Benutzer:CdaMVvWgS)
- We have during the Meeting posted a message on the rm.wikipedia main page (as there isn't any community portal / village pump etc.) and a message to 2 "active" users, although the most active users on rm.wikipedia are different IPs. We hope, that maybe somebody sees it, but we can't do more either. And, as you may see in our bylaws, internal communication of Wikimedia CH will be done in the languages of the Wikimedia CH-board members, i.e. if we have no rumantsch people on the board (and maybe no rumantsch members either), we'll probably not translate the long bylaws into tumantsch... --Mbimmler 11:48, 15 November 2005 (UTC)
- Ich könnte euch schon mit romanischen Übersetzungen helfen. Ich würde auch gerne die Hauptseite der romanischen Wikipedia übersetzen, doch ich weiss nicht wie man das anstellt. Und da meine Englisch-Kentnisse relativ passiv sind, konnte ich bis jetzt noch keine englische anfrage stellen.
- Hi! Super, dass du uns helfen willst! Die Hauptseite der romanischen Wikipedia ist aber doch schon in Romanisch, oder? Kennst du dich mit Wikis aus? Du kannst gerne die deutsche Version der Statuten nehmen und sie auf romanisch übersetzen und dann in die Mailingliste stellen oder ein neuen Artikel unter [2] erstellen. PS: Bist du in Wikipedia nicht registriert? --Muvon53 12:24, 24 November 2005 (UTC)
- Sehr gut, dass mal was im Gange ist. Diese Seite hier: dürfte extrem hilfreich sein für die rätoromanische Wikipedia und die rätoromanische Sektion von Wikimedia CH. MfG -- 13:29, 23 May 2006 (UTC) (de:Benutzer:CdaMVvWgS)