前号 | 2016年第02週 (2016年1月11日(月曜日)) | 次号 |
- Wikimedia statisticsにおける訪問者数のカウント手段として、もはやcomScoreは利用されなくなります。 [1]
- You can make interactive graphs with the Graph extension. There is now a tutorial for how to do this. [2]
- Some pages do not turn in up in categories where they should be. This is because link tables are sometimes not populated. [3]
- The Nuke extension will work with Flow. This will make it easier to handle spam in Flow. [4]
- New file uploads will now be patrollable. [5]
- Internet Explorer 8 は JavaScript に関するサポート対象から外れました。 Internet Explorer 8 は表示や編集において今後も利用可能ですが、一部の機能が利用できなくなります。この問題は、より新しいバージョンに更新するか、別なブラウザを利用することで解決できます。 [6][7]
VisualEditorチームの次のミーティングに参加することができます。ミーティングでは、あなたが最も重要だと考えるバグについて開発者に直接伝えることができます。ミーティングは 12 January at 20:00 (UTC)に行われます。(詳細)
URLs in the recent changes IRC feed will no longer be rewritten to unencrypted HTTP. This could be a breaking change for bots dependent on the IRC feed. [8]
- The edit tabs for the wikitext editor and the visual editor will be combined to one single edit tab. You will be able to choose which one you prefer. If you are not logged in, your choice will be saved as a cookie in your browser. You can test the single edit tab. [9][10]
- There is a beta feature that adds links to the subject on other Wikimedia projects. This works much like the links to for example Wikipedia articles in other languages. It will go out of beta testing and be enabled for everyone in January. Wikis that don't want this can decide to have it disabled. [11][12]
- The difference between "alerts" and "messages" notifications is unclear to some. The developers want feedback at the Phabricator task or on MediaWiki.org so they can make this better. You can give feedback in your language if you can't write in English.
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