De ugentlige tekniske sammendrag hjælper dig med at overvåge de seneste software ændringer der kan komme til at påvirke dig og andre Wikimedianere. Abonner, bidrag og giv feedback.
forrige | 2016, uge 12 (mandag 21. marts 2016) | næste |
Seneste udgave af de tekniske nyheder fra Wikimedias tekniske fællesskab. Fortæl venligst andre brugere om disse ændringer. Ikke alle ændringer vil påvirke dig. Oversættelser er tilgængelige.
- Wikimedia has a new backup data center in Dallas. The Wikimedia Technology department planned to test it this week. This will take place the week of April 18 instead. You can read more about the server work. There will be more notifications and updates about this.
- In Firefox, the visual editor would sometimes just jump down to the bottom of the page when you double-clicked on a table cell. This has now been fixed. [1]
Ændringer denne uge
- It will now be easier to list IP addresses that don't have to solve CAPTCHAs. [2]
- You will now be able to mark Echo notifications as unread. [3]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 22 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 23 March. It will be on all wikis from 24 March (calendar).
You can join the next meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 22 March at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Fremtidige ændringer
URLs in the recent changes IRC feed will no longer be rewritten to unencrypted HTTP. This could be a breaking change for bots dependent on the IRC feed. This will happen on May 2. [4]
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