上個 | 2018年第20個禮拜(2018年5月14號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- 動態地圖而家喺大部分維基百科用到。地圖上面嘅標籤亦都可以用唔同語言顯示。
- The new Advanced Search interface is now available as a Beta Feature on all wikis. This makes it easier to learn about and to use many of the powerful options in our search. Feedback is appreciated. [1]
你可以透過IRC參加技術建議會議。會議入面,自願幫手嘅開發人員可以請求技術相關嘅建議。會議會喺5月16號 15:00 (UTC)搞。請睇點樣參加。
- In the mobile view, warnings for when something is wrong with a page are not as clear as they should be. The developers are working on this. You can give feedback and suggestions.
- The developers are working on making the Wikipedia Android app available in more languages. You can give feedback, suggestions and help test it. Read more on mediawiki.org [2]