上個 | 2018年第22個禮拜(2018年5月28號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- You can now use global preferences on most wikis. This means you can set preferences for all wikis at the same time. Before this you had to change them on each individual wiki. Global preferences will come to the Wikipedias later this week. [1][2]
- It is now easier for blocked mobile users to see why they were blocked. [3]
- Wikidata now supports lexicographical data. This helps describe words.
- There is now a checkbox on Special:ListUsers to let you see only users in temporary user groups. [4]
- Some rare invisible Unicode characters have recently been banned from page titles. This includes soft hyphens (U+00AD) and left-to-right (U+2066) and right-to-left (U+2067) isolate markers. Existing pages with these characters will soon be moved by a script. [5]
- There's a new Wikimedia Foundation team to support the Wikimedia technical communities. It's called the Technical Engagement team. Most of the team members did similar work in other teams before this. [6]
- Some translatable pages are showing old translations instead of latest ones. The cause of this issue has been fixed. We will update all pages automatically to show the latest translations. [7]
- There will be a new special page named PasswordPolicies. This page gives information about the password rules for each user group on that wiki. [8]
- A new way to see moved paragraphs in diffs is coming to most wikis. This is to make it easier to find the moved paragraphs and the changes in them. [9]
- 測試wiki同埋mediawiki.org會喺5月29號升級做新版嘅MediaWiki。其它唔係維基百科嘅wiki同埋部份維基百科會喺5月30號升級。其餘wiki會喺5月31號升級(睇日曆)。
- Wikis can enable Citoid to provide automatic reference look-up in the visual editor and the 2017 wikitext editor. This is complex. The tool will now disable itself if the configuration isn't correct. It has warned about this in the JavaScript console since February. Check that your wiki is configured correctly. You can ask for help if you need it. [10]
- 你可以參加下一個同編輯組一齊嘅會議。會議入面,你可以話畀開發人員有咩臭蟲你覺得最緊要。會議會喺5月29號 18:30 (UTC)搞。請睇點樣參加。
- 你可以透過IRC參加技術建議會議。會議入面,自願幫手嘅開發人員可以請求技術相關嘅建議。會議會喺5月30號 15:00 (UTC)搞。請睇點樣參加。
- 超過一年無更新嘅内容翻譯草稿會自動刪除。噉係為咗畀其他用戶去翻譯嗰啲文章。 [11]
- A survey is collecting information on what users think about how Wikimedia wiki pages are loaded. This information could be used in future development. [12]
- 部分wiki會喺5月30號同6月13號轉用Remex解析器。噉做係為咗去取代Tidy。所有喺主命名空間度每個高重要度linter分類少過100個linter問題嘅wiki都會轉換。當中亦包含維基數據。Tidy應該會喺7月第一個禮拜喺所有wiki被移除。 [13][14]