上個 | 2018年第35個禮拜(2018年8月27號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- You can now see moved paragraphs in diffs in the mobile view. It also works on all languages in the desktop view. [1]
- Bureaucrats on all Wikimedia wikis can now remove the interface admin user right. [2]
- Some diffs show lines in the wrong order. The developers are working on fixing it. [3]
- The message you see when you thank a user will change. This is to make it easier to understand. [4]
- AWB(自動維基瀏覽器)將唔會再喺編輯摘要度加
由 自動維基瀏覽器幫手
。 [5] Some abuse filter variables have changed. They are now easier to understand for non-experts. The old variables will still work but filter editors are encouraged to replace them with the new ones. You can find the list of changed variables on mediawiki.org. They have a note which says
Deprecated. Use ... instead
. An example isarticle_text
which is nowpage_title
. [6]Abuse filters can now use how old a page is. The variable is
. [7]測試wiki同埋mediawiki.org會喺8月28號升級做新版嘅MediaWiki。其它唔係維基百科嘅wiki同埋部份維基百科會喺8月29號升級。其餘wiki會喺8月30號升級(睇日曆)。
歡迎參與下個禮拜嘅編輯團隊會議。會議入面,你可以話畀開發人員知邊啲問題同臭蟲係最緊要嘅。會議將會喺8月28日 18:30 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。
歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議上面,義務開發人員可以索取建議。會議將會喺8月29日 15:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。
Future changes
- Because of a data centre test you will be able to read but not edit the wikis for up to an hour on 12 September and 10 October. This will start at 14:00 (UTC). You might lose edits if you try to save during this time. The time when you can't edit might be shorter than an hour. You can read more about this.