上個 | 2018年第49個禮拜(2018年12月3號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- 管理員將來如果係俾第個人封嘅話會無得解封自己。噉係因為如果有人攞咗人哋嘅管理員戶口來搞搞震嘅話,第啲管理員會封鎖唔到佢哋。如果你嘅社群度有咩問題,你可以去Phabricator度報告。你亦都可以喺維基元度問問題。Phabricator度討論緊關於兩個管理員喺個細wiki度互封對方可以點算。 [1]
- Small SVG images are now bigger when you see them in MediaViewer. [2]
- You can go to a section from the edit summary by clicking on the section name. Before this you had to click on the arrow. [3]
- When you jumped to a footnote that was referenced several times in an article it could be difficult to see where you were in the text. Now there are jump marks and highlights to help you find your way back. [4][5]
- 今個禮拜無新MediaWiki版本。
歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議度,開發人員義工可以索取建議。會議將會喺12月5日 16:00 (UTC)同23:00 (UTC)舉行。請睇參加辦法。