上個 | 2019年第03個禮拜(2019年1月14號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- 你而家可以喺内容翻譯架生度用Google翻譯。 [1][2]
- You can now add captions to files on Commons. Captions are short descriptions of the file. They can be translated to all languages we use. They can't use wikitext markup.
- 以前,括住嘅HTML屬性後面要有個空格。而家唔駛嘞,亦即係話就算你無改到某部分嘅内容,儲存咗之後嗰樣都可能會有唔同。 [3][4]
Templates with <templatestyles> could not show the difference between the live template and the sandbox version when they were tested. This has now been fixed. <templatestyles> has a new
parameter now. You can use it for selectors like.mw-parser-output <wrapper parameter value> <selector from CSS page>
. [5]
- When you see an edit in the recent changes feed or in the history of a page some of them have tags. Some tags are added automatically. You can also add tags manually. Tags for edits that have been added manually can be edited. This didn't work for a little while. This has now been fixed. [6]
- You can move files from your wiki to Wikimedia Commons and keep the file history with the new FileExporter. It will be a beta feature on all wikis from 16 January. If you want to test it you activate it and check your wiki's configuration file.
- Users who could cause more damage to the wikis if someone took over their account have to have more secure passwords. This includes administrators and other user groups. They can't use passwords that are in a list of common passwords. Accounts with common passwords are easy to take over. The list of common passwords was made longer a few weeks ago and has a different error message. Some user groups have been added to those who can't use common passwords. This is to protect all accounts with user rights that could cause damage. [7]
歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議上面,義務開發人員可以索取建議。會議將會喺1月16號 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。
In the future users can be blocked from editing a page or a namespace. What a "block" means will change. This means that you might have to update tools you maintain that handle blocks. [8]