上個 | 2019年第24個禮拜(2019年6月10號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- When you create a PDF from a page on the wiki this is now done by Proton. Before this we used Electron. It should look the same but work better. Both use Chromium. This is a different system from when you collect several articles into a book and make a PDF from them. [1][2]
- The Flagged Revisions extension now uses the standard OOUI icons. There will be additional minor fixes for positioning in the next deployment. [3]
- 機械人同其他自動工具若果唔設定一個可以識別嘅User-Agent(用戶代理)嘅話,喺設定返啱之前可能會受嚴格嘅速率限制。 [4]
- Please check if the Flagged Revisions configuration on your wiki is as you expect (or as it was a few weeks ago). If not, please report it. [5]
- 今個禮拜無新MediaWiki版本。
- 歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議上面,開發人員義工可以索取建議。會議將會喺6月12號 15:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。