上個 | 2024年第05個禮拜(2024年1月29號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- 1月29號星期一起,所有討論版留言嘅時間標記會變做連結。呢條連結會係連去則留言嘅固定連結,就算條留言搬咗去第度,其他用戶都可以搵返。英文維基百科以外嘅所有 wiki 都會受影響。你可以去 Diff 或 Mediawiki.org 度了解詳情。 [1]
- There are some improvements to the CAPTCHA to make it harder for spam bots and scripts to bypass it. If you have feedback on this change, please comment on the task. Staff are monitoring metrics related to the CAPTCHA, as well as secondary metrics such as account creations and edit counts.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 30 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 31 January. It will be on all wikis from 1 February (calendar). [2][3]
- 喺2月1號,架撐 menu 度會加條新連結,畀你下載個連去你睇緊嗰版嘅 QR code。想為任何維基媒體 URL 整個 QR code 嘅話,亦會有個新嘅 Special:QrCode 呢版。呢個改動係回應2023年社羣願望清單調查嘅第19高票願望。 [4]
- Gadgets which only work in some skins have sometimes used the
option to limit where you can use them. This will stop working this week. You should use theskins
option instead. [5]