Template:Affiliate Health Criteria Form
Affiliate basic information | ||
What is the affiliate name? | {{{name}}} | |
Please list the languages supported by this affiliate | {{{languages}}} | |
Please list countries where this affiliate operates | {{{countries}}} | |
Reporting timeline (e.g. January-December) | {{{timeline}}} | |
Reporting year (e.g. 2024 or 2024-2025) | {{{reportingyear}}} | |
Primary contact (user name) | {{{primarycontact}}} | |
Secondary contact (user name) | {{{secondarycontact}}} | |
Goal delivery | ||
What is the affiliate mission? | {{{mission}}} | |
What are the affiliate goals? Link to the strategic plan, if there is one. | {{{goals}}} | |
Organizational development | ||
How does the affiliate make decisions? How are decisions communicated? | {{{decisionmaking}}} | |
What is the current state of the affiliate finances? Link to the latest financial report, if there is one. | {{{financialreport}}} | |
Affiliate health and resilience
| ||
How many people participate in the decision-making process in the affiliate? | {{{decisionmakingparticipants}}} | |
Has there been any significant changes in the level of the affiliate membership body (e.g. increase/decrease of number of dues-paying members)? | {{{membershiptrends}}} | |
Are there any affiliate activities in the past year that were led by affiliate members? Please share the highlights. | {{{membersactivities}}} | |
Leadership and inclusion | ||
Diverse, skilled, and accountable leadership
| ||
What kind of skills does the affiliate leadership possess? | {{{leadershipskills}}} | |
Is there any kind of succession plan for the affiliate leadership? | {{{successionplanning}}} | |
Are there any trainings that affiliate leadership undergo before they assume their leadership position? | {{{leadershiptrainings}}} | |
Are there any requirements for affiliate leadership to disclose their conflict(s) of interests? | {{{leadershipcoi}}} | |
Diversity balance (especially gender)
| ||
What is the diversity level of the affiliate leadership and membership body? | {{{affiliatediversity}}} | |
How is the affiliate leadership encouraging gender diversity in the decision-making process(es) of the affiliate? | {{{decisionmakingdiversity}}} | |
Universal Code of Conduct compliance
| ||
How does the affiliate leadership ensure, enforce, and evaluate compliance with the Universal Code of Conduct obligations? | {{{ucoccompliance}}} | |
Engagement and Collaboration | ||
Please share the publicly available records of regular meetings, activities, events, or conference in the past year where the affiliate has participated. | {{{meetingrecords}}} | |
Community connection | ||
How many affiliate members are active contributors to the Wikimedia projects? | {{{activecontributors}}} | |
How many affiliate members are not active contributors to the Wikimedia projects? | {{{noncontributors}}} | |
How many affiliate members are active organizers (of projects, events, conferences, initiatives, etc) within the Wikimedia movement? | {{{organizers}}} | |
How many people have participated in affiliate projects, events, conferences, and/or initiatives in the past year? | {{{participants}}} | |
Partnerships and collaboration | ||
Please list all activities/initiatives that the affiliate has organized or co-organized in past 12 months. | {{{activities}}} | |
What would affiliate leadership list as the top 3 (three) capacities of the affiliate? (e.g. evaluation, community governance, programs and events, organizational governance and resource policies, conflict management, partnerships, fundraising, communication and media relations, contributor development, on-wiki technical skills, policy advocacy, etc) | {{{affiliatecapacity1}}} | |
{{{affiliatecapacity2}}} | ||
{{{affiliatecapacity3}}} | ||
What are the 3 (three) capacities that the affiliate would like to strengthen in the next 12 months? | {{{capacitytoimprove1}}} | |
{{{capacitytoimprove2}}} | ||
{{{capacitytoimprove3}}} | ||
What are the organizations, community projects, or groups that the affiliate had been working or seeking to work with to develop and support the 3 capacities? | {{{partners}}} |
{{Affiliate Health Criteria Form}} is used by Wikimedia affiliates to submit updated information on affiliate health and activities.
editAffiliates are expected to submit a report utilizing this template by following instructions on this page.
Filing using visual editor:
If the template does not exist on the page
- Open up the page you wish to create
- Select "Edit"
- Start typing {{ to open up the Template Inserter
- Enter for "Affiliate Health Criteria Form" in the search box
- Select "Affiliate Health Criteria Form" from the drop-down in the search box
- Enter the affiliate information into the template, following the prompts and examples
- When the form is complete, select "Insert"
- Save the page
If the template already exists on the page
- Select "Edit"
- Click on the template
- Click on the "Edit" box in the box with the puzzle icon that appears
- Enter affiliate information into the template, following the prompts and examples
- When the form is complete, select "Insert"
- Save the page
You can go back and edit the template at anytime by selecting "Edit", clicking on the template and selecting "Edit" again.
Using the source editor:
- Open up the page you wish to create
- Select "Edit source"
- Click on the puzzle icon in the toolbar at the top of the editing window
- Enter for "Affiliate Health Criteria Form" in the search box
- Select "Affiliate Health Criteria Form" from the drop-down in the search box
- Enter affiliate information into the template, following the prompts and examples
- When the form is complete, select "Insert"
- Save the page
Additionally, you may copy the blank version of the template and fill it conveniently through Source editor.
{{Affiliate Health Criteria Form |name= |languages= |countries= |timeline= |reportingyear= |primarycontact= |secondarycontact= |mission= |goals= |decisionmaking= |financialreport= |decisionmakingparticipants= |membershiptrends= |membersactivities= |leadershipskills= |successionplanning= |leadershiptrainings= |leadershipcoi= |affiliatediversity= |decisionmakingdiversity= |ucoccompliance= |meetingrecords= |activecontributors= |noncontributors= |organizers= |participants= |activities= |affiliatecapacity1= |affiliatecapacity2= |affiliatecapacity3= |capacitytoimprove1= |capacitytoimprove2= |capacitytoimprove3= |partners= }}
editAffiliate basic information | ||
What is the affiliate name? | {{{name}}} | |
Please list the languages supported by this affiliate | {{{languages}}} | |
Please list countries where this affiliate operates | {{{countries}}} | |
Reporting timeline (e.g. January-December) | {{{timeline}}} | |
Reporting year (e.g. 2024 or 2024-2025) | {{{reportingyear}}} | |
Primary contact (user name) | {{{primarycontact}}} | |
Secondary contact (user name) | {{{secondarycontact}}} | |
Goal delivery | ||
What is the affiliate mission? | {{{mission}}} | |
What are the affiliate goals? Link to the strategic plan, if there is one. | {{{goals}}} | |
Organizational development | ||
How does the affiliate make decisions? How are decisions communicated? | {{{decisionmaking}}} | |
What is the current state of the affiliate finances? Link to the latest financial report, if there is one. | {{{financialreport}}} | |
How many people participate in the decision-making process in the affiliate? | {{{decisionmakingparticipants}}} | |
Has there been any significant changes in the level of the affiliate membership body (e.g. increase/decrease of number of dues-paying members)? | {{{membershiptrends}}} | |
Are there any affiliate activities in the past year that were led by affiliate members? Please share the highlights. | {{{membersactivities}}} | |
Leadership and inclusion | ||
What kind of skills does the affiliate leadership possess? | {{{leadershipskills}}} | |
Is there any kind of succession plan for the affiliate leadership? | {{{successionplanning}}} | |
Are there any trainings that affiliate leadership undergo before they assume their leadership position? | {{{leadershiptrainings}}} | |
Are there any requirements for affiliate leadership to disclose their conflict(s) of interests? | {{{leadershipcoi}}} | |
What is the diversity level of the affiliate leadership and membership body? | {{{affiliatediversity}}} | |
How is the affiliate leadership encouraging gender diversity in the decision-making process(es) of the affiliate? | {{{decisionmakingdiversity}}} | |
How does the affiliate leadership ensure, enforce, and evaluate compliance with the Universal Code of Conduct obligations? | {{{ucoccompliance}}} | |
Engagement and Collaboration | ||
Please share the publicly available records of regular meetings, activities, events, or conference in the past year where the affiliate has participated. | {{{meetingrecords}}} | |
Community connection | ||
How many affiliate members are active contributors to the Wikimedia projects? | {{{activecontributors}}} | |
How many affiliate members are not active contributors to the Wikimedia projects? | {{{noncontributors}}} | |
How many affiliate members are active organizers (of projects, events, conferences, initiatives, etc) within the Wikimedia movement? | {{{organizers}}} | |
How many people have participated in affiliate projects, events, conferences, and/or initiatives in the past year? | {{{participants}}} | |
Partnerships and collaboration | ||
Please list all activities/initiatives that the affiliate has organized or co-organized in past 12 months. | {{{activities}}} | |
What would affiliate leadership list as the top 3 (three) capacities of the affiliate? (e.g. evaluation, community governance, programs and events, organizational governance and resource policies, conflict management, partnerships, fundraising, communication and media relations, contributor development, on-wiki technical skills, policy advocacy, etc) | {{{affiliatecapacity1}}} | |
{{{affiliatecapacity2}}} | ||
{{{affiliatecapacity3}}} | ||
What are the 3 (three) capacities that the affiliate would like to strengthen in the next 12 months? | {{{capacitytoimprove1}}} | |
{{{capacitytoimprove2}}} | ||
{{{capacitytoimprove3}}} | ||
What are the organizations, community projects, or groups that the affiliate had been working or seeking to work with to develop and support the 3 capacities? | {{{partners}}} |
editIf a field is not applicable to your affiliate or chapter, please put "Not applicable" or "N/A".
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Name | name | Name of reporting affiliate.
| String | required |
Languages | languages | Languages supported by the affiliate.
| String | required |
Countries | countries | Countries where the affiliate operates.
| Unknown | required |
Timeline | timeline | Range of time that reports cover.
| String | required |
Reporting year | reportingyear | Calendar year or years covered by the reporting period.
| Unknown | required |
Primary contact | primarycontact | Username of the affiliate's primary contact.
| User | required |
Secondary contact | secondarycontact | Username of the affiliate's secondary contact.
| User | required |
Mission | mission | Affiliate's stated mission or purpose.
| String | required |
Goals | goals | List the affiliate goals.
| String | required |
Decision making | decisionmaking | Outlines the decision making process within the affiliate, and how decisions are communicated.
| String | required |
Financial report | financialreport | Describe the current state of affiliate finances. | String | required |
Decision-making participants | decisionmakingparticipants | Number of people who participate in the decision-making process.
| String | required |
Membership trends | membershiptrends | Describe any increases or decreases in membership during this reporting period.
| String | required |
Members activities | membersactivities | If affiliate members put on any activities during this reporting period, please describe them.
| String | required |
Leadership skills | leadershipskills | Describe the areas of strength in affiliate leadership.
| String | required |
Succession planning | successionplanning | Does the affiliate have a plan for transitioning to new leaders, in case of membership changes or any other foreseen or unforeseen circumstance?
| String | required |
Leadership trainings | leadershiptrainings | Do affiliate leaders receive any training before assuming their roles? If yes, please describe them.
| String | required |
Leadership COI | leadershipcoi | Are members in leadership positions required to disclose potential conflicts of interest?
| String | required |
Affiliate diversity | affiliatediversity | Particularly gender, what is the percentage balance of the affiliate's leadership and membership.
| String | required |
Decision-making diversity | decisionmakingdiversity | Describe how the affiliate accounts for balance of viewpoints in decision making in regards to gender.
| String | required |
Universal Code of Conduct compliance | ucoccompliance | Describe how the affiliate educates members on the UCoC, and enforce its compliance.
| String | required |
Meeting records | meetingrecords | Link to the affiliate Meta-wiki page or another webpage where the meeting records for the covered time period are documented.
| String | required |
Active contributors | activecontributors | The number or percentage of affiliate members who actively edit (5 or more edits per month).
| String | required |
Inactive or non-project contributors | noncontributors | The number or percentage of affiliate members who are editors but are not active, or do not directly edit the projects as a means of participation.
| String | required |
Active organizers | organizers | The number or percentage of membership that works in organizing activities.
| String | required |
Activities participants | participants | The number or percentage of affiliate members who participated in an organized activity related to Wikimedia during the reporting period.
| String | required |
Organized activities | activities | Link to or list the organized or co-organized activities the affiliate participated in during the reporting period.
| String | required |
Affiliate capacity strength #1 | affiliatecapacity1 | One capacity that the affiliate currently possess.
| Unknown | required |
Affiliate capacity strength #2 | affiliatecapacity2 | One capacity that the affiliate currently possess.
| Unknown | required |
Affiliate capacity strength #3 | affiliatecapacity3 | One capacity that the affiliate currently possess.
| Unknown | required |
Affiliate capacity improvement #1 | capacitytoimprove1 | One capacity that the affiliate would like to improve.
| Unknown | required |
Affiliate capacity improvement #2 | capacitytoimprove2 | One capacity that the affiliate would like to improve.
| Unknown | required |
Affiliate capacity improvement #3 | capacitytoimprove3 | One capacity that the affiliate would like to improve.
| Unknown | required |
Partners for capacity | partners | List whomever the affiliate may work with or would like to work with to strengthen its capacity skills.
| String | required |